Malware _______ are delivery methods that take advantage of security flaws.

For all too many companies, it’s not until after a breach has occurred that security becomes a priority. An effective approach to IT security must, by definition, be proactive and defensive. This article focuses on avoiding 10 common and significant web-related IT security pitfalls.


Gergely Kalman

Gergely has worked as lead developer for an Alexa Top 50 website that serves several million unique visitors each month.



Editor’s note: This article was updated on 08/12/2022 by our editorial team. It has been modified to include recent sources and to align with our current editorial standards.

For all too many companies, it’s not until after a security breach has occurred that web security best practices become a priority. During my years working as an IT security professional, I saw—time and time again—how obscure the world of web development security issues can be to so many of my fellow programmers.

An effective approach to web security threats must, by definition, be proactive and defensive. Toward that end, we aim to spark a security mindset and to inject the reader with a healthy dose of paranoia.

In particular, this guide focuses on developing an awareness of and mitigating 10 common and significant web security pitfalls.

An example of some common web vulnerabilities no one wants to face.

Authentication and Authorization: A Cyber Security Primer

Programmers and IT professionals often express confusion regarding the distinction between authorization and authentication. The use of the abbreviation auth for both terms increases the haziness that surrounds them.

Let’s define and clarify the distinction:

  • Authentication: Verifying that a user is (or at least appears to be) the person they say they are.
  • Authorization: Granting a user access to a specific resource, or permission to perform a particular action.

Stated another way, authentication is knowing who an entity is, while authorization is what a given entity can do. With this in mind, let’s explore 10 common internet vulnerability issues.

Injection Flaws

Injection flaws result from a classic failure to filter untrusted input. Injection flaws can happen when we pass unfiltered data to the SQL server (SQL injection), to the browser (via Cross Site Scripting), to the LDAP server (LDAP injection), or anywhere else. The problem here is that the attacker can inject commands to hijack clients’ browsers, resulting in loss of data.

Anything that your application receives from an untrusted source must be filtered, preferably according to a whitelist. Using a blacklist to this end is not recommended, as it is difficult to configure properly. A blacklist is also considered easy for a hacker to bypass. Antivirus software products typically provide stellar examples of failing blacklists. Pattern matching does not work.

Prevention: Protecting against injection is “simply” a matter of filtering our input and considering which senders can be trusted. Filtering is quite an undertaking because we need to process all input unless it can unquestionably be trusted.

If we filter 999 inputs in a system with 1,000 inputs, we still have one field that can be the Achilles’ heel that brings down our system.

Using Second Order SQL Injection to inject one SQL query result into another is also considered dangerous. It could seem like a good idea because the database is trusted. But if the perimeter is not, our input could originate indirectly from a malicious source.

Since filtering is pretty hard to get right, it is advisable to rely on our framework’s filtering functions. They are proven to work and thoroughly scrutinized. If you do not already use a framework, consider the server security benefits of moving to one. .

Broken Authentication

Problems that might occur during broken authentication don’t necessarily stem from the same root cause. Rolling your own authentication code is not recommended, as it is hard to get right. There are myriad possible pitfalls, and here are a few:

  1. The URL might contain the session ID and leak it in the referer header.
  2. Passwords might not be encrypted in storage and/or transit.
  3. Session IDs might be predictable, making it a little too easy to gain unauthorized access.
  4. Session fixation might be possible.
  5. Session hijacking could occur if timeouts are not implemented correctly, or if using HTTP (no SSL security), etc.

Prevention: The most straightforward way to avoid the web security vulnerabilities related to broken authentication is to implement a framework. If you roll your own code, be extremely paranoid and educate yourself on the potential issues that could arise.

Cross-Site Scripting (XSS)

An attacker sends on input JavaScript tags to your web application. When this input is returned to the user unsanitized, the user’s browser would execute it. This is a fairly widespread input sanitization failure, essentially a subcategory of injection flaws). CSS can be as simple as crafting a link and persuading a user to click it, or it can be something much more sinister. For example, on page load, the script would run and be used to post your cookies to the attacker.

