Which of the following defines ethical principles that should guide human experimentation?


A questioning attitude regarding psychologists' assumptions and hidden values best illustrates


When the observed difference between the means of an experimental group and control group are not likely due to chance, researchers conclude that this difference is

Statistically significant


A researcher who gathers and analyzes data from student essay test responses without talking with the students about the study violates which ethical principle of human experimentation?


In the hypothesis “Students who study a list of terms in the morning, just after waking up, will recall more terms than students who study the list just before falling asleep,” what is the dependent variable?

Number of terms remembered


Which procedure helps to ensure that the participants in a survey are representative of a larger population?


In an experiment designed to study the effectiveness of a new drug, research participants who receive a placebo are participating in the ________ condition.


Which of the following defines ethical principles that should guide human experimentation?

Informed consent, protection from harm, confidentiality, debriefing


Six different high school students spent $10, $13, $2, $12, $13, and $4, respectively, on entertainment. The mode of this group's entertainment expenditures is


During the past month, Henri and Sylvia each ate 10 candy bars, while Jerry ate 8, Tricia ate 6, and Tahli ate only 1. The mean number of candy bars eaten by these individuals was


If college graduates typically earn more money than high school graduates, this would indicate that level of education and income are


Which of the following statements is most correct about the relationship between correlation and causation?

Correlation indicates the possibility of a causal relationship, but it does not prove causation.


Critical thinkers can best be described as


Which of the following is true for those assigned to the experimental group in an experiment?

The experimental group receives the experimental treatment


Psychologists' personal values and goals

can bias their observations and interpretations.


If psychologists discovered that wealthy people are less satisfied with their marriages than poor people are, this would indicate that wealth and marital satisfaction are


Participants in an experiment are said to be blind if they are uninformed about

which experimental treatment, if any, they are receiving.


Megan was certain that she would never live far away from her family. However, in order to further her career, she decided to move. Megan's experience best illustrates


The hindsight bias refers to people's tendency to

exaggerate their ability to have foreseen the outcome of past events.


According to Emily's grandfather, Adolf Hitler's obvious emotional instability made it clear from the beginning days of his international conflicts that Germany would inevitably lose World War II. The grandfather's claim best illustrates


Professor Delano suggests that because people are especially attracted to those who are good-looking, handsome men will be more successful than average-looking men in getting a job. The professor's prediction regarding employment success is an example of


Which measure of variation is most affected by extreme scores?


In the hypothesis “Students who study a list of terms in the morning, just after waking up, will recall more terms than students who study the list just before falling asleep,” what is the independent variable?


To graphically represent the correlation between two variables, researchers often construct a


Which of the following is true for those assigned to a control group?

The experimental treatment is absent.


To assess reactions to a proposed tuition hike at her college, Ariana sent a questionnaire to every fifteenth person in the college registrar's alphabetical listing of all currently enrolled students. Ariana employed the technique of


To assess the effect of televised violence on aggression, researchers plan to expose one group of children to violent movie scenes and another group to nonviolent scenes. To reduce the chance that the children in one group have more aggressive personalities than those in the other group, the researchers should make use of


In order to learn about the political attitudes of all students enrolled at Arizona State University, Professor Marlow randomly selected 800 of these students to complete a questionnaire. In this instance, all the students enrolled at Arizona State University are considered to be a(n)


Basing decisions or conclusions on observable evidence describes which of the following?


A researcher interested in proving a causal relationship between two variables should choose which research method?


Surveys indicate that people are much less likely to support “welfare” than “aid to the needy.” These somewhat paradoxical survey results best illustrate the importance of


If scores on the Wechsler Adult Intelligence Scale (WAIS) are normally distributed, with a mean of 100 and a standard deviation of 15, what percentage of scores will fall between 85 and 115?


The relief of pain following the ingestion of an inert substance that is presumed to have medicinal benefits illustrates


Psychologists who carefully watch the behavior of chimpanzee societies in the jungle are using a research method known as

naturalistic observation.


A researcher interested in investigating the attitudes or opinions of a large sample of people is most likely to use which research method?


Professor Shalet contends that parents and children have similar levels of intelligence largely because they share common genes. His idea is best described as a(n)


Thinking that she had outperformed most of her classmates, Glenda was surprised to receive just an average grade on her psychology test. Glenda's experience best illustrates


Correlational research is most useful for purposes of


Variation is to central tendency as ________ is to ________.


