Sách bài tập tiếng anh thí điểm lớp 10

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Sách Học Sinh Tiếng Anh 10 được chuẩn hóa theo khung chương trình của Bộ Giáo Dục. giúp các em rèn luyện các kĩ năng cơ bản nghe, nói, đọc viết bằng giọng phát âm chuẩn và các bài tập giúp các em rèn luyện để nâng cao các kĩ năng …

Mục lục:

Unit 1: A Day in The Life of..- Một ngày trong cuộc sống của…

Unit 2: School Talks – Những buổi nói chuyện ở trường

Unit 3: People’s Background – Lý lịch con người

Unit 4 :Special Education – Giáo dục đặc biệt

Unit 5 :Technology and you – Công nghệ và bạn

Unit 6: An Excursion – Một chuyến du ngoạn

Unit 7: The mass media – Phương tiện truyền thông đại chúng

Unit 8: The story of my village – Chuyện làng tôi

Unit 9 : Undersea World

Unit 10: Conservation

Unit 11 : National parks

Unit 12: Music

Unit 13: Films and cinema

Unit 14: The world cup

Unit 15: Cities

Unit 16: Historical places

“Tiếng Anh lớp 10 học gì?”

 “Tiếng Anh lớp 10 học gì?” là câu hỏi được rất nhiều học sinh đặt ra. Vì vừa trải qua kỳ thi chuyển cấp, bước vào bậc học THPT nên các em còn khá ngỡ ngàng. Bài viết sau đây sẽ tóm tắt kiến thức sẽ được học trong chương trình tiếng Anh lớp 10 để các em có cách nhìn tổng quát hơn, sẵn sàng về mặt tinh thần và kiến thức để hoàn thành bậc học một cách tốt nhất.

Từ vựng tiếng Anh lớp 10

Từ vựng tiếng Anh lớp 10 mang đến một kho tàng kiến thức tự nhiên và xã hội con người với  nhiều chủ đề mà các em thường gặp phải và quan tâm đến trong cuộc sống.

Unit 1: A DAY IN THE LIFE OF… (Một ngày trong cuộc sống của ai đó)

Bài 1 sẽ giúp các em cùng nhìn lại cuộc sống hàng ngày của mình. Những thói quen, hoạt động được thực hiện trong 1 ngày trong công việc, nghề nghiệp, câu chuyện đời thường.

  Tiếng Anh    Phiên âm    Loại từ                     Tiếng Việt
Occupation [,ɒkjʊ’pei∫n] (n) nghề nghiệp, công việc.
daily routine [ˈdeɪli ruːˈtiːn] (n) thói quen hằng ngày, công việc hằng ngày
Chat [t∫æt] (v) nói chuyện phiếm, tán gẫu
Crop [krɔp] (n) vụ, mùa
Neighbor [‘neibə] (n) người láng giềng
Alarm (n) [ə’lɑ:m] (n) đồng hồ báo thức

Unit 2: SCHOOL TALKS (Nói về trường học)

Với chủ đề của bài 2, các em sẽ được tìm hiểu về mái trường qua những câu chuyện đời thường của các bạn học sinh tại đây bằng tiếng Anh.

   Tiếng Anh  Phiên âm     Loại từ      Tiếng Việt
International [,intə’næʃənl] (adj) thuộc về quốc tế
Semester [si’mestə] (n) học kỳ
Attitude [‘ætitju:d] (n) thái độ
Improve [im’pru:v] (v) cải thiện, cải tiến
Consider [kən’sidə] (v) xem xét
Occasion [ə’keiʤn] (n) dịp
Situation [,sitju’eiʃn] (n) tình huống, hoàn cảnh

Unit 3: PEOPLE’S BACKGROUND (Lý lịch của con người)

Bài 3 tiếng Anh lớp 10 sẽ giúp các em tìm hiểu về cách mô tả, giới thiệu về lý lịch của con người với một số từ vựng quan trọng:

   Tiếng Anh           Phiên âm   Loại từ          Tiếng Việt
Training [‘treiniη] (n) đào tạo
Appearance [ə’piərəns] (n) vẻ bên ngoài
Mature [mə’tjuə] (adj) chín chắn, trưởng thành
Career [kə’riə] (n) sự nghiệp
general education [‘dʒenərəl ,edju:’kei∫n] (n) giáo dục phổ thông
Brilliant [‘briljənt] (adj) lỗi lạc
Experience [iks’piəriəns] (n) kinh nghiệm

Unit 4: SPECIAL EDUCATION (Giáo dục đặc biệt)

Một trong những chủ đề không thể thiếu trong chương trình dạy học tiếng Anh lớp 10 chính là giáo dục. Bởi đây là chủ đề quen thuộc, gần gũi nhất đối với các em học sinh. Đặc biệt trong unit 4 các em sẽ được biết về các phương pháp giáo dục đặc biệt, mà đối tượng được giáo dục là những học sinh khiếm khuyết, có dị tật về cơ thể.

