Going off topic in IELTS writing Task 2

Will my grade get lowered in IELTS writing for going off topic?


I took the IELTS Academic today and I have some questions regarding the Writing test.

I think I have made a mistake because at part II, I think I went a little off topic.

I mean I wrote something related to the given subject, but I panicked because I was running out of time and I just wrote down what popped into my mind (somehow related to the subject).

Do you think this will lower my grade too much?

How can I have knowledge on all the possible IELTS Writing Task 2 topics?

by stuti goyal

Essay may come on any of the various topics such as crime, education, food.

how can i have knowledge about each so as to write precisely about any kind of topic that may come

What do we do if we don't know anything about the IELTS essay topic?

by jugojyoti kar

Hello Everybody,

Wish You all a very warm Afternoon.

I do not have prior experience in appearing IELTS exam. So I am not fully aware of the way to write essays.

How to proceed specially in that cases where a topic is given in the exam for which we have to write at least 250 words including all valid points inside that and more over if we have minimal or no idea about that topic then what should be our approach?

I am asking this question as in IELTS We can expect any types of subjects to be a part of our assignment. Please do me a favor on that.


Discussing Two Opinions Essay

Hi everyone,

I am seriously worried about my writing Task 2. The essay topic was:

Some people think that making a detailed plan of activities should be made during free time. Others do not think the this is important.

Discuss both sides and give your opinion.

I couldn't get the exact idea and got confused with "during free time". I thought that people should plan when they are free. But my essay was looking much related to planning of activities and event.

In introduction I wrote general about the importance of planning the activities and events in life, then two views and my perspective.

In the first paragraph I wrote about the people who following planning the events and activities but it was not specific to the free time activities.

Similarly in the second paragraph I wrote about ideology of the people who don't plan their activities and how they face some problems, but still not exactly for the free time activities.

In conclusion I supported the idea of planning of activities and events and benefits of following this concept.

Is my essay off topic?

How much my score can be effected?

Thanks for your valuable comments.

Did I answer the question?

by suja_Ravi

Hey there!

Yesterday I have done with my IELTS EXAM, but sadly im Really worried about my writing task 2. The topic was:

Some people believe that arts and music DO NOT DIRECTLY improve the quality of humans lives, therefore government should invest money on other things than arts and music.

So here, I did not considered about DO NOT DIRECTLY. Instead I wrote benefits of investing in other things in body para 1 and the benefits of investing money in arts and music in para 2 and finally I concluded even though investing in other things helps to improve the humans living standards, it will be good to invest in arts and music like that.

So will this mistake reduce my score?? Im really worried about it.
Can you please give me an opinion?

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