Prevention: Simply put, don’t return HTML tags to the client. This would also protect you from HTML injection, which is when an attacker injects plain HTML content (such as images or loud but invisible flash players). To implement this solution, convert all HTML entities to return something else. For example, convert

It is worth mentioning that stuffing unsanitized user-defined input into an <1 header might lead to header injection, which is pretty bad.

Prevention: Options include:

  • Don’t do redirects; these are seldom necessary.
  • When a redirect is necessary, have a static list of valid redirect locations.
  • Whitelist the user-defined parameter. Note this can be tricky.


I hope I managed to tickle your brain and to introduce a healthy dose of paranoia and website security vulnerability awareness.

The core takeaway here is that age-old software practices exist for a reason. What applied back in the day for buffer overflows still applies for pickled strings in Python today. Security protocols help us write better and safer programs, which we should aspire to do.

Please use this knowledge responsibly, and don’t test pages without permission!

For more information, see specific server side attacks and OWASP’s Attacks page.

Feedback on this post and its mitigation advice is welcome and appreciated. To request a future article from me on web protection, feel free to contact me directly at [email protected].

Here’s to website security! Cheers.

Further Reading on the Toptal Engineering Blog:

  • JSON Web Token Tutorial: An Example in Laravel and AngularJS
  • Cold War Tech: It’s Still Here, And Still Being Used
  • Changelog: The OWASP Top 10 Project
  • Performance and Efficiency: Working with HTTP
  • 9 Essential System Security Interview Questions

Understanding the basics

What is an internet security threat?

Internet security threats are methods of abusing web technology to the detriment of a website, its users, or even the internet at large. Threats arise from websites that are misconfigured, were inadvertently programmed with vulnerabilities, or rely on components that are themselves vulnerable.

What are the most common security threats?

The top internet security threats are always evolving, with injection and authentication flaws often at the top of the list. Open Web Application Security Project (OWASP), an international nonprofit organization, compiles and publishes its OWASP Top 10 annually.

How do you redirect a URL?

Make sure that any redirects your site makes (e.g., via HTTP headers, meta tags, JavaScript) do not rely on user input, or that any user input is sanitized (e.g., via a whitelist).

What is the use of CSRF token?

A cross-site request forgery (CSRF) token lets a server know that a request is coming from auser on that site and not from another website the user is visiting. This is because the token is passed with every request via a hidden form field, preventing malicious sites from acting on behalf of their viewers via CSRF attacks.

What is unvalidated input?

Also known as "dirty" or "untrusted" input, unvalidated input may be any input that is sent to your server. Using such input without sanitizing it first is a security vulnerability that can be turned against you or your users.

What do you mean by SQL injection?

SQL injection is when your code adds unvalidated input directly into an SQL statement, instead of using a parameterized query. Fortunately, parameterized query support is built into every database library, so SQL injection attacks are some of the easiest to mitigate.

What does XSS exploit in a web application?

XSS (cross-site scripting) exploits misguided implementations of a common web application feature: the ability to receive HTML from one user and present it to others. Because unfiltered HTML can contain JavaScript, an attacker can receive it, then run code on behalf of another user (or users) when the other user returns to the web application.

What is security misconfiguration?

Security misconfiguration refers to undesired defaults in an application that's in production. Misconfiguration also refers to failing to install security updates in a timely manner.

What is broken access control?

This is when the server is not programmed to verify authorization for a given function. Broken access control may result from a "security through obscurity" mindset: a false assumption that if a sensitive feature isn't prominently displayed, potential attackers will never find it.

What is sensitive data exposure?

Sensitive data exposure is when an app (either by its own flaw or by an attacker's abuse of a vulnerability) reveals a user's private data (e.g., credit card numbers) to an unauthorized third party.



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Gergely Kalman

Security Specialist

About the author

Gergely is a versatile CTO with a wide variety of experience in a lot of different technologies. He is able to design systems from the ground up and carry them through their lifecycle. Having managed his own tech team, he does not shy away from managing others or advising business decisions.