  Tiếng Anh   Phiên âm        Loại từ       Tiếng Việt
Blind [blaind] (adj)
Deaf [def] (adj) điếc
Dumb [dʌm] (adj) câm
Disabled [dis’eibld] (adj) tàn tật
Braille [breil] (n) hệ thống chữ nổi cho người mù
Mentally [‘mentəli] (adv) về mặt tinh thần

Unit 5: TECHNOLOGY AND YOU (Công nghệ và bạn)

Công nghệ sẽ là một chủ đề được rất nhiều bạn học sinh quan tâm khi mà xã hội ngày càng phát triển. Trong bài học này các em sẽ tích lũy thêm nhiều từ vựng tiếng Anh về chủ đề công nghệ ngày nay.

           Tiếng Anh           Phiên âm    Loại từ             Tiếng Việt
visual display unit (VDU) [‘vi∫uəl, dis’plei, ‘ju:nit] (n) thiết bị hiển thị
computer screen [kəm’pju:tə skri:n] (n) màn hình máy tính
software [‘sɔftweə] (n) phần mềm
remote control [ri’mout,kən’troul] (n) điều khiển từ xa
central processing unit [‘prousesiη] (n) thiết bị xử lý trung tâm CPU

Unit 6: AN EXCURSION (Một chuyến du ngoạn)

Bạn có muốn biết tên của những sự vật mà bạn thường gặp trong chuyến đi chơi bằng tiếng Anh không? Unit 6 tiếng Anh lớp 10 sẽ chỉ cho bạn cách gọi tên chúng nhé.

  Tiếng Anh      Phiên âm     Loại từ        Tiếng Việt
wonder [‘wʌndə] (n) kỳ quan
excursion [iks’kə:∫n] (n) chuyến tham quan, du ngoạn
waterfall [‘wɔ:təfɔ:l] (n) thác nước
destination [,desti’nei∫n] (n) điểm đến
stream [stri:m] (n) dòng suối
anxious [‘æηk∫əs] (adj) nôn nóng

Unit 7: THE MASS MEDIA (Phương tiện thông tin đại chúng)

Phương tiện truyền thông đại chúng cung cấp cho ta nhiều kênh tin tức và chương trình giải trí bổ ích với các từ vựng tiếng Anh sau:

  Tiếng Anh    Phiên âm    Loại từ               Tiếng Việt
mass media [mæs ‘mi:djəm] (n) phương tiện thông tin đại chúng
channel [‘t∫ænl] (n) kênh truyền hình
entertain [,entə’tein] (v) giải trí
adventure [əd’vent∫ə(r)] (n) cuộc phiêu lưu
folk [fouk] (n) dân ca
comedy [‘kɔmidi] (n) hài kịch
cartoon [ka:’tu:n] (n) hoạt hình

Unit 8: THE STORY OF MY VILLAGE (Câu chuyện về làng quê)

Chủ đề làng quê luôn mang lại cho chúng ta nhiều cảm hứng cho những câu chuyện quá khứ. Unit 8 sẽ đưa bạn về với cuộc sống bình dị ở làng quê.

  Tiếng Anh      Phiên âm   Loại từ              Tiếng Việt
harvest [‘hɑ:vist] (v) thu hoạch
shortage [‘∫ɔ:tidʒ] (adj) túng thiếu
farming method [fɑ:miη, ‘meθəd] (n) phương pháp canh tác
export [‘ekspɔ:t] (v) xuất khẩu
crossroads [‘krɔsroudz] (n) giao lộ, bùng binh
rice field [‘rais’fi:ld] (n) cánh đồng lúa

Unit 9: UNDERSEA WORLD (Thế giới dưới đáy biển)

Thế giới dưới đáy biển mà ít ai biết đến chứa đựng rất nhiều điều kỳ lạ và thú vị. Bài học này sẽ giúp bạn hình dung được những bí mật của biển qua qua những từ vựng sau đây.

Tiếng Anh      Phiên âm   Loại từ           Tiếng Việt
biodiversity [,baioui dai’və:siti] (n) Hệ sinh thái
maintain [mein’tein] (v) duy trì
submarine [,sʌbmə’ri:n] (n) (hàng hải) tàu ngầm
surface [‘sə:fis] (n) bề mặt
undersea [‘ʌndəsi:] (n) dưới biển
ocean [‘əʊ∫n] (n) đại dương, biển

Unit 10: CONSERVATION (Sự bảo tồn)

Cuộc sống trên Trái đất đang gặp phải nhiều vấn đề gây ảnh hưởng đến con người và sinh vật. Vì thế bảo tồn là một điều mang lại ý nghĩa rất lớn mà mỗi người nên làm. Cùng Unit 10 tiếng Anh lớp 10 tìm hiểu về những loài sinh vật đang gặp nguy hiểm với một số từ vựng liên quan.

