Drive list box in vb

  1. Drive list box in vb
    Fanatic Member
    Drive list box in vb

    One of the features of vb6 that I miss (so far) in is the drive listbox control. Is there one available somewhere (I can't find it in Google) or is it within the capability of a very raw beginner like me to create one?

  2. Re: Drive listbox control

    The following is with VS2010.

    With the Toolbox showing select choose items, under .NET Framework components, select DirListBox or DriveListBox and I see there is FileListBox.

  3. Drive list box in vb
    Fanatic Member
    Drive list box in vb

    Re: Drive listbox control

    Yes, but this is above my head. Too much detail. I want to know how to construct one, preferably from someone who has done it

  4. Re: Drive listbox control

    Drive list box in vb
    Originally Posted by el84
    Drive list box in vb

    Yes, but this is above my head. Too much detail. I want to know how to construct one, preferably from someone who has done it

    I don't understand what is "above my head". The information provided gives you the old VB6 control.

  5. Re: Drive listbox control

    Namespace: Microsoft.VisualBasic.Compatibility.VB6
    Assembly: Microsoft.VisualBasic.Compatibility (in Microsoft.VisualBasic.Compatibility.dll)

    Not sure why you think it's over your head and too much detail.... as that IS the VB6 component... jsut wrapped up for .NET. You can tell because it's in the Compatibility.VB6 namespace....Add the reference, drop it on your form and have at it...


  6. Re: Drive listbox control

    With things like Open & Save file dialogs as well as the folder browser dialog, why would you want a the old DriveListBox control?

  7. Drive list box in vb
    Fanatic Member
    Drive list box in vb

    Re: Drive listbox control

    well I've referenced Microsoft Visual Basic Compatibility and imported it, but I don't see the DriveListBox control in my toolbox!

  8. Re: Drive listbox control

    Drive list box in vb
    Originally Posted by el84
    Drive list box in vb

    well I've referenced Microsoft Visual Basic Compatibility and imported it, but I don't see the DriveListBox control in my toolbox!

    As mentioned before you need to add it to your IDE toolBox as shown below, Choose Items...
    Drive list box in vb
    Attached Images

  9. Drive list box in vb
    Fanatic Member
    Drive list box in vb

    Re: Drive listbox control

    OK, but where is that drop down menu accessed from?

  10. Re: Drive listbox control

    Drive list box in vb
    Originally Posted by el84
    Drive list box in vb

    OK, but where is that drop down menu accessed from?

    Right click inside the toolbox

  11. Drive list box in vb
    Fanatic Member
    Drive list box in vb

    Re: Drive listbox control

    Thnaks you Kevin. I've done that (checked the box and OK) but DriveListBox is not among the controls now displayed!

  12. Re: Drive listbox control

    Drive list box in vb
    Originally Posted by el84
    Drive list box in vb

    Thnaks you Kevin. I've done that (checked the box and OK) but DriveListBox is not among the controls now displayed!

    Did you Check the DriveListBox, worked for me when I tried it.

  13. Drive list box in vb
    Fanatic Member
    Drive list box in vb

    Re: Drive listbox control

    Yes, I did! I must be doing something else wrong. After doing this, the DriveListBox should appear in the toolbox in its alphabetical place in the list of controls, yes?

  14. Re: Drive listbox control

    Drive list box in vb
    Originally Posted by el84
    Drive list box in vb

    Yes, I did! I must be doing something else wrong. After doing this, the DriveListBox should appear in the toolbox in its alphabetical place in the list of controls, yes?

    Try and right click, add new tab. Now right click in the new tab and do the "Choose item". In the example below I created a tab called Kevin then added the VB6 controls into this tab.

  15. Drive list box in vb
    Fanatic Member
    Drive list box in vb

    Re: Drive listbox control

    Got it OK now Kevin! Thanks for your help. I'll mark this resolved.

Drive list box in vb
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