Hire Gergely


Joel Wallis Jucá

Well, taking a fast lookup in the post image I can guess that 10 most common web security vulnerabilities comes from the use of ASP/ASP.NET technologies. :-P

Joel Wallis Jucá

Well, taking a fast lookup in the post image I can guess that 10 most common web security vulnerabilities comes from the use of ASP/ASP.NET technologies. :-P

Gergely Kalman

Not quite, PHP is used extensively as an example for a reason.

Gergely Kalman

Not quite, PHP is used extensively as an example for a reason.

Joel Wallis Jucá

Hehehe I was kidding. Web security is all about the correct usage of the involved technologies. Web security requires a bit of paranoia to keep the software secure, with many required technical steps. So, there's no relation with technology A or B, your software stack and development practices will make your software secure or not. To prevent some of those vulnerabilities I would advise the usage of open source frameworks, or even micro-frameworks for specific situations (ex: HTTP request handling, ACL, database abstraction and data security), so you will take advantage of contributed expertise on solving these kind of issues. Congrats for the post! It's going to Twitter! :-)

Joel Wallis Jucá

Hehehe I was kidding. Web security is all about the correct usage of the involved technologies. Web security requires a bit of paranoia to keep the software secure, with many required technical steps. So, there's no relation with technology A or B, your software stack and development practices will make your software secure or not. To prevent some of those vulnerabilities I would advise the usage of open source frameworks, or even micro-frameworks for specific situations (ex: HTTP request handling, ACL, database abstraction and data security), so you will take advantage of contributed expertise on solving these kind of issues. Congrats for the post! It's going to Twitter! :-)

Craig Fox

Common Mistake #4: Insecure Direct Object References The whole point of REST is to define Direct Object references. So, can you suggest best practices for accommodating this design pattern and still be secure. I would think that global authentication and appropriate authorization would be the solution.

Craig Fox

Common Mistake #4: Insecure Direct Object References The whole point of REST is to define Direct Object references. So, can you suggest best practices for accommodating this design pattern and still be secure. I would think that global authentication and appropriate authorization would be the solution.

Gergely Kalman

All of this is true, but a given technology/framework/company has a culture and culture has a lot to do with best practices and as such, security. OpenBSD is a very good example to good security, PHP stuff in general is one of the not so good examples. Not because PHP is inherently bad, or because PHP coders are not smart. It is because a lot of people who start programming go with PHP and produce lots and lots of very visible code that is vulnerable.

Gergely Kalman

All of this is true, but a given technology/framework/company has a culture and culture has a lot to do with best practices and as such, security. OpenBSD is a very good example to good security, PHP stuff in general is one of the not so good examples. Not because PHP is inherently bad, or because PHP coders are not smart. It is because a lot of people who start programming go with PHP and produce lots and lots of very visible code that is vulnerable.

Gergely Kalman

Well, you are right, authentication and authorization must always be there and working. These will make this problem go away, or lessen it at least. But even then, there also remains the abstractioning problem where private implementational details are exposed and relied upon which is rarely a good idea.

Gergely Kalman

Well, you are right, authentication and authorization must always be there and working. These will make this problem go away, or lessen it at least. But even then, there also remains the abstractioning problem where private implementational details are exposed and relied upon which is rarely a good idea.

Enrique Conci

Hey Gergely, Excelent Post man! You know, about relying in frameworks.... As a very conservative person I prefer to add modsecurity at the top and drive an exhaustive test over it, just to bring some peace to my mind. It's a tedious work to catch all those false positives but once you have everything in place you can sleep with both eyes closed and, the next morning see in logs "bad-robots", massive downloaders or crap like that dying against the software firewall. Again, this is my personal super-paranoic ultra-funky opinion :D Thanks for posting this !!!

Enrique Conci

Hey Gergely, Excelent Post man! You know, about relying in frameworks.... As a very conservative person I prefer to add modsecurity at the top and drive an exhaustive test over it, just to bring some peace to my mind. It's a tedious work to catch all those false positives but once you have everything in place you can sleep with both eyes closed and, the next morning see in logs "bad-robots", massive downloaders or crap like that dying against the software firewall. Again, this is my personal super-paranoic ultra-funky opinion :D Thanks for posting this !!!