      Tiếng Anh   Phiên âm     Loại từ                 Tiếng Việt
dangerous [‘deindʒrəs] (adj) nguy hiểm
endangered species [in’deindʒəd] (n) những loài có nguy cơ bị tuyệt chủng
feature [‘fi:t∫ə] (n) nét đặc trưng
consequence [‘kɔnsikwəns] (n) hậu quả, kết quả
variety [və’raiəti] (n) sự đa dạng

Unit 11: NATIONAL PARKS (Công viên quốc gia)

Công viên quốc gia là nơi bảo tồn các loài sinh vật quý hiếm đang gặp nguy hiểm trên trái đất. Một số từ vựng liên quan đến chủ đề này như:

 Tiếng Anh      Phiên âm       Loại từ             Tiếng Việt
national park [‘næ∫nəl] (n) công viên quốc gia
survival [sə’vaivl] (n) sự sống sót, tồn tại
abandon [ə’bændən] (v) bỏ rơi, từ bỏ
habit [‘hæbit] (n) thói quen
contamination [kən,tæmi’nei∫n] (n) sự ô nhiễm
disaster [di’zɑ:stə] (n) tai họa, thảm họa
rainforest [rein,’fɔrist] (n) rừng mưa nhiệt đới

Unit 12: MUSIC (Âm nhạc)

Âm nhạc là một đặc sản của nhân loại mà hầu hết ai cũng yêu thích với nhiều thể loại khác nhau. Vì thế, trong unit 12 chương trình tiếng Anh lớp 10 các bạn sẽ có thêm được nhiều từ vựng liên quan đến chủ đề thú vị này.

 Tiếng Anh    Phiên âm   Loại từ            Tiếng Việt
classical music [‘klæsikəl] (n) nhạc cổ điển
tune [tju:n] (n) giai điệu
compose [kəm’pouz] (v) soạn nhạc, sáng tác nhạc
atmosphere [‘ætməsfiə] (n) bầu không khí
author [‘ɔ:θə] (n) tác giả
mixture [‘mikst∫ə] (n) sự pha trộn, sự hòa quyện

Unit 13: FILMS AND CINEMA (Phim và điện ảnh)

Phim và điện ảnh là phương tiện truyền thông giúp con người giải trí và truyền đạt những thông điệp ý nghĩa. Với nhiều thể loại phim và các từ vựng tiếng Anh chuyên ngành mà bạn nên biết.

   Tiếng Anh    Phiên âm   Loại từ     Tiếng Việt
action film [‘æk∫n] (n) phim hành động
detective film [di’tektiv] (n) phim trinh thám
violent [‘vaiələnt] (adj) Hung tợn
tragic [‘trædʒik] (adj) bi thảm
scene [si:n] (n) cảnh


Môn thể thao mà hầu như ai yêu thích sẽ được quy tụ về một giải đấu quốc tế mang tên “World Cup”. Và nhiều bạn học sinh cũng rất yêu thích và quan tâm đến giải đấu này, nên chắc chắn đây sẽ là một chủ đề học từ vựng thú vị.

    Tiếng Anh   Phiên âm   Loại từ          Tiếng Việt
champion [‘t∫æmpjən] (n) nhà vô địch
tournament [‘tɔ:nəmənt] (n) vòng đấu, giải đấu
competition [,kɔmpi’ti∫n] (n) cuộc cạnh tranh, thi đấu
announce [ə’nauns] (v) thông báo
captain [‘kæptin] (n) đội trưởng
elimination games [i,limi’nei∫n] (n) các trận đấu loại
witness [‘witnis] (n) sự chứng kiến

Unit 15: CITIES (Thành phố)

Unit 15 với những vấn đề về dân số và cuộc sống của đô thị thông qua các từ vựng tiếng Anh sẽ giúp các bạn hiểu hơn về cuộc sống tại đây.

  Tiếng Anh      Phiên âm  Loại từ    Tiếng Việt
population [,pɔpju’lei∫n] (n) dân số
region [‘ri:dʒən] (n) khu vực
reserved [ri’zə:vd] (adj) dè dặt, kín đáo.
national holiday [‘næ∫nəl,’hɔlədi] (n) ngày nghỉ lễ cả nước
characterise [‘kæriktəraiz] (n) nét đặc trưng
harbour [‘hɑ:bə] (n) cảng
transport [‘trænspɔ:t] (n) giao thông

Unit 16: HISTORICAL PLACES (Địa danh lịch sử)

Và cuối cùng là chủ đề về địa danh lịch sử mang tầm quốc tế ở trong và ngoài nước. Trong bài 6 của tiếng Anh lớp 10, chúng ta sẽ có nhiều từ mới để ghi nhớ và thêm hiểu biết về chủ đề này.

 Tiếng Anh    Phiên âm     Loại từ       Tiếng Việt
historical [his’tɔrikəl] (adj) có liên quan đến lịch sử
cultural [‘kʌlt∫ərəl] (adj) thuộc về văn hóa
architecture [‘ɑ:kitekt∫ə] (n) kiến trúc
maintenance [‘meintinəns] (n) sự bảo dưỡng, tu sửa
well-preserved [wel,pri’zə:vd] được bảo tồn tốt
achievement [ə’t∫i:vmənt] (n) thành tích
dynasty [‘dinəsti] (n) triều đại

Ngữ pháp tiếng Anh lớp 10

12 thì cơ bản trong tiếng Anh

Trong tiếng Anh, thì là cấu trúc cơ bản và quan trọng mà học sinh học tiếng Anh nào cũng cần phải nhớ. Trong việc sử dụng thì, học sinh cần xem xét thời gian, ngữ cảnh và các dấu hiệu nhận biết. Có tất cả 12 thì cơ bản trong tiếng Anh bạn sẽ được học trong chương trình tiếng Anh lớp 10.