Researchers use experiments rather than other research methods in order to distinguish between


What technique do researchers use to reduce the impact of confounding variables?


To understand the unusual behavior of an adult client, a clinical psychologist carefully investigates the client's current life situation and his physical, social-cultural, and educational history. Which research method has the psychologist used?


A researcher who deceives participants about the goals of the research needs to fully inform them of the true nature of the study later, according to which ethical principle of human experimentation?


Professor Ober carefully observes and records the behaviors of children in their classrooms in order to track the development of their social and intellectual skills. Professor Ober is most clearly engaged in

naturalistic observation.


Which of the following is the best definition of illusory correlation?

a perceived but nonexistent correlation


In a drug treatment study, participants given a pill containing no actual drug are receiving a(n)


Mr. and Mrs. Berry have five children aged 2, 3, 7, 9, and 9. The median age of the Berry children is


Abdul has volunteered to participate in an experiment evaluating the effectiveness of aspirin. Neither he nor the experimenters know whether the pills he takes during the experiment contain aspirin or are merely placebos. The investigators are apparently making use of

the double-blind procedure.


Why is replication important to science?

Repeated research with similar results increases confidence in the reliability of the original findings.


During the last Central High School basketball game, the starting five players scored 11, 7, 21, 14, and 7 points, respectively. For this distribution of scores, the range is


A theoretical perspective in psychology can be like a two-dimensional view of a three-dimensional object because each perspective is


A clinical psychologist who explains behavior in terms of unconscious drives and conflicts is employing a(n) ________ perspective.


The psychologist who would be least likely to participate in devising ways to improve teaching and learning in a classroom would be a(n) _______ psychologist.


Which perspective is most directly concerned with how the physical properties of the brain influence behaviors and mental states?


Which perspective would suggest that the facial expressions associated with the emotions of lust and rage are inherited?


Which perspective is most relevant to understanding the impact of strokes and brain diseases on memory?


Which perspective would focus on the extent to which different styles of parenting are encouraged among various ethnic communities?


The survival of organisms best suited to a particular environment is known as


Akira believes that her son has become a good student because she always praises his learning efforts. Her belief best illustrates a ________ perspective.


Which perspective highlights the reproductive advantages of inherited psychological traits?


Research participants were asked to monitor and report their own immediate sensory reactions to differently colored objects. This research involved a technique known as


Humanistic psychologists focused on the importance of

healthy growth potential.


The specialist most likely to have a medical degree is a(n)


The self-reflective observation of one's own sensations and feelings is called


When a professional golfer continued to struggle with her swing, she consulted Dr. Ozak, who helped her learn new strategies to help her improve her performance. Dr. Ozak is a(n) _______ psychologist.


Which perspective most clearly focuses on how we learn observable responses?


Efforts to discover whether the intelligence of children is more heavily influenced by their biology or by their home environments are most directly relevant to the debate regarding


According to the text, the SQ3R study method is effective because it

utilizes active processing of the text information.


Functionalism was a school of psychology that focused attention on the

adaptive value of conscious thoughts and emotions.


Which approach is most directly concerned with assessing the relative contributions of heredity and experience to personality development?


Professor Crisman believes that most women prefer tall and physically strong partners because this preference enhanced the survival of our ancestors' genes. This viewpoint best illustrates the ________ perspective.


Professor Reed attempts to assess the relative contributions of heredity and home environment on children's susceptibility to depression. Her research best illustrates the concerns of the ________ approach.


Which psychological perspective highlights the manner in which people encode, process, store, and retrieve information?


Dr. Santaniello conducts basic research on how children's moral thinking changes as they grow older. It is most likely that Dr. Santaniello is a(n) ________ psychologist.


Clinical psychologists specialize in

providing therapy to troubled people.


Which perspective is most concerned with the unique ways in which individuals interpret their own life experiences?


Dr. Wilcox conducts basic research on the behavioral differences between shy and outgoing people. Dr. Wilcox is most likely a(n) ________ psychologist.


Robert wants to pursue a degree in a field in which he could help people learn how to change their lives, such as determining what career best suits them. The subfield that is most applicable in this area is


The psychologist most likely to help an attorney make selections of jury members is a(n) ____ psychologist.


The cognitive perspective in psychology focuses on how

people encode, process, store, and retrieve information.


Which perspective is most concerned with how individuals interpret their experiences?


