clown world là gì - Nghĩa của từ clown world

clown world có nghĩa là

The current state of global society: women are men, men are women, the schools teach propaganda instead of classes, left is right and right is left so basically, the reverse-world in steroids. You can see this effect in any collectivist movement like Fat acceptance, these people literally tell people that morbid obesity is healthy for example. Although there are the typical trolls that say that anything that isn´t right of Ronald Reagan is a leftist abnormal, this theory is becoming more and more true as the time passes, like, a big part of the youth believes that Communism is good and it will solve all of our problems and that dissolving the Police will end racism. If people don´t understand that they are being used as useful idiots for a leftist agenda by the big coorporations, civilization as we know it wil cease to exist.


Feminist: Islam is the most pro-woman ideology in the world.
Any sane human being: This is so sad
Feminist: WHAT? ARE YOU TRANSPHOBIC!!!? REEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEE We can do better. I know we can stop this pandemic of the clown world.

clown world có nghĩa là

A term primarily used online in "4chan", "Politigram" and "Reddit" to express dismay or grimace at an "Ironic", silly, or depressingly stupid event. Often used when referring to out of touch Liberalism or Consumerism in modern western society as well as other settings.


1: The US is in a period of heightened tension with the police and Biden just chose a cop as his VP 2: Man, fucking clown world 1: People are literally starving in the 3rd world and being used for slavery, and there are people on YT making money from "mukbang" and crushing IPhones
2: Man, fucking clown world 1: The Military is allowing autistic LGBTQ+ people into the Special Forces now, so our war criminals will be more diverse
2: Clownworld pal

clown world có nghĩa là

Another attempt by 4chan's /pol/ board to make people think that something is a hate symbol, in this case, clowns. Although the term itself was first coined by /pol/ as a way to "own the libs" as per their usual standards, the term "Clown World" has seen usage by some as a sort of philosophical statement. The main thesis of the philosophy goes as such. With how increasingly absurd the state of modern society is becoming, the world itself seems like one gigantic circus - hence, the only remaining option is take the role of an archetypal medieval jester and laugh in its face. This mindset is also referred to as being "clownpilled," as a sort of sister-pill to the more well-known "blackpilled" phenomenon, with the main difference being that the center of the pill revolves around a sort of "cheerful nihilism" as opposed to the old doom and gloom. Nothing matters, so why worry about it? Just grab some popcorn and enjoy the show!


The right's full of lunatics and the left's full of idiots... what kind of Clown World is this? I'm telling you, man, it's a Clown World out there. Just stop worrying and laugh along with me!

clown world có nghĩa là

(n) A phrase used to describe what many, especially on the political right, perceive as the purposeful reworking of social norms and traditions historically associated with healthy, functional societies; may refer to the normalization of transgenderism, homosexuality, legalized drug use, unqualified minorities in positions of power, etc.


A transgender was just appointed to a cabinet position. More Clown world politics.”

clown world có nghĩa là

A nazi dog whistle disguised as a joke.


*black people have rights*
nazi: wow this only happens in a clown world

clown world có nghĩa là

A term used by Neo-Nazis that refers to people of colour, the LGBTQI community, and people with dissenting opinions (often women), as clowns. In essence, “the clowns are turning our world into a clown world”. Neo-Nazis will often use a clown emoji to reference people, such as the groups mentioned above, as nothing more than clowns/fools. The emoji represents this with fluffy hair, rainbow colours, and makeup. Often times ‘clown world’ will also be used to mean that ‘degenerates’ (those mentioned above) are ruining the world.


“Hey, John? You hear about Tony? His name is Martha, now.”
“We live in a f***ing clown world.” 🤡 “Hey did you hear about the police shooting near Mark street yesterday?”
“Oh no, I feel so bad for those poor poor thugs.🤡”
“That was a 13 year old child.”

clown world có nghĩa là

Some think its a nazi “buzzword” or a alt right thing but its not. Anyone can use clown world. Its simply pointing out goofy ass shit that happens in our society. Usually ironic, hypocritical, senseless shit that just shouldn’t be the way it is. Especially in these trying times.


Guy 1: lol i just bought the whole halo infinite store and battlepass! I spent $200, im flexing on poors Guy 2: fucking clown world Guy 1: halo infinite has awful micro transactions, forced lobbies, only challenge xp and nothing for performance Guy 2: lol you just want cosmetics Guy 1: fucking clown world Guy 1: welcome to my money burning asmr youtube channel
Guy 2: theres homelessness in our country, clown world

clown world có nghĩa là

A label for a situation that is so undesirable that all one can do is laugh and work with it.


Reginald: “My car broke down on my way home after being laid off from work today”
John: “Bro, are you serious!?”
Reginald: “Clown World, bro”

clown world có nghĩa là

A phrase that is used to describe ones own mental well-being during an existential crisis.


Wesley is being told to find the arctan(sin 2π/3).
He has entered Nightmare Clown World.