  • Thì hiện tại đơn (Present simple tense)
  • Thì hiện tại tiếp diễn (Present continuous tense)
  • Thì hiện tại hoàn thành (Present perfect tense)
  • Thì hiện tại hoàn thành tiếp diễn (Present perfect continuous tense)
  • Thì quá khứ đơn (Simple past tense)
  • Thì quá khứ tiếp diễn (Past continuous tense)
  • Thì quá khứ hoàn thành (Past perfect tense)
  • Thì quá khứ hoàn thành tiếp diễn (Past perfect continuous tense)
  • Thì tương lai đơn (Simple future tense)
  • Thì tương lai tiếp diễn (Future continuous tense)
  • Thì tương lai hoàn thành (Perfect future tense)
  • Thì tương lai hoàn thành tiếp diễn (Future perfect continuous tense)

Các hình thức so sánh trong tiếng Anh lớp 10

So sánh bằng
                           Tính từ                     Trạng từ
S1 + be/ linking Verbs + as adj as + S2 S1 + V + as adv as + S2
Ex: John is as tall as Tom Ex: I can run as fast as the teacher

Hình thức phủ định của so sánh bằng có công thức như sau:

S1 + be/ V + not so adj/adv as S2

Trong dạng phủ định chúng ta vẫn phải dùng “so”, vẫn có thể dùng “as” nhưng nếu đó là trong văn nói giao tiếp không trang trọng.

Ex: She doesn’t play guitar so well as his brother.

So sánh hơn
     Tính từ và trạng từ ngắn                  Tính từ và trạng từ dài
S1 + be/v + adj/adv + er than + S2 S1 + be/v + most adj/adv + than + S2
Ex: Anna studies harder than Jade. Ex: My dress is more expensive than her dress.
So sánh nhất
    Tính từ và trạng từ ngắn                      Tính từ và trạng từ dài
S1 + be/v + adj/adv + est S1 + be/V + the most adj/adv + S2
Ex: Lan is the tallest in my class. Ex: Tony is the most intelligent student in his class.


  • Tính từ hay trạng từ được gọi là ngắn khi chỉ có 1 âm tiết.
  • Tính từ hay trạng từ được gọi là dài khi có 2 âm tiết trở lên.

Làm sao để học tốt tiếng Anh lớp 10?

Luyện đặt câu mỗi ngày

“Học đi đôi với hành” là cách nhanh nhất để đạt hiệu quả. Thay vì học thuộc những kiến thức khô khan, bạn hãy thử đặt câu liên quan đến kiến thức đó. Có như vậy, bạn sẽ dễ dàng hơn nhiều trong việc ghi nhớ và áp dụng chúng vào thực tế.

Ví dụ, “work” sẽ thường đi kèm với giới từ như “against” hay “toward”. Nhưng thay vì học thuộc lòng, bạn có thể đặt câu “I’m working against the clock to lock the dog in the room again”. Hoặc bạn cũng có thể đặt bất kỳ câu nào khác miễn là bạn cảm thấy chúng dễ hiểu và dễ nhớ.

Khi lượng kiến thức ngữ pháp trong sách tiếng Anh lớp 10 tương đối lớn và việc học thuộc lòng không còn hiệu quả, thì đây là cách học tối ưu dành cho bạn. Bạn cũng có thể nạp nhanh hơn 100 từ vựng tiếng Anh lớp 10 nhờ phương pháp này.

Học tiếng Anh lớp 10 từ những tình huống thực tế hàng ngày

Sự việc diễn ra hằng ngày ẩn chứa vô vàn kiến thức mới lạ và bổ ích. Nên hãy quan sát để phát hiện cấu trúc ngữ pháp trong những câu giao tiếp tiếng anh hàng ngày. Sau đó cố gắng ghi nhớ và vận dụng chúng.

Cụ thể hơn, khi bạn đọc một câu tiếng Anh nào đó hãy đọc chúng ít nhất là 3 lần. Lần thứ nhất là để hiểu ý nghĩa, lần thứ 2 là để ghi nhớ và lần thứ 3 là để học hỏi. Bất cứ những câu tiếng Anh nào dù ít hay nhiều đều chứa những kiến thức ngữ pháp vô cùng bổ ích.

Vì vậy, hãy cố gắng quan sát và học hỏi từ cuộc sống. Duy trì thói quen này thường xuyên và chắc chắn bạn sẽ có thể nâng cao kỹ năng học tiếng Anh lớp 10 của mình.