Mark believes that people are genetically predisposed to dislike bitter-tasting foods because this has enhanced human survival. His belief best illustrates the ________ perspective.


Dr. Karima conducts basic research on the relative effectiveness of massed practice and spaced practice on a person's ability to remember information. Dr. Karima is most likely a ________ psychologist.


Evolutionary psychologists would be the most likely to attribute gender differences in attitudes towards casual sex to the fact that men have_________than do women

greater reproductive potential


Which of the following is most likely to be the most similar in genetic makeup?


All the cells in the human body have 23 pairs of chromosomes EXCEPT


Women are more likely than men to:

engage in intimate conversations with others


When teased by his older sister, nine year old Waldo does not cry because he has learned that boys are not expected to. Waldo's behavior best illustrates the importance of:


Which of the following statements is true of a child with blue eyes?

The mother could have had blue eyes and the father could have had brown eyes.

The father could have had blue eyes and the mother could have has brown eyes.

Both parents could have has brown eyes.


The question of whether behavior is largely learned or largely inherited is part of which psychological issue?


The human genome is the complete:

sequence of nucleotides organized as coiled chains of DNA


Pat is normally very restless and fidgety, whereas Shelly is usually quiet and easy going. The two children


At age 12, Sean is happy, self-reliant, and has a positive self-image. It is most likely that Sean's parents are:


The home environment most clearly has a greater influence on children's ________ than on their __________.

religious beliefs; personality traits


If a genetically based attraction to beautiful people contributes to survival, that trait will likely be passed on to subsequent generations. This best illustrates:


Women are more likely than men to:

engage in intimate conversations with others


One reason that psychologist are interested in genetics determination of physical characteristics is because they care about

the physical aspects of growth and development.


According to evolutionary psychologists, men judge women as especially attractive if they appear ________ and women judge men especially attractive if they appear _________.


Environmental influence on personality traits are most clearly highlighted by comparing________ and ___________

identical twins raised together; identical twins raised apart


Ten-year-old Brittany insists on wearing very feminine-looking clothes because she wants to appear ladylike. This best illustrates the impact of:


Following conception, the single cell that is made up of 23 chromosomes from the mother and 23 chromosomes from the father is called the


In order to prevent teens from smoking, intervention programs for youth should first pay attention to the impact of _______on teen smoking habits


A good explanation for the relationship between heredity and environment is that

a favorable environment allows genetic input to reach its full potential.


Pat is normally very restless and fidgety, whereas Shelly is usually quiet and easy going. The two children


Sensation & Perception


Your new love interest has big beautiful brown eyes. You are admiring his or her


The function of the lens is to:

focus an image on the retina.


Olfactory cells are the receptors for what senses?


Which of the following occupations relies heavily on kinesthetic and vestibular senses?


The receptors for the sense of smell are

hair cells inside the nasal cavity


The basic experience of the stimulation of the body's senses is called:


The reason that we have trouble seeing for five or ten minutes after entering a darkened theater on a sunny afternoon is that it takes time for

the optic nerve to adapt to the sudden change from light to dark.


Which of the following pain control techniques is emphasized in the Lamaze method of childbirth training?


Of all of our senses, the one that has the most direct pathway to the cortex, that is lateralized or the one that does not involve the thalamus is


If you had an inner ear infection, which sensory system might you expect to be affected?


Taste: 1 gram of table salt in 500 liters of water; smell: 1 drop of perfume diffused throughout a three-room apartment; touch: the wing of a bee falling on your check from a height of 1 centimeter away. These are all examples.

the absolute threshold of our senses.


As you munch a chocolate bar, which general part of the tongue tells your brain that it is sweet?


Deaf culture advocates are most likely to object to the use of cochlear implants for:

children who have been deaf from birth.


If Jalen wants to get maximum "sweetness" value from her lollipop, she should

lick the lollipop with tip of her tongue.


Rods are to cones as ____________.

black and whites is to color


The greatest density of cones exists in which part of the eye?


The gate-control theory is an attempt to explain


A decibel is a measure of


The auditory cortex is located within the:


What behavior would be difficult without our vestibular sense?

walking a straight line with our eyes closed


Which of the following NOTa primary taste quality?


Which of the following would play a role in quickly alerting you to a gas leak in your home?


Sound waves cause vibrations of the


Which process allows more light to reach the periphery of the retina?