Joel Wallis Jucá

So, again, the security question depends on the technology usage. So if you are a good programmer who cares about security you'll write secure code. If you are a bad programmer, you'll write insecure code with whichever language you pick.

Joel Wallis Jucá

So, again, the security question depends on the technology usage. So if you are a good programmer who cares about security you'll write secure code. If you are a bad programmer, you'll write insecure code with whichever language you pick.

Richard Cochrane

Thanks Gergely. Great article and well explained. I totally agree about frameworks - I worked with a guy who used Django but then proceeded to write his own auth module. He was unwilling to see that his salt algorithm was flawed since he had designed it himself (and was not a security expert) and defended his SHA1 hashing, even though if he'd stuck with Django's auth module, it would've upgraded the password hashing to bcrypt for free (and it's been there for a while). Interestingly, I wrote my own security article for my company the day before yours and published it the day after. You make find it interesting :-)

Richard Cochrane

Thanks Gergely. Great article and well explained. I totally agree about frameworks - I worked with a guy who used Django but then proceeded to write his own auth module. He was unwilling to see that his salt algorithm was flawed since he had designed it himself (and was not a security expert) and defended his SHA1 hashing, even though if he'd stuck with Django's auth module, it would've upgraded the password hashing to bcrypt for free (and it's been there for a while). Interestingly, I wrote my own security article for my company the day before yours and published it the day after. You make find it interesting :-)

Rodrigo Alves

Awesome article. Thanks

Rodrigo Alves

Awesome article. Thanks

Faozul Azim

Concise and well....

Faozul Azim

Concise and well....


highest mistake: fall by ping -f


highest mistake: fall by ping -f

Chintan pathak

Good Article to start with website security

Chintan pathak

Good Article to start with website security

Penny L Adams

Great post Gergely. Very helpful for newbies in programming. I agree that sensitive data exposure is one of the common vulnerabilities that newbies make. Here at my company, I conduct presentations and sessions for junior programmers. We give more importance to data security. The senior programmers will conduct the weekly sessions and monthly sessions will conduct by security firms like in Mississauga. Anyway thanks for sharing this.

Penny L Adams

Great post Gergely. Very helpful for newbies in programming. I agree that sensitive data exposure is one of the common vulnerabilities that newbies make. Here at my company, I conduct presentations and sessions for junior programmers. We give more importance to data security. The senior programmers will conduct the weekly sessions and monthly sessions will conduct by security firms like in Mississauga. Anyway thanks for sharing this.

AbdelRahman Mohammed

so let's find if Disqus is smart that was a joke.. of course i didn't expect Disqus to be broken

AbdelRahman Mohammed

so let's find if Disqus is smart that was a joke.. of course i didn't expect Disqus to be broken

Ahmad Shakir

Hi Gergely, Thats a nice post i think. Learned a lot things. But it would be better if you mentioned ways/ tools for identifying those security holes/ vulnerabilities as a security expert. Please suggest tools/ ways for identifying those security holes. Thanks in advance.

Ahmad Shakir

Hi Gergely, Thats a nice post i think. Learned a lot things. But it would be better if you mentioned ways/ tools for identifying those security holes/ vulnerabilities as a security expert. Please suggest tools/ ways for identifying those security holes. Thanks in advance.

Lukas Cerny

Not bad. Similar article I like And the most common Wways to breach data security:

Lukas Cerny

Not bad. Similar article I like And the most common Wways to breach data security:


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For all Hacking and Private Investigation Service such as; -Facebook, Whatsapp, Snapchat, any Social Media or Chat; Messenger -Knowing if your Partner (husband, wife, boyfriend, or girlfriend) is cheating -Change of Grades; Examination Hack; Hacking of University Portal -Background Checks -Email Hacking CONTACT: [email protected]

Chris Chase (iamtheZipp3r)


Chris Chase (iamtheZipp3r)