Tự cải thiện bắt đầu từ những lỗi sai

Muốn tiến bộ khi học tiếng Anh lớp 10, bạn nên bắt đầu từ việc cải thiện lỗi sai của bản thân và những người xung quanh. Việc này giúp bạn cải thiện kỹ năng nghe rất tốt. Bởi muốn biết người khác sai chỗ nào, trước tiên bạn cần phải nghe được người ta đang nói gì. Cách học này tưởng chừng đơn giản nhưng lại vô cùng hiệu quả.

Thêm nữa, bạn cũng có thể tận dụng sách giải tiếng Anh lớp 10 để chữa những lỗi sai khi làm bài tập ngữ pháp. Tuy nhiên, đừng chép lại tất cả những gì trong sách giải mà chỉ nên so sánh kết quả sau khi bạn hoàn thành bài tập của mình. Cách này cũng sẽ giúp bạn nhận biết được các lỗi sai và sửa chữa kịp thời.

Nhớ nhanh, ngấm lâu ngữ pháp nhờ luyện viết mỗi ngày

Bắt đầu luyện viết mỗi ngày là cách nhanh nhất để cải thiện ngữ pháp tiếng Anh lớp 10. Bạn không nhất thiết bắt mình viết một bài luận dài với chủ đề khó nhằn. Chỉ cần giữ thói quen viết bằng tiếng Anh mỗi ngày bắt đầu từ những việc đơn giản nhất.

Ví dụ như viết nhật ký, viết thư hoặc kể lại một câu chuyện bạn cảm thấy thích thú. Việc sử dụng các câu, từ, cấu trúc câu và các quy tắc ngữ pháp đã học sẽ giúp bạn nhớ bài lâu hơn mà không bị gò bó bởi các công thức khô khan.

Sau khi viết xong, bạn nên tìm một người có đủ chuyên môn để sửa chữa, nhận xét. Từ đó rút ra lỗi sai và khắc phục chúng. Nếu không, những trang web sửa lỗi chính tả cũng là cứu tinh nếu bạn không có người dẫn dắt.

Tải Sách Bài Tập Tiếng Anh Lớp 10 Thí Điểm Tập 1,2

Sách Bài Tập Tiếng Anh Lớp 10 Thí Điểm Tập 1,2

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Trắc nghiệm;

Môn học: Tiếng anh;

Lớp: THPT Quốc gia;
50 câu hỏi; Làm trong 60 phút; cập nhật 13/09/2021

Thời gian làm bài thi

Hướng dẫn làm bài thi

Hãy nhấn vào nút bắt đầu để thi thử trực tuyến.

Môn học Tiếng anh Cập nhật 13/09/2021
Lớp, cấp THPT Quốc gia Số câu hỏi 50 câu
Lượt xem 26,023 lượt xem Lượt thi 4,570 lượt thi

Câu 1

Mark the letter A, B, C, or D on your answer sheet to indicate the sentence that best completes each of the following exchanges.

Question 1: David is thanking Mai for her advice. – David: “Thank you for your advice, Mai.”

– Mai: “____________”


That’s not good


Same to you


Good idea


You’re welcome

Câu 2

Mark the letter A, B, C, or D on your answer sheet to indicate the sentence that best completes each of the following exchanges.

Question 2: Peter is asking to borrow Ha’s phone. – Peter: “Can I borrow your phone, Ha?” – Ha: “____________”


Me too




Here you are


Thanks a lot

Câu 3

Mark the letter A, B, C, or D on your answer sheet to indicate the word that differs from the other three in the position of stress in each of the following questions.









Câu 4

Mark the letter A, B, C, or D on your answer sheet to indicate the word that differs from the other three in the position of stress in each of the following questions.









Câu 5

Mark the letter A, B, C, or D on your answer sheet to indicate the word whose underlined part differs from the other three in pronunciation in each of the following questions.









Câu 6

Mark the letter A, B, C, or D on your answer sheet to indicate the word whose underlined part differs from the other three in pronunciation in each of the following questions.









Câu 7

Mark the letter A, B, C, or D on your answer sheet to indicate the word CLOSEST in meaning to the underlined word in each of the following questions.

We have to walk quickly, otherwise, we will miss the train.









Câu 8

Mark the letter A, B, C, or D on your answer sheet to indicate the word CLOSEST in meaning to the underlined word in each of the following questions.

Lam didn’t expect his town would change much. But when he came back, he couldn’t recognise it.









Câu 9

Mark the letter A, B, C, or D on your answer sheet to indicate the word(s) OPPOSITE in meaning to the underlined word(s) in each of the following questions.

She found herself more confident after performing several times on stage.









Câu 10

Mark the letter A, B, C, or D on your answer sheet to indicate the word(s) OPPOSITE in meaning to the underlined word(s) in each of the following questions.

Using this new software can be tricky at first, but you’ll soon get the hang of it.


fail to learn how to use it


install it successfully


be able to design a new one


get bored with it

Câu 11

Mark the letter A, B, C, or D on your answer sheet to indicate the correct answer to each of the following questions.

Huy helped the old man to__________ the bus.


get off


make off


give off


take off

Câu 12

Mark the letter A, B, C, or D on your answer sheet to indicate the correct answer to each of the following questions.