When the molecules of a skunk's spray enter your nose, the molecules are transformed into electrical signals, or impulses, that are interpreted by the brain as an unpleasant odor. This is an example of:


The sensation of hot occurs when

a pattern of both warm and cold are stimulated.


The final step required to convert vibrations into sound sensations takes place in which parts of the ear?


The cochlea is to the ear as the ________ is to the eye.


Of all of the senses listed, which has the greatest number of known, specialized receptors cells?


Parapsychology refers to the:

study of phenemena such as telepathy or clairvoyance.


Eight-year old Claudia is trying to draw a house with a tree behind it. The problem is that she draws the tree too large if it is truly behind the house. Claudia has not yet developed the artist's ability to portray distance by


Patients' negative expectations about the outcome of a surgical procedure can increase their postoperative experience of pain. This best illustrates the importance of


Trichromats can mix which three colors to perceive virtually any hue?


An exhausted forest ranger may notice the faintest scent of a forest fire, whereas much stronger but less importance odors such as a skunk spray fail to catch her attention. This fact would be of greatest relevance to:


If John cannot tell the difference between Mary's two favorite perfumes, then for John, the two scents must be less then apart.


As the farmer looked across her field, the parallel rows of young corn plants appeared to converge in the distance. This provided her with a distance cue known as:


The greatest difficulty facing contemporary parapsychologist is the:

inability to subject claims of ESP to scientific testing.


Guilio's bag of marbles is twice as heavy as Jim's. If it takes 5 extra marbles to make Jim's bag to feel heavier, it will take 10 extra marbles to make Guilio's bag feel heavier. This best illustrates:


If you go into a darkened room and it takes you a few minutes to see anything,

dark adaptation is taking place.


According to the Young-Helmholtz theory:

the retina contains three kinds of color receptors.


The perception of Bugs Bunny running away from Elmer Fudd is best illustrated:


Figure is to ground as ______ is to _______.


A person who is blind in one eye cannot use which cue to depth?


Andre claims that he can male a broken watch begin to run again simply by entering a state of intense mental concentration.


A bank teller was so distracted by the sight of a bank robber's weapon that she failed to perceive important features of the criminal's physical appearance. This best illustrates:


Jamal claims that his special psychic powers enable him to perceive exactly where the body of a recent murder victim is secretly buried. Jamal is claiming to posses the power of:


Which Gestalt principle of organization is demonstrated in the following pattern?



Telepathy refers to the:

extrasensory transmission of thoughts from one mind to another.


In the perceptual process, after we select the stimuli to be perceived, we then _________ the sensations into a meaningful Gestalt.


An afterimage can best be defined as:

Sense experience that occurs after a visual stimulus has been removed.


Berdine has developed cataracts in both eyes, preventing her from being able to identify even her mother's face. The best illustrated the importance of


Charlies and Sharon live near an airport. However, they are not longer awakened by the sound of planes flying low overhead. The best explanation for this is


The cover of a book appears to be a rectangle regardless of the angle from which it is viewed. The phenomenon is known as


News about the supposed effects of briefly presented messages on moviegoers' consumption of popcorn and Coca-Cola involved false claims regarding:


The ability to simultaneously recognize the color, shape, size, and speed of an oncoming automobile best illustrates:


You see two trees, which in reality are of equal height. One is 50 feet away from you and the other is 200 feet away. The image that you receive from the farther tree will be _______ than the image from the closer tree. According to the principle of size constancy, you will perceive the two trees as _______ in size.


The perception of the letter "t" as two intersecting lines rather than as four non-intersecting lines illustrates the principles of:


As you drive by a construction site at night, you notice that a number of stationary, flashing warning lights appear to be moving back and forth. You are experiencing


Infants who were previously exposed to the visual cliff:

refused to cross over the "deep" side to their mothers.


Because the two teams wore different-colored uniforms, Cheri perceived the ten basketball players as two distinct groups. This best illustrates the principle of:


Deja vu refers to the:

eerie sense of having previously experienced a situation or events.


Short-term memory is _______ permanent and _______ limited then long-term memory.


The cerebellum is associated with which of the following types of memory?

procedural memory for conditioned responses`


When an eyewitness to an auto accident is asked to describe what happened, which test of memory is being utilized?


The three stages of information processing memory model are ______________.

sensory memory, short-term memory, long-term memory


We speak primarily of _______ and ______ when we speak of sensory memory.


