speed limits là gì - Nghĩa của từ speed limits

speed limits có nghĩa là

An arbitrarily set 'maximum legal speed of travel' that is almost always disobeyed, except in horrible conditions. However, even then, you'll find some still ignoring it. Nonetheless, only the latter in dangerous, and speed limits serve little purpose aside from bringing in revenue. Used also as an excuse for stupid drivers to be able to stay on the road as long as they 'obey the law'. Remember, speed doesn't kill people, people kill people. Aggressive drivers tend to speed a lot but not all speeders are aggressive. The autobahn in Germany has a lesser accident rate than almost every US highway and this includes many out of country drivers (Austria mostly) that are far more dangerous. Out in the midwest, people are usually more laid back, so they drive closer to the limit (though usually slightly above still).

In the east and west, people are usually going 10-15 above (sometimes more in areas with even lower limits). This is great for city and state coffers because people who are only going 5-10 above the usual traffic speed (often to pass) are ticketed for 20, sometimes 25 over the limit. It's also a very easy way to profile certain groups because everyone is already speeding anyway. Realistic limits, or better yet, no speed limits might cause a few idiots to run off the road, but most slow drivers AND fast drivers go the speed they do because they are not comfortable with any faster. Keep right unless you are passing or have nowhere else to drive.

So, next time you get pulled over, remember that you're just being taxed further. Unless of course, you were weaving through traffic like an asshole and really deserved it. However, most people ticketed are just average Joes attempting to get from point A to point B. There's little evidence that speed limits actually increase 'safety'. The assholes who cut people off and fail to use turn signals are the real danger, not speeders.

Also, 'enforcing' these limits is a waste of time, waste of our money, and a danger to police officers who sit on the median and the drivers who panic when they see them.


I went the speed limit because it was pouring rain.

50 mph? What the fuck? Should be more like 75 mph, AT LEAST.

speed limits có nghĩa là

A suggestion for the speed you should drive on a road. Except for a few idiots everyone drives at least 5 MPH over the speed limit.


Whenever there is a cop around people slow down to the speed limit.

speed limits có nghĩa là

1. A series of antiquated historical markers posted along federally and state maintained roads and highways displaying speeds commonly traveled in those places during the 1950’s.

2. Posted warnings suggesting minimum safe traveling speeds on United States interstate highways.

3. A single “local” sign with unusually small print posting a shockingly low limit. Used by small towns to supplement income, this sign is typically placed precisely at the town limit behind a large bush or other larger sign as a “speed transition point” on rural highways of much higher speed. (to find the secret speed limit sign, look roadside for the projecting front end of the police cruiser pointed in the direction you are currently traveling)

--Speed limit signs are still in black and white as there have been no real reasons to bother updating them to color since most people no longer use them.


A> "Did you see the speed limit sign just now, it said 55 miles per hour"

B> "If we ACTUALLY GO 55mph on the Beltway we will get KILLED."

speed limits có nghĩa là

two words that are put on a sign on the highway to TRY to slow drivers down but never work.


"speed limits are like fairy tales, i don't believe in them"

speed limits có nghĩa là

The speed at which a cop won't pull you over in Michigan. Usually 5-10mph over the posted speed limit on main roads and 15-20mph over the posted speed limit on highways. If you don't maintain this speed you will have a line of cars behind you, each within three feet of the car in front of them. If you feel like driving under the posted speed limit and the weather conditions are anywhere near decent, then you better just pull over and let people pass you.


Mike: Hey dude, you're going way too fast, slow it down.
Nick: Naw it's alright, the Michigan speed limit on this road is 65.
Mike: Yeah I know, but you're doin' 90.
Nick: Oh. Yeah I should probably back off.

speed limits có nghĩa là

The minimum speed that should be even considered safe to travel at, unless weather conditions are that messy to deem otherwise.


Speed Limit 55 on the Interstate means driving below that speed can be considered an impediment to the flow of traffic.

speed limits có nghĩa là

A suggestion.


Officer... the speed limit sign may say "60" but I read "80"!

speed limits có nghĩa là

A poker term that defines being dealt two fives as hole cards.


I wish i hadn't folded since the flop was five five, jack. I would of had a quad!

speed limits có nghĩa là

a thing not existing on most german autobahns (highways)


"wanna see my new porsche doin' 280 km/h?"
"i'd shit my pants for it! what about the speed limit?"
"ever seen a porsche with speed limit? fool..."

speed limits có nghĩa là

A little white sign that scares the living daylights out of most drivers, causing them to clog up the fast lane and make me late for work.


"I'm trying to pass these slow drivers so I can get to work on time, but this guy is going the Speed Limit in the fast lane. Get over on the right you cornhole!"