home schools là gì - Nghĩa của từ home schools

home schools có nghĩa là

An adjective used to describe a person, situation, or object that is lame, sucks, or clearly needs a beating.

The term "home schooled" has started to replace the politically incorrect term "gay" as it was formerly used in a derogatory sense. Not only does it appease the modern sensibilities, but also no one likes a home schooler.


Carlos Beltran watching the final pitch of game seven in the NL championship sail over the plate was totally home schooled.

Don't be so fucking home schooled, you whiney bitch!

home schools có nghĩa là


Too be taught at home.Describing the process in which one or both parents keep their child out of public or private schools to better insulate them and indoctrinate them into their own world view. Often done by religious or anti science zealots to prevent their child learning alternate real world views.

slang: A put down said of another who struggles with any view outside their own.


I tried to talk to him about evolution, but he was home schooled and told me Noah brought Dinosaurs on his Ark.

home schools có nghĩa là

A person who is socially awkard and does not want to go out in public to meet new people. That's what parents are for anyway. Generally in a home schooled situation, the stay at home parent is slowly becoming insane, because of having to revisit their past which everyone hated at one point. Over 70% of parents who are home schooling have thought about committing suicide, as they find their own kids as annoying and weird as the rest of the social world does.


Student: Mommy, what are we doing today?
Mother: math

home schools có nghĩa là

Some one who is taught at there own house usually by ones parents. Most people that are home schooled are social outcast and can't spell.


Wez a hom skooledd!

home schools có nghĩa là

A home-centered education run by a child's parents, rather than by the government. The parents pay taxes to the government to pay for public school, and they pay far more for books and other materials to educate their own children.

Home-school children learn reading, writing, and arithmetic. They learn correct grammar, spelling, and punctuation. They learn real science and real political science. They do NOT learn politically correct ideas, socialist ideas, or faggoty ideas, all of which are taught to kids in public school.

Home-schooled children tend to score higher on national tests. They are enculturated just as easily as public school children.

In class, home-schooled children are not interupted by young Pachuco children or other disruptive junior hoodlums. They learn independent thinking, and are never lifelong slaves to groupthink and the group mentality foisted on other children by public schools.


My home-schooled kids know how to read real literature at high grade levels. But they never learn that, when a white man and a black man apply for a job, the boss should hire the black man.

home schools có nghĩa là

One who is schooled at home usually in much smaller class sizes and on a one-to-one basis by a teacher who is genuinely interested in their student, resulting in a BETTER educated individual.


She was home schooled,and had a much better grasp of spelling and grammar than the average public-schooled retards of the town.

home schools có nghĩa là

Someone who gets to spend all day at home, can get up at anytime, and pretty much has fun all day. Also homeschoolers my seem innocent but watch your back, they often turn out to be way cooler than you think. For some reason all homeschoolers seem to be HOT too.


School kid: What time did you get up?
home schooled kid: I think it was about ten. what about you?
School kid: 5:30
Homeschooler: HAHA sucker!
School Kid: what did you learn today?
Homeschooler: I pretty much just surfed the Internet, then I went to the mall, whatever, I read the back of a cereal box and my mom said that was good for school work, see I get fridays and mondays off....what bout you, what did you learn?
School kid: I had a test in science.....did you really surf the Internet all day............?

home schools có nghĩa là

A person who seems innocent & sweet; assumed to be naive and unaware of the real world; especially appropriate for individuals who grew up in a small, rural community and are in the "big city"


JJ: where the FUCK are my keys!?!
KJ: Yo! watch your language! Home School's right over there!
JJ: oh yeah! Pardon my French, Home School...

home schools có nghĩa là

An adjective describing a person who is intelligent, independent, and able to think for themselves. This is due to a lack of indoctrination in brainwashing centers called "public schools."


public schooled kid: i'd vote fo obamo cuz he's koool

home schooled kid: did you know obama has very little political experience, voted to allow babies born ALIVE after abortions to be killed, and follows an anti-american religious sect based on marxism called liberation theology?

public school kid: whaaaat?

home schools có nghĩa là

When someone can't deal with morons in public school, they leave and start to deal with morons in home school. Because, clearly, public schools are temples to Satan and child pornography and should be treated as such. The solution, of course, is to bring kids home in order to completely shut off the child from the outside world and all sources of intelligent questions, thereby deliberately deviating from the Bible's mandate to free will. Public school kids are chronically pretty damn stupid and moral wastelands, and homeschooled kids are chronically terrible spellers and close-minded religious fanatics. In other news, this will be voted down by every person born without a humour gland.


I am the mutant spawn of being home schooled, Catholic, a bisexual male, and a radical anarchist. I have now coalesced into the little-known Eighth Seal of the Apocalypse. Shit's gonna go DOWN, mofo.