The portion of the limbic system which seems to be responsible for the formation of new memories is:


According to the information-processing model of memory, acquisition is to retention as is to


Judy is embarrassed because she suddenly cannot remember a friend’s name. Judy’s poor memory most likely results from a failure in:


Automatic processing occurs without:


On the first day of a study, an individual is conditioned to blink at the sound of a buzzer. On day two of the study, that same individual is somewhat slower to acquire the blink response at the sound of a bell. This “blocking” effect is an example of:


Ebbinghaus' forgetting curve demonstrates that memory _______.

decline rapidly and then levels off


A flashbulb memory would typically be stored in ___________ memory.


If you have to make a conscious effort to recall information about your grandmother's famous cookies recipe, that information is said to be _______.


Doug wrote a grocery list of 10 times, but leaves it at home. The list included in order: peas, corn, squash, onions, apples, pears, bananas, flour, milk, and eggs. If the law of primacy holds, which of the following is Doug most likely to remember when he gets to the store?


Tim, a third grader, learns the sentence “George Eats Gray Rats and Paints Houses Yellow” to help him remember the spelling of “geography.” Tim is using:


After his last drinking spree, Fakim hid a half-empty liquor bottle. He couldn't remember where he hid it until he started drinking again. Fakim's pattern of recall best illustrates:


Remembering how to solve a jigsaw puzzle without any conscious recollection best illustrates ________ memory.


When 80 year-old Ida looked at her old wedding pictures, she was flooded with vivid memories of her parents, her husband, and the early years of her marriage. The pictures served as a powerful:


An example of episodic memory is ___________.

remembering the events surrounding the day you got a puppy for your seventh birthday


In an effort to remember how to spell "rhinoceros", Samantha writes the word 30 times. She is using a technique known as:


In order to remember a list of the school supplies she needs, Marcy mentally visualizes each item at a certain location in her house. Marcy’s tactic best illustrates the use of:


After a stressful day at the office, Arthur has five or six drinks at a local bar before going home for dinner. Research suggests that Arthur's heavy drinking will have the most adverse effect on his ability to remember:

the next day the names of the people he talked to and what he said while drinking


Which of the following is the best example of context dependent memory?

students who learn a vocabulary list while in a particular classroom does better at recalling the words when in that same environment


Dividing a 10 digit number like 2133067508 into several parts, such as 213-306-75-08, to make it easier to remember is an example of


The process of getting information out of memory storage is called:


Most people can store ________ digits or numbers in their short-term memory.


Which of the following examples best illustrates episodic memory?

remembering the events about the clowns that were at your fifth birthday party


The process of encoding refers to:

getting information into memory.


A mnemonic device is a:


Which psychological specialty is most directly concerned with the systematic study of problem solving, decision-making, concept formation, and forming judgments?

the smallest speech units that carry meaning


The rock musician was hit with a rotten egg while performing his latest hit song. The fact that you can recognize two difference meanings for the word "hit" in the preceding sentence demonstrates the importance of:


Koko, the ape, was taught to communicate by means of:


A European visitor to the United States asked a taxi driver, “Can you please a ride to the airport me give?” This visitor has apparently not yet mastered the of the English language


When Mariah’s mother drops her off at preschool, Mariah says only one word, “Mama.” This is an example of


In the words “lightly,” “neatly,” and “shortly,” the “ly” ending is a(n):


The smallest distinctive sound unit of language is a:


Noam Chomsky has emphasized that the acquisition of language by children is facilitated by:

as inborn readiness to learn language rules


Two-year-old Dirk’s sentences – “Dad come,” “Mom laugh,” and “Truck gone” – are examples of:


When we use the word "automobile" to refer to a category of transport vechicles, we are using this word as a(n)


Prototype is to concept as ______ is to _____-


Myron didn't know whether the boy's locker room was located down the hallway to his right or the one to his left. Crossing his fingers, he decided to try the left hallway. Myron's strategy for finding the locker room best illustrates the use of:


On her way to London, Janet was invited into the cockpit to meet the pilot, Alex. She was surprised to see that Alex was a woman. This is an example of:

representative heuristic.


Some people are unable to arrange six matches to form four equilateral triangles because they fail to consider a three-dimensional arrangement. This best illustrates the hazards of:


A chess-playing computer program that routinely calculates all possible outcomes of all possible game moves best illustrates problem solving by mean of:


Algorithms and heuristics are both

problem-solving strategies.


