Identify the statements that best describe turn of the century Indian Nationalism Quizlet

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Identify the statements that best describe turn of the century Indian Nationalism Quizlet

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Identify the statements that best describe turn of the century Indian Nationalism Quizlet

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Identify the statements that best describe turn of the century Indian Nationalism Quizlet

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15th EditionSusan A. MacManus, Thomas R. Dye

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Identify the statements that best describe turn of the century Indian Nationalism Quizlet

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Identify the statements that best describe turn of the century Indian Nationalism Quizlet

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Identify the statements that best describe turn of the century Indian Nationalism Quizlet

Politics in States and Communities

15th EditionSusan A. MacManus, Thomas R. Dye

177 solutions

Identify the statements that best describe turn of the century Indian Nationalism Quizlet

American Corrections

11th EditionMichael D. Reisig, Todd R. Clear

160 solutions

How did the effects of industrialization distribute power in the nineteenth century?

Industrialized societies created excess wealth.

Industrialization enriched some societies to such a degree that they had overwhelming ability to extend their power overseas.

In the context of imperialism, social Darwinism refers to what ideas?

Science provides supposed proof of the notion that humankind is composed of biologically distinct races, of which some are better than others.

Europeans and their biological descendants were more economically and militarily successful because they were a superior breed.

Some groups, or races, were more fit to govern than others.

Which of the following statements describe the relationship between nationalism and imperialism in the nineteenth and early twentieth centuries?

Both ideologies encouraged people to emphasize their differences, but they also brought peoples into closer interactions.

The ideologies reinforced one another.

Analyze the two primary sources shown here—first, an excerpt from the famous poem by Rudyard Kipling, "The White Man's Burden"; and second, a late-nineteenth-century British advertisement. Which of the following themes are conveyed by both sources?

The racial and cultural superiority of British people.

The British duty to bring civilization to those peoples who lack it.

Which of these factors helped usher in the era of new imperialism?


rise in naval power

commercial dominance

Ethnic nationalism was strongest in societies that featured certain characteristics. Identify the characteristics of societies in which ethnic nationalism prospered.

Societies where people felt a divine purpose for themselves and their nation.

Societies where ethnic and linguistic diversity was minimal.

Societies where ethnic minorities felt persecuted.

Fill in the blanks to complete the following passage.

1) Nation-states
2) include
3) multinational empires
4) undermined

German nationalism unfolded in a specific way and in response to events that helped shape what would become the modern state of Germany. Place these events in chronological order.

1) Destruction of Holy Roman Empire by Napoleon Bonaparte.
2) Confederation of the Rhine created and taxed
3) Creation of the zollverein customs union
4) 1848 revolutions and creation of a German Republic
5) Rise of Otto von Bismarck and unification of Germany

In what ways did ideas of social Darwinism influence Japanese imperialistic thinking?

It was used to justify Japanese imperialism.

It bred ideas of a moral duty for Japan to bring civilization to its neighboring lands.

Fill in the blanks to complete the following passage about the rise of nationalism in Japan.

1) ethnic
2) colonization
3) Yamato race theory
4) Shinto

In the context of an imperialistic culture, jingoism refers to a foreign policy based on faith in one's own superiority.


Public general education played an important role in reinforcing nationalist narratives around the world. Match each country to the way in which it used education to reinforce a nationalist message.

France: Schools were used to teach a common language, promote the symbols of the state such as the flag, as well as ideas that theirs was a special nation committed to ideals of liberty and equality.

Canada: Residential schools, often run by Catholic or Protestant churches, aimed to assimilate First Nation peoples to the larger culture.

Japan: By 1900, universal education for boys and girls emphasizing a practical, nationalistic curriculum replaced older Confucian learning.

In which of the following ways did minority nationalisms weaken multinational empires?

Minority nationalisms undermined the autocracy upon which empire governments were based.

Minority nationalisms caused emperors and elites to avoid creating representative institutions.

Minority nationalisms gave competing empires a weapon in geopolitical struggles.

What were some of the main features of the Ottoman Empire's Turkification policy?

Conversion to Islam

Rejection of Arab language

Exclusive use of Turkish language

In what important way did French rule in Algeria differ from British rule in India?

French rule relied less on cooperation with local elites.

How did religion influence the Russian Empire's encounter with nationalism?

Persecution of religious minorities encouraged minority nationalism.

Russian authorities promoted the Orthodox Church.

Russian authorities banned religions other than Orthodoxy.

How did British rule affect the economic situation for the Indian people?

Some benefited from infrastructure improvements.

It ushered in major famines.

The image below, a painting by French artist Eugène Delacroix, depicts the massacre of Greek Orthodox rebels by Ottoman troops during the Greek War for Independence. What aspects of the image demonstrate Delacroix's sympathy with the Greek rebels?

Greeks depicted in painting are unarmed.

A child on a dead mother's body.

Piles of bodies around Turkish troops.

The blank look on the faces of Turkish troops.

Latecomers to overseas empire, Japan and the United States had a fair amount in common in how and why they expanded outside their borders. They also had some important differences. Identify these similarities and differences below.

Industrial power with modern weaponry.

Conflicts that led to wars on account of imperialist activities.

Recent experience with territorial expansion.

Which of the following statements describe the expansion of Ethiopia under Menelik II?

Menelik's conquests doubled the size of Ethiopia.

Menelik maintained the only fully independent polity in Africa.

European colonialism in Africa was affected by several important factors. Match each factor below to its influence on the partition and conquest of Africa.