The exercise is easy,_______?


does it


wasn’t it


isn’t it


was it

Câu 13

Mark the letter A, B, C, or D on your answer sheet to indicate the correct answer to each of the following questions.

The night before the party, I stayed up late to_______ everything ready.









Câu 14

Mark the letter A, B, C, or D on your answer sheet to indicate the correct answer to each of the following questions.

The children__________ football when it started to rain.


have played


were playing


are playing



Câu 15

Mark the letter A, B, C, or D on your answer sheet to indicate the correct answer to each of the following questions.

To his colleagues’ surprise, John_________ himself rudely at the party last night.









Câu 16

Mark the letter A, B, C, or D on your answer sheet to indicate the correct answer to each of the following questions.

Mike tried to sort out the problem, but he just________ a blank.









Câu 17

Mark the letter A, B, C, or D on your answer sheet to indicate the correct answer to each of the following questions. 

Tim started_______ his living by working as a waiter at a restaurant.









Câu 18

Mark the letter A, B, C, or D on your answer sheet to indicate the correct answer to each of the following questions.

The trees____ in our schoolyard yesterday.


were planting


were planted




have planted

Câu 19

Mark the letter A, B, C, or D on your answer sheet to indicate the correct answer to each of the following questions.

Be careful, Nam. The water is __________ here.









Câu 20

Mark the letter A, B, C, or D on your answer sheet to indicate the correct answer to each of the following questions.

The larger the room is,________ comfortable it is.






the more


most of

Câu 21

Mark the letter A, B, C, or D on your answer sheet to indicate the correct answer to each of the following questions.

The singer is famous all over the country _________ she sings and dances beautifully.




because of





Câu 22

Mark the letter A, B, C, or D on your answer sheet to indicate the correct answer to each of the following questions.

I saw a_________ car in the street yesterday.


beautiful black Vietnamese


Vietnamese black beautiful


black Vietnamese beautiful


beautiful Vietnamese black

Câu 23

Mark the letter A, B, C, or D on your answer sheet to indicate the correct answer to each of the following questions.

________, she will hold a party to celebrate the event.


When Sofia was moving into her new house


When Sofia had moved into her new house


When Sofia moved into her new house


When Sofia moves into her new house

Câu 24

Mark the letter A, B, C, or D on your answer sheet to indicate the correct answer to each of the following questions.

My friend is going to study at a famous university _________September.









Câu 25

Mark the letter A, B, C, or D on your answer sheet to indicate the correct answer to each of the following questions.

__________ high school, he took the entrance examination to a university.


Having finished


Have finished


Have been finished


Have been finishing

Câu 26

Read the following passage and mark the letter A, B, C, or D on your answer sheet to indicate the correct word or phrase that best fits each of the numbered blanks from 26 to 30.

Babies start laughing very soon after they are born. Deaf and blind people can laugh although they have never heard or seen anyone laughing. Laughing seems to be a part of (26) _______nature, but what is it for?

Many people think that we laugh because we see or hear something funny; (27)_________, most of the time this is not true. No one really knows the (28)_________ why we laugh, but one idea is that it makes (29) __________ people feel good. Laughter can stop negative feelings and help people to feel closer to each other.

It also seems that laughter is good for your health. The writer Norman Cousins, (30) _________ had a serious back pain, wrote dial watching comedy programmes on TV helped him to feel better. He said that ten minutes of laughter gave him two hours of sleep without pain.

(Adapted from English Unlimited by Tilbury, Clementson, Hendra and Rea)









Câu 27

Read the following passage and mark the letter A, B, C, or D on your answer sheet to indicate the correct word or phrase that best fits each of the numbered blanks from 26 to 30.

Babies start laughing very soon after they are born. Deaf and blind people can laugh although they have never heard or seen anyone laughing. Laughing seems to be a part of (26) _______ nature, but what is it for?

Many people think that we laugh because we see or hear something funny; (27)_________, most of the time this is not true. No one really knows the (28)_________ why we laugh, but one idea is that it makes (29) __________ people feel good. Laughter can stop negative feelings and help people to feel closer to each other.

It also seems that laughter is good for your health. The writer Norman Cousins, (30) _________ had a serious back pain, wrote dial watching comedy programs on TV helped him to feel better. He said that ten minutes of laughter gave him two hours of sleep without pain.

(Adapted from English Unlimited by Tilbury, Clementson, Hendra and Rea)









Câu 28

Read the following passage and mark the letter A, B, C, or D on your answer sheet to indicate the correct word or phrase that best fits each of the numbered blanks from 26 to 30.

Babies start laughing very soon after they are born. Deaf and blind people can laugh although they have never heard or seen anyone laughing. Laughing seems to be a part of (26) _______ nature, but what is it for?

Many people think that we laugh because we see or hear something funny; (27)_________, most of the time this is not true. No one really knows the (28)_________ why we laugh, but one idea is that it makes (29) __________ people feel good. Laughter can stop negative feelings and help people to feel closer to each other.

It also seems that laughter is good for your health. The writer Norman Cousins, (30) _________ had a serious back pain, wrote dial watching comedy programs on TV helped him to feel better. He said that ten minutes of laughter gave him two hours of sleep without pain.

