stelios là gì - Nghĩa của từ stelios

stelios có nghĩa là

A bad ass who will beat you like he's using the fists of god. Also works at Kinkos

Ví dụ

"Why do you care how I get those oranges up the stairs? I can pay someone to bring them up for me. Just like I'm paying stelio kontos to kick your ass."

stelios có nghĩa là

A Greek male name with Italian origins, meaning Star (Stelar).
Also, the female version of Stela

Ví dụ

"Why do you care how I get those oranges up the stairs? I can pay someone to bring them up for me. Just like I'm paying stelio kontos to kick your ass." A Greek male name with Italian origins, meaning Star (Stelar).

stelios có nghĩa là

Also, the female version of Stela

Ví dụ

"Why do you care how I get those oranges up the stairs? I can pay someone to bring them up for me. Just like I'm paying stelio kontos to kick your ass." A Greek male name with Italian origins, meaning Star (Stelar).

stelios có nghĩa là

Also, the female version of Stela

Ví dụ

"Why do you care how I get those oranges up the stairs? I can pay someone to bring them up for me. Just like I'm paying stelio kontos to kick your ass." A Greek male name with Italian origins, meaning Star (Stelar).
Also, the female version of Stela The mad guy who owns EasyJet, EasyEverything, EasyCar.
Also I Greek singer (Stelios Kazantzides)

stelios có nghĩa là

A Greek male. A cheeky, sneaky little creature. See also: slippery gypsy. Me: "Man, that guy is sneaky!"
Friend: "Yeah, must be a Stelios. What a slippery little gypsy!" Footballer for Bolton Wanderers. Me:"Stelios Giannakopoulos is crap dude!"

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Friend:" At least he's not as bad as Campo."

Me:" Meh, support Man U." 1. The type of person who would say "I have no friends" while being in a call with his "friends". 2. Blocking some1 if he says anything you don't agree with

stelios có nghĩa là

3. A 17 year old who still plays minecraft.

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1. Person: Man I have no friends.

stelios có nghĩa là

His friend: Wtf... You're being such a stelios right now.

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Stelios raged when he lost his apple.

stelios có nghĩa là

2. Perosn: Fortnite > Minecraft.

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Some1: *Blocks person*

stelios có nghĩa là

Person: Dam bro he just steliosed me.

Ví dụ

3. Stelios sucks. Thay đổi suy nghĩ của tôi. A great dude with a huge PP size, mostly Greek. CHÚA ƠI! Stelios has an enormous PP! At least 20km longer that the guys from Gay-Away, and especially Giorgos A Transgender White kid that plays COD all day. Stelios raged when he lost his apple.

stelios có nghĩa là

Stelios is the most funny creature in existence, his sheer comedic aura can make even Erdogan laugh, he is very enjoyable and hilarious, he eats practically everything and his favourite food is feta cheese, hence his nickname Steliotyro which is supposed to be pronounced in melodic tone given emphasis to the syllable in the beggining and middle dragging the last "o" ,if written it would be like this "STELIOtyroooooo". The literall translation of this made up word is "steliocheese" paying homage to Funny Stelios' love for feta cheese. Another interesting fact about Funny Stelios is that he owns an autistic dog in the name of "Chicky" which is thought by many to hold more brain cells than Stelios' little brother, Anestis. Some other nicknames that are used to announce Stelios' graceful presence are: "Funny Stelios", " Stelios The Comedian", "Stelios The Joker", "Stelios Dababy", " Funny Steliotyro" and many more. It is worth to point out that Stelios carries A DUMB TRUCK OF AN ASS that many of his peers would absolutely love to perform a roufokwli on.

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Hey guys look its Stelios with his HUGE HAIRY ASS and funny jokes!! Stelios Gelekis is a major fag, he plays PlayStation and has an addiction to seeing a girl named Jessie Smith. He has no friends but has a big penis. People have a big tendency for Stelios' Large Cock, they only use him for his cock. Stelios Gelekis is legit a boring man that no one likes. Girl 1: "Look it is Stelios Gelekis itching his balls,"
Girl 2: "That is hot, I wonder how big his penis is,"
Girl 1 "It is really big I heard,"