This disease wiped out as much as 95 percent of cattle in Africa, an important form of wealth for Africans: rinderpest

Colonial governments relied on these institutions to educate Africans in the ways of the colonizer and to prepare them for possible employment: mission schools

At this meeting, six European powers carried out the partition of Africa: Berlin Conference

Colonial governments relied on this tactic as a way to assign tribal identities to certain groups in order to make governing easier: divide and rule

Imperial governments typically ran their overseas possessions either as settler colonies, as in the case of the French in Algeria, or as less directly ruled territories with few settlers, as in the case of the British in India. Match the characteristics of each of these forms of colonization to the correct label.

indirectly administered: more reliance on local elites, less expropriation of land, presence of colonials mostly administrative and military

settler colonies: increased conflicts over land, increased likelihood of violence

Despite its own internal tensions and military defeats, Russia managed to build the world's largest land empire throughout the nineteenth century. With the assistance of the map below, place the steps in which Russia acquired this massive empire in chronological order.

1) Russia acquired the Baltic States, as well as Crimea, parts of Poland, and Ukraine.
2) Russia conquered territories in the Caucasus between the Black Sea and Caspian Sea.
3) Russia sold its Alaskan territory to the United States, effectively ending Russia's overseas empire.
4) Russia tightened its grip on Siberia with the construction of the Trans-Siberian Railway.

How was the Habsburg Empire challenged by multiethnic subjects, and how did it respond to those demands?

Members of ethnic minority groups demanded autonomy in, and eventually separation from, the larger empire.

The Habsburgs imposed the German language in schools and business operations.

The Habsburgs relented and allowed more cultural expression among certain minorities.

German nationalism drew on many of the same lessons and experiences of other nations at the time. Identify the factors that contributed to the rise of German nationalism.

Belief in an ethnic and linguistic solidarity.

Resentment of taxation policies by Bonaparte.

Belief in the special merits of German-ness.

In places such as Europe, the United States, and Japan, cultures of imperialism drew upon increasing anxieties about "manliness." How did these anxieties influence the spread of imperialism?

Imperialists argued that the duties of conquest and empire would "toughen up" men.

Christian missionaries brought so called "muscular Christianity" to distant, physically challenging lands.

Using the primary source excerpt below—an 1877 piece from Cecil Rhodes, the English business magnate and politician who made a fortune in South Africa—determine which of the following descriptions best fit Rhodes and his outlook.

Supports colonization in Africa.

Believes in the ideas of social Darwinism.

Supports jingoism.

What were some key characteristics and examples of secondary empires?

A key source of power supporting these empires was acquired from abroad.

Most of these empires did not last long.

the Comanche Empire

Fill in the blanks to complete the following passage about nationalism and multiethnic empires.

1) weakened
2) undermined
3) the Russian Empire

In what ways could nationalism bestow power upon states?

Less resistance to taxation.

Less resistance to conscription.

Made use of private property or capital projects easier.

How did the rise of nationalism and imperialism work together?

Imperialism provided an important moral component that strengthened nationalist claims of divine purpose.

Nationalism bred geopolitical rivalries that pushed nations into imperial ventures for fear their rivals were getting ahead.

Feelings of nationalism gave new popular support for imperialism.

Read the following journal entry, published in 1900, from Alexander Bulatovich, a Russian diplomat who accompanied Ethiopian soldiers on a military expedition. Select the passages where Bulatovich explains why he thinks Ethiopians are better than Europeans at transmitting "European civilization" to Africans.

Too great a difference in the degree of culture between the conquered people and their conquerors has always led to the enslavement, corruption, and degeneration of the weaker race.

borrowing the fruits of these civilizations, and in turn conquering and annexing neighboring tribes and passing on to them her culture, Abyssinia [Ethiopia] did not obliterate from the face of the earth, did not destroy the uniqueness of any one of the conquered tribes, but rather gave them all the possibility of preserving their individual characteristics.

How did empires in the sixteenth century begin to look different than they had for centuries prior?

They were oceanic.

They connected lands via empire that were not connected by land.

Fill in the blanks to complete the following passage about nationalism, imperialism, and the Global web.

1) tightened
2) religions
3) racial hierarchies

France was particularly successful in unifying a disparate nation after the French Revolution. Which of the following tactics were successful in helping to build a sense of French nationalism?

Use of symbols, ceremonies, and rituals

Public schooling

Military service

Between 1830 and 1914, imperialism, dominated by only a few powerful nations fueled by the fruits of industrialization, spread across much of the globe. The map below demonstrates the spread of imperialism during this crucial period. Using the map key, select the continent that saw the largest spread of territorial colonization by France, one of the largest early European colonizers.


Nationalism as an ideology can be difficult to define but often exhibits common characteristics. Identify the characteristics associated with nationalism.

Common acceptance of a set of institutions and political values

Sense of solidarity with a large community

Belief in a shared ancestry

The extraction of raw materials was an important motivating factor in colonialism from Africa to India and beyond. This was particularly the case in the colonization of Southeast Asia and the Pacific. Match the natural resources below to the region from which they were obtained by European imperial powers.

Singapore: tin and rubber

Vietnam: rice

Indonesia: spices

Match each technology to the way it affected global imperialism.

Allowed some armies to have far more power than others: cheaper guns

Allowed Europeans to settle in new areas that tropical diseases had before made off limits: mass production of quinine

Allowed for the projection of military power and, later, shorter transport times: steamships

Significantly increased communication by shortening the amount of time it took to send trans-oceanic messages: telegraph

Read the following primary source excerpt, a message from Machemba, a nineteenth-century merchant-prince and slave trader from East Africa, to Hermann von Wissman, a distinguished German army officer. Which of the following best describe Machemba's primary message to the German officer?

Machemba's unwillingness to support German authority in East Africa

How did the rise of seaborne empires change the world?

They increased gaps in power between nations.

They changed the world map and global politics.

Western Europeans and the Japanese controlled over one-third of the globe.