(Adapted from English Unlimited by Tilbury, Clementson, Hendra and Rea)









Câu 29

Read the following passage and mark the letter A, B, C, or D on your answer sheet to indicate the correct word or phrase that best fits each of the numbered blanks from 26 to 30.

Babies start laughing very soon after they are born. Deaf and blind people can laugh although they have never heard or seen anyone laughing. Laughing seems to be a part of (26) _______ nature, but what is it for?

Many people think that we laugh because we see or hear something funny; (27)_________, most of the time this is not true. No one really knows the (28)_________ why we laugh, but one idea is that it makes (29) __________ people feel good. Laughter can stop negative feelings and help people to feel closer to each other.

It also seems that laughter is good for your health. The writer Norman Cousins, (30) _________ had a serious back pain, wrote dial watching comedy programmes on TV helped him to feel better. He said that ten minutes of laughter gave him two hours of sleep without pain.

(Adapted from English Unlimited by Tilbury, Clementson, Hendra and Rea)









Câu 30

Read the following passage and mark the letter A, B, C, or D on your answer sheet to indicate the correct word or phrase that best fits each of the numbered blanks from 26 to 30.

Babies start laughing very soon after they are born. Deaf and blind people can laugh although they have never heard or seen anyone laughing. Laughing seems to be a part of (26) _______ nature, but what is it for?

Many people think that we laugh because we see or hear something funny; (27)_________, most of the time this is not true. No one really knows the (28)_________ why we laugh, but one idea is that it makes (29) __________ people feel good. Laughter can stop negative feelings and help people to feel closer to each other.

It also seems that laughter is good for your health. The writer Norman Cousins, (30) _________ had a serious back pain, wrote dial watching comedy programs on TV helped him to feel better. He said that ten minutes of laughter gave him two hours of sleep without pain.

(Adapted from English Unlimited by Tilbury, Clementson, Hendra and Rea)









Câu 31

Read the following passage and mark the letter A, B, C, or D on your answer sheet to indicate the correct answer to each of the questions from 31 to 35.

Most people want to be polite and behave well around others. Being polite involves good manners of eating and appropriate ways of greeting and talking to people, and giving and receiving gifts. Polite behaviors may differ from culture to culture. In the United States, people prefer to shake hands firmly for a few seconds. In some Middle Eastern countries, people hold each other’s hands gently for a longer time. What about eye contact? In some countries, you show respect when you look at someone directly in the eyes. In other parts of the world, looking at someone directly can be rude. Another difference is personal space. In North America, people usually stand about an arm’s length apart during a conversation. However, in Latin America, people seem to stand closer.

If you are going to live, work, or study in another country, you should learn about its culture. In this way, you can be polite and make a good impression. Politeness can be good for making friends and doing business as well.

(Adapted from Skills for Success by McVeigh and Bixby)

Question 31: What is the passage mainly about?


Politeness in different cultures


Table manners around the world


Giving and receiving gifts


Greeting and talking to people

Câu 32

Read the following passage and mark the letter A, B, C, or D on your answer sheet to indicate the correct answer to each of the questions from 31 to 35.

Most people want to be polite and behave well around others. Being polite involves good manners of eating and appropriate ways of greeting and talking to people, and giving and receiving gifts. Polite behaviors may differ from culture to culture. In the United States, people prefer to shake hands firmly for a few seconds. In some Middle Eastern countries, people hold each other’s hands gently for a longer time. What about eye contact? In some countries, you show respect when you look at someone directly in the eyes. In other parts of the world, looking at someone directly can be rude. Another difference is personal space. In North America, people usually stand about an arm’s length apart during a conversation. However, in Latin America, people seem to stand closer.

If you are going to live, work, or study in another country, you should learn about its culture. In this way, you can be polite and make a good impression. Politeness can be good for making friends and doing business as well.

(Adapted from Skills for Success by McVeigh and Bixby)

According to paragraph 2, in which part of the world do people hold each other’s hands gently?


In some Middle Eastern countries


In the United States


In North America


In Latin America

Câu 33

Read the following passage and mark the letter A, B, C, or D on your answer sheet to indicate the correct answer to each of the questions from 31 to 35.

Most people want to be polite and behave well around others. Being polite involves good manners of eating and appropriate ways of greeting and talking to people, and giving and receiving gifts. Polite behaviors may differ from culture to culture. In the United States, people prefer to shake hands firmly for a few seconds. In some Middle Eastern countries, people hold each other’s hands gently for a longer time. What about eye contact? In some countries, you show respect when you look at someone directly in the eyes. In other parts of the world, looking at someone directly can be rude. Another difference is personal space. In North America, people usually stand about an arm’s length apart during a conversation. However, in Latin America, people seem to stand closer.

If you are going to live, work, or study in another country, you should learn about its culture. In this way, you can be polite and make a good impression. Politeness can be good for making friends and doing business as well.

(Adapted from Skills for Success by McVeigh and Bixby)

The word rude in paragraph 2 is closest in meaning to_________.