Marlene forgot to bring a pillow on the camping trip, so she spent a very uncomfortable and restless night. Unfortunately, she never thought of using her down-filled jacket as a pillow. Marlene's oversight best illustrates:


People are likely to take less time to recognize a woman as a nurse than a man as a nurse because a woman more closely resembles their _____ of a nurse.


On Monday, the meteorologist forecast a 20 percent chance of rain, so Sheryl took her umbrella to work. On Friday, he reported an 80 percent chance that it would not rain, so Sheryl left her umbrella at home. Sheryl's behavior illustrates:


Consumers respond more positively to ground beef advertised as "75 percent lean" than to ground beef described as "25 percent fat." This illustrates that consumer reactions are influenced by:


The use of heuristics rather than algorithms is most likely to:

save time in arriving at solutions to problems.


Because she believes that boys are naughtier than girls, Mrs Gale, a second-grade teacher, watches boys more closely than she watches girls for any signs of misbehavior. Mrs Gale surveillance strategy best illustrates:


Which of the following illustrates an application of artificial intelligence?

A computer that enables apes to communicate with humans

A computer-controlled system that stimulates the sound of human voices

A computer programmed to play chess


After spending two hours trying to solve an engineering problem, Amira finally gave up. As she was trying to fall asleep that night, a solution to the problem popped into her head. Amira's experience best illustrates:


As he attempted to spell the word "receive," Tim reminded himself "i before e except after c." Tim's self-reminder best illustrates the use of:


Biological Bases of Behavior


One function of the glial cells is to

provide nutrients to neurons.


Within a single neuron the action potential

travels in one direction toward the axon terminals.


Molecules that are similar enough to a neurotransmitter to bind to its receptor sites on a dendrite and block that neurotransmitter's effects are called what?


Damage to the left cerebral hemisphere is most likely to reduce people's ability to


In a recent car accident, Tamiko sustained damage to his right cerebral hemisphere. This injury is most likely to reduce Tamiko's ability to

facially express emotions.


An undersupply of serotonin is most closely linked to


Which of the following is the component of the limbic system that plays an essential role in the processing of new memories?


The reticular formation is located in the


Someone trying to figure out an optical illusion is probably experiencing increased brain waves and bloodflow to which brain structure?


With regard to the process of neural transmission, a refractory period refers to a time interval in which

dendrites transmit more electrical signals to axons.


Your life would be most immediately threatened if you suffered destruction of the


The benefits of brain plasticity are most clearly demonstrated in

children who have had a cerebral hemisphere surgically removed.


A brief electrical charge that travels down the axon of a neuron is called the


The knee-jerk reflex is controlled by interneurons in the


Some opiate drugs have molecular structures so similar to endorphins that they mimic endorphin's euphoric effects in the brain, making these opiate drugs which kind of molecule?


The function of dendrites is to

receive incoming signals from other neurons.


Prozac, a drug commonly prescribed to treat depression, prevents the sending neuron from taking in excess serotonin. Which process does this drug prevent from taking place?


Information is most quickly transmitted from one cerebral hemisphere to the other by the


Neurotransmitters are released from vesicles located on knoblike terminals at the end of the


The ovaries in females and the testes in males are part of the


Migraine headaches are most closely linked with an


The occipital lobes are to ________ as the temporal lobes are to ________.


While you are hiking in the mountains, a rattlesnake slithers across your trail. Which of the following triggers the “fight-or-flight” response, increasing your heart rate and blood pressure, as you run away?

sympathetic nervous system


After he suffered a stroke, Mr. Santore's physical coordination skills and responsiveness to sensory stimulation quickly returned to normal. Unfortunately, however, he began to experience unusual difficulty figuring out how to find his way to various locations in his neighborhood. It is most likely that Mr. Santore suffered damage to his


While relaxing in a lawn chair enjoying a cool drink, which of the following triggers the “rest-and-digest” response, as your heart rate slows and digestion begins?

parasympathetic nervous system


Schizophrenia is most closely linked with excess receptor activity for the neurotransmitter


The nineteenth-century theory that bumps on the skull reveal a person's abilities and traits is called


A PET scan of a patient looking at a photograph of a painting would most likely indicate high levels of activity in which brain structure?