Geordy James

Here is the list of 58 Type of attack on webs base application... 1 Sql Injection Attack 2 Hibernate Query Language Injection 3 Direct OS Code Injection 4 XML Entity Injection 5 Broken Authentication and Session Management 6 Cross-Site Scripting (XSS) 7 Insecure Direct Object References 8 Security Misconfiguration 9 Sensitive Data Exposure 10 Missing Function Level Access Control 11 Cross-Site Request Forgery (CSRF) 12 Using Components with Known Vulnerabilities 13 Unvalidated Redirects and Forwards 14 Cross Site Scripting Attacks 15 ClickjackingAttacks 16 DNS Cache Poisoning 17 Symlinking – An Insider Attack 18 Cross Site Request Forgery Attacks 19 Remote Code Execution Attacks 20 Remote File inclusion 21 Local file inclusion 22 Evercookie 23 Denial of Service Attack 24 Cookie Eviction 25 phpwn 26 NAT Pinning 27 XSHM 28 MitM DNS Rebinding SSL/TLS Wildcards and XSS 29 Quick Proxy Detection 30 Improving HTTPS Side Channel Attacks 31 Side Channel Attacks in SSL 32 Turning XSS into Clickjacking 33 Bypassing CSRF protections with ClickJacking and 34 HTTP Parameter Pollution 35 URL Hijacking 36 Strokejacking 37 Fooling B64_Encode(Payload) on WAFs and filters 38 MySQL Stacked Queries with SQL Injection. 39 Posting raw XML cross-domain 40 Generic cross-browser cross-domain theft 41 Attacking HTTPS with Cache Injection 42 Tapjacking 43 XSS-Track 44 Next Generation Clickjacking 45 XSSing client-side dynamic HTML. 46 Stroke triggered XSS and StrokeJacking 47 Lost in Translation 48 Persistent Cross Interface Attacks 49 Chronofeit Phishing 50 SQLi filter evasion cheat sheet (MySQL) 51 Tabnabbing 52 UI Redressing 53 Cookie Poisoning 54 SSRF 55 Bruteforce of PHPSESSID 56 Blended Threats and JavaScript 57 Cross-Site Port Attacks 58 CAPTCHA Re-Riding Attack And if anybody want to Check SQL injection vulnerability of your website in windows. visit

Geordy James

Here is the list of 58 Type of attack on webs base application... 1 Sql Injection Attack 2 Hibernate Query Language Injection 3 Direct OS Code Injection 4 XML Entity Injection 5 Broken Authentication and Session Management 6 Cross-Site Scripting (XSS) 7 Insecure Direct Object References 8 Security Misconfiguration 9 Sensitive Data Exposure 10 Missing Function Level Access Control 11 Cross-Site Request Forgery (CSRF) 12 Using Components with Known Vulnerabilities 13 Unvalidated Redirects and Forwards 14 Cross Site Scripting Attacks 15 ClickjackingAttacks 16 DNS Cache Poisoning 17 Symlinking – An Insider Attack 18 Cross Site Request Forgery Attacks 19 Remote Code Execution Attacks 20 Remote File inclusion 21 Local file inclusion 22 Evercookie 23 Denial of Service Attack 24 Cookie Eviction 25 phpwn 26 NAT Pinning 27 XSHM 28 MitM DNS Rebinding SSL/TLS Wildcards and XSS 29 Quick Proxy Detection 30 Improving HTTPS Side Channel Attacks 31 Side Channel Attacks in SSL 32 Turning XSS into Clickjacking 33 Bypassing CSRF protections with ClickJacking and 34 HTTP Parameter Pollution 35 URL Hijacking 36 Strokejacking 37 Fooling B64_Encode(Payload) on WAFs and filters 38 MySQL Stacked Queries with SQL Injection. 39 Posting raw XML cross-domain 40 Generic cross-browser cross-domain theft 41 Attacking HTTPS with Cache Injection 42 Tapjacking 43 XSS-Track 44 Next Generation Clickjacking 45 XSSing client-side dynamic HTML. 46 Stroke triggered XSS and StrokeJacking 47 Lost in Translation 48 Persistent Cross Interface Attacks 49 Chronofeit Phishing 50 SQLi filter evasion cheat sheet (MySQL) 51 Tabnabbing 52 UI Redressing 53 Cookie Poisoning 54 SSRF 55 Bruteforce of PHPSESSID 56 Blended Threats and JavaScript 57 Cross-Site Port Attacks 58 CAPTCHA Re-Riding Attack And if anybody want to Check SQL injection vulnerability of your website in windows. visit