Câu 34

Read the following passage and mark the letter A, B, C, or D on your answer sheet to indicate the correct answer to each of the questions from 31 to 35.

Most people want to be polite and behave well around others. Being polite involves good manners of eating and appropriate ways of greeting and talking to people, and giving and receiving gifts. Polite behaviors may differ from culture to culture. In the United States, people prefer to shake hands firmly for a few seconds. In some Middle Eastern countries, people hold each other’s hands gently for a longer time. What about eye contact? In some countries, you show respect when you look at someone directly in the eyes. In other parts of the world, looking at someone directly can be rude. Another difference is personal space. In North America, people usually stand about an arm’s length apart during a conversation. However, in Latin America, people seem to stand closer.

If you are going to live, work, or study in another country, you should learn about its culture. In this way, you can be polite and make a good impression. Politeness can be good for making friends and doing business as well.

(Adapted from Skills for Success by McVeigh and Bixby)

According to paragraph 2, which of the following is NOT mentioned as an example of differences in politeness around the world?


shaking hands


personal space


eye contact


facial expressions

Câu 35

Read the following passage and mark the letter A, B, C, or D on your answer sheet to indicate the correct answer to each of the questions from 31 to 35.

Most people want to be polite and behave well around others. Being polite involves good manners of eating and appropriate ways of greeting and talking to people, and giving and receiving gifts. Polite behaviors may differ from culture to culture. In the United States, people prefer to shake hands firmly for a few seconds. In some Middle Eastern countries, people hold each other’s hands gently for a longer time. What about eye contact? In some countries, you show respect when you look at someone directly in the eyes. In other parts of the world, looking at someone directly can be rude. Another difference is personal space. In North America, people usually stand about an arm’s length apart during a conversation. However, in Latin America, people seem to stand closer.

If you are going to live, work, or study in another country, you should learn about its culture. In this way, you can be polite and make a good impression. Politeness can be good for making friends and doing business as well.

(Adapted from Skills for Success by McVeigh and Bixby)

The word its in paragraph 3 refers to









Câu 36

Read the following passage and mark the letter A, B, C, or D on your answer sheet to indicate the correct answer to each of the questions from 36 to 42.

Hawaii is often considered to be one place in the world where you can find paradise. But when I arrived in Hawaii, I was shocked to discover beaches were covered in plastic rubbish washed up from around the world. As I dug through the sand, I realised the sandy beach was being transformed into a plastic beach. A chill went down my spine.

From the beaches of Hawaii to the seas around Britain, we are polluting our own environment. Beaches are now covered in more rubbish than ever before. The plastic we see on our beaches is just a small amount of the plastic waste that exists in our oceans. Scientists believe that sea currents have created five huge garbage areas in our oceans, including the one in the North Atlantic. This is a global problem for which we are all responsible.

Plastic makes our life easier, but its production and use are completely out of control. Because plastic rubbish in the oceans looks like food, it is being eaten by small fish, which in turn is eaten by large fish, which in turn is eaten by us. Plastic is damaging our beaches, polluting the oceans, and poisoning our food chain. The consequences are still not fully understood, but they are likely to be terrible.

We need to stop using plastic bags for packaging and single-use water bottles. These make up most of the plastic garbage in the oceans. In Bangladesh and Kenya, they have stopped using plastic bags completely. The UK has put a tax on plastic bags. Many supermarkets around the world are not packing goods in plastic. The future of our beaches, our seas, and the food chain is at risk. This is an environmental problem that we need to solve immediately.

(Adapted from Headway by Soars, Soars and Hancock)

Which of the following is the best title for the passage?


Common Plastic Products


A Green Lifestyle


Benefits of Plastic Products


A Planet Poisoned by Plastic

Câu 37

Read the following passage and mark the letter A, B, C, or D on your answer sheet to indicate the correct answer to each of the questions from 36 to 42.

Hawaii is often considered to be one place in the world where you can find paradise. But when I arrived in Hawaii, I was shocked to discover beaches were covered in plastic rubbish washed up from around the world. As I dug through the sand, I realised the sandy beach was being transformed into a plastic beach. A chill went down my spine.

From the beaches of Hawaii to the seas around Britain, we are polluting our own environment. Beaches are now covered in more rubbish than ever before. The plastic we see on our beaches is just a small amount of the plastic waste that exists in our oceans. Scientists believe that sea currents have created five huge garbage areas in our oceans, including the one in the North Atlantic. This is a global problem for which we are all responsible.

Plastic makes our life easier, but its production and use are completely out of control. Because plastic rubbish in the oceans looks like food, it is being eaten by small fish, which in turn is eaten by large fish, which in turn is eaten by us. Plastic is damaging our beaches, polluting the oceans, and poisoning our food chain. The consequences are still not fully understood, but they are likely to be terrible.

We need to stop using plastic bags for packaging and single-use water bottles. These make up most of the plastic garbage in the oceans. In Bangladesh and Kenya, they have stopped using plastic bags completely. The UK has put a tax on plastic bags. Many supermarkets around the world are not packing