Epinephrine and norepinephrine are released by the


The strengthening of synaptic connections facilitates the formation of


The surgical removal of a large tumor from Dane's occipital lobe resulted in extensive loss of brain tissue. Dane is most likely to suffer some loss of


The sequence of brain regions from the evolutionarily oldest to newest is

brainstem; limbic system; cerebral cortex.


The minimum level of stimulation required to trigger a neural impulse is called the


Which endocrine gland regulates body growth?


The slowdown of neural communication in multiple sclerosis involves a degeneration of the


If a blind person uses one finger to read Braille, the brain area dedicated to that finger expands as the sense of touch invades the visual cortex. This is an example of


Which brain area is primarily involved with understanding and producing meaningful speech?


Transferring messages from a motor neuron to a leg muscle requires the neurotransmitter known as


The spatial junctions where impulses are chemically transmitted from one neuron to another are called


When Mr. Valdez thought his 1-year-old daughter had fallen down the stairs, his heartbeat accelerated, his blood pressure rose, and he began to perspire heavily. Mr. Valdez's state of arousal was activated by his ________ nervous system.


Resting potential is to action potential as ________ is to ________.

polarization; depolarization


Which region of the brain will a fMRI show as active when a person is looking at a photo?


The somatic nervous system is a component of the ________ nervous system.


The chemical messengers released into the spatial junctions between neurons are called


Sleep researchers who are interested in brain wave activity are likely to use which kind of brain scan?


Which lobes of the brain receive the input that enables you to feel someone scratching your back?


Information travels from the spinal cord to the brain via


In 1861, Paul Broca studied a stroke patient he called “Tan.” He was called this because as a result of brain damage it was the only word he could pronounce. Based on Broca's early work, which of the following brain regions is involved in speech production?


The sensory cortex is most critical for our sense of


The association areas are located in the


The tremors of Parkinson's disease result from the death of nerve cells that produce the neurotransmitter


For you to be able to run, ________ must relay messages from your central nervous system to your leg muscles.


The best way to detect enlarged fluid-filled brain regions in some patients who have schizophrenia is to use a(n)


Which part of your brain receives information that you are moving your legs?


The medulla is to the control of ________ as the cerebellum is to the control of ________.


Which brain structure might be most active when answering the question “What do the following words have in common: plane, butter, insect?”

the extension of a neuron that carries messages away from the cell body.


Hormones are the chemical messengers of the


To identify which specific brain areas are most active during a particular mental task, researchers would be most likely to make use of a(n)


For you to experience the pain of a sprained ankle, ________ must first relay messages from your ankle to your central nervous system.


The neural system located at the border between the brainstem and the cerebral hemispheres is known as the


The surgical removal of a large tumor from Dane's occipital lobe resulted in extensive loss of brain tissue. Dane is most likely to suffer some loss of


The knee-jerk reflex is controlled by interneurons in the


After he suffered a stroke, Mr. Santore's physical coordination skills and responsiveness to sensory stimulation quickly returned to normal. Unfortunately, however, he began to experience unusual difficulty figuring out how to find his way to various locations in his neighborhood. It is most likely that Mr. Santore suffered damage to his

the extension of a neuron that carries messages away from the cell body.


Someone trying to figure out an optical illusion is probably experiencing increased brain waves and blood flow to which brain structure?


When Mr. Valdez thought his 1-year-old daughter had fallen down the stairs, his heartbeat accelerated, his blood pressure rose, and he began to perspire heavily. Mr. Valdez's state of arousal was activated by his ________ nervous system.


The benefits of brain plasticity are most clearly demonstrated in

children who have had a cerebral hemisphere surgically removed.


For you to be able to run, ________ must relay messages from your central nervous system to your leg muscles.


Hormones are the chemical messengers of the


A PET scan of a patient looking at a photograph of a painting would most likely indicate high levels of activity in which brain structure?


In a recent car accident, Tamiko sustained damage to his right cerebral hemisphere. This injury is most likely to reduce Tamiko's ability to

facially express emotions.


Neurotransmitters are released from vesicles located on knoblike terminals at the end of the


The minimum level of stimulation required to trigger a neural impulse is called the


The chemical messengers released into the spatial junctions between neurons are called


The neural system located at the border between the brainstem and the cerebral hemispheres is known as the


Which brain area is primarily involved with understanding and producing meaningful speech?