Navydium cooper

aftyer wasting my time and money looking for a hacker to hire on the clearnet, i finally found one on the deep web (no real hacker is on the clearnet). i am glad to share his email today. his email is hacktillinfinity(@)gmail(dot)com, he is the only one out there who will actually get the job done for you. the rest of them aren't really so good . thank me later and share with your friends so they do not waste money on fakes

Navydium cooper

aftyer wasting my time and money looking for a hacker to hire on the clearnet, i finally found one on the deep web (no real hacker is on the clearnet). i am glad to share his email today. his email is hacktillinfinity(@)gmail(dot)com, he is the only one out there who will actually get the job done for you. the rest of them aren't really so good . thank me later and share with your friends so they do not waste money on fakes

jamez Zelker


jamez Zelker



Looking for a professional ethical hacker for jobs such as; cracking databases, bank transfers, grade changes, clearing of criminal records, email hacks, whatsapp hacks, tracking, social media account hacks etc. contact [email protected] for all your hacking needs. He has helped me on several jobs


Looking for a professional ethical hacker for jobs such as; cracking databases, bank transfers, grade changes, clearing of criminal records, email hacks, whatsapp hacks, tracking, social media account hacks etc. contact [email protected] for all your hacking needs. He has helped me on several jobs

Nirmal Kant

Absolutely fantastic article. Covers lots of point in this. Broken authentication is the point i am really concerned now because I am about to install SSL certification on my website but also came to know about SSL Vulnerabilities that could happen even if you install it. So its better to take some knowledge yourself and as you mentioned Session hijacking might be possible in result, I figured out everything about it from one reliable source that mentioned everything about it in its Ethical Hacking tutorial. If sould know some countermeasures I think.

Nirmal Kant

Absolutely fantastic article. Covers lots of point in this. Broken authentication is the point i am really concerned now because I am about to install SSL certification on my website but also came to know about SSL Vulnerabilities that could happen even if you install it. So its better to take some knowledge yourself and as you mentioned Session hijacking might be possible in result, I figured out everything about it from one reliable source that mentioned everything about it in its Ethical Hacking tutorial. If sould know some countermeasures I think.


It's a tedious work to catch all those false positives but once you have everything in place you can sleep with both eyes closed and, the next morning see in logs "bad-robots", massive downloaders or crap like that dying against the software firewall.


It's a tedious work to catch all those false positives but once you have everything in place you can sleep with both eyes closed and, the next morning see in logs "bad-robots", massive downloaders or crap like that dying against the software firewall.


Nice blog very informative. For finding website vulnerabilities i suggest to use


Nice blog very informative. For finding website vulnerabilities i suggest to use


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Anna Bailey

Thanks for the info. Now I am aware of these vulnerabilities. It's really nice to find this info.

John Harvey

LOL. We've been using Silent Breach for 5 years, but sure, based on the comment section of an online article, we'll switch to an anonymous hacker on the darkweb. Looking forward!

Diane Derrick

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Chris Waymire

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Fabian Eckerd

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Julian Phillips

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Jack Reed

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Jina Bryte

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Christey Collins

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Legal Credit Repair

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Legal Credit Repair

How can an attacker execute malware through a script quizlet?

How can an attacker execute malware through a script? An attacker can attach a script to a program that you download which then infects your computer. How does encryption work? It scrambles the information until the key is used to unscramble it.

Which of the following signs of excessive Internet use?

Common symptoms of an internet addiction can include:.
No longer engaging in activities that were once enjoyed..
Spending most waking hours online..
Anger or agitation if you are asked to step away from your device of choice..
Lying about your internet use..
Concealing your internet use..

Is encryption an effective replacement for firewall?

Speech recognition refers to a computer's ability to record and edit human speech. Encryption is an effective replacement for a firewall.

Which is an ergonomic guideline to technology use?

These guidelines are summarized below: Hands, wrists and forearms are straight and roughly parallel to the floor. Head is level, or slightly bent forward, forward facing, and balanced. Shoulders are relaxed and upper arms hang naturally at the side of the body.