Information is most quickly transmitted from one cerebral hemisphere to the other by the


Transferring messages from a motor neuron to a leg muscle requires the neurotransmitter known as


Resting potential is to action potential as ________ is to ________.

polarization; depolarization


In 1861, Paul Broca studied a stroke patient he called “Tan.” He was called this because as a result of brain damage it was the only word he could pronounce. Based on Broca's early work, which of the following brain regions is involved in speech production?


While relaxing in a lawn chair enjoying a cool drink, which of the following triggers the “rest-and-digest” response, as your heart rate slows and digestion begins?

parasympathetic nervous system


Damage to the left cerebral hemisphere is most likely to reduce people's ability to


A brief electrical charge that travels down the axon of a neuron is called the


The strengthening of synaptic connections facilitates the formation of


The somatic nervous system is a component of the ________ nervous system.


Which brain structure might be most active when answering the question “What do the following words have in common: plane, butter, insect?”


The occipital lobes are to ________ as the temporal lobes are to ________.


Migraine headaches are most closely linked with an


Within a single neuron the action potential

travels in one direction toward the axon terminals.


The slowdown of neural communication in multiple sclerosis involves a degeneration of the


The spatial junctions where impulses are chemically transmitted from one neuron to another are called


Which region of the brain will a fMRI show as active when a person is looking at a photo?


The best way to detect enlarged fluid-filled brain regions in some patients who have schizophrenia is to use a(n)


Some opiate drugs have molecular structures so similar to endorphins that they mimic endorphin's euphoric effects in the brain, making these opiate drugs which kind of molecule?


With regard to the process of neural transmission, a refractory period refers to a time interval in which

dendrites transmit more electrical signals to axons.


Schizophrenia is most closely linked with excess receptor activity for the neurotransmitter


The function of dendrites is to

receive incoming signals from other neurons.


Information travels from the spinal cord to the brain via


Epinephrine and norepinephrine are released by the


Your life would be most immediately threatened if you suffered destruction of the


Which endocrine gland regulates body growth?


Which part of your brain receives information that you are moving your legs?


The ovaries in females and the testes in males are part of the


Sleep researchers who are interested in brain wave activity are likely to use which kind of brain scan?


Which lobes of the brain receive the input that enables you to feel someone scratching your back?


The sequence of brain regions from the evolutionarily oldest to newest is

brainstem; limbic system; cerebral cortex.


To identify which specific brain areas are most active during a particular mental task, researchers would be most likely to make use of a(n)


While you are hiking in the mountains, a rattlesnake slithers across your trail. Which of the following triggers the “fight-or-flight” response, increasing your heart rate and blood pressure, as you run away?

sympathetic nervous system


One function of the glial cells is to

provide nutrients to neurons.


Which of the following is the component of the limbic system that plays an essential role in the processing of new memories?


The reticular formation is located in the


The association areas are located in the


An undersupply of serotonin is most closely linked to


The sensory cortex is most critical for our sense of


The tremors of Parkinson's disease result from the death of nerve cells that produce the neurotransmitter


Molecules that are similar enough to a neurotransmitter to bind to its receptor sites on a dendrite and block that neurotransmitter's effects are called what?


The medulla is to the control of ________ as the cerebellum is to the control of ________.


For you to experience the pain of a sprained ankle, ________ must first relay messages from your ankle to your central nervous system.


Prozac, a drug commonly prescribed to treat depression, prevents the sending neuron from taking in excess serotonin. Which process does this drug prevent from taking place?

Which of the following defines ethical behavior?

Ethical behaviour is characterized by honesty, fairness and equity in interpersonal, professional and academic relationships and in research and scholarly activities. Ethical behaviour respects the dignity, diversity and rights of individuals and groups of people.

What must a researcher do to fulfill the ethical principle?

What must a researcher do to fulfill the ethical principle of informed consent? Provide participants with enough information about a study to enable a rational decision about whether to participate.

Which of the following is a rule that researchers must follow when using deception in their research?

Deception in psychological research is often stated as acceptable only when all of the following conditions are met: 1) no other nondeceptive method exists to study the phenomenon of interest; 2) the study makes significant contributions to scientific knowledge; 3) the deception is not expected to cause significant ...

Which technique involves repeating the essence of an earlier research study with different participants and in different circumstances?

*Replication - repeating the essence of a research study, usually with different participants in different situations, to see whether the basic finding extends to other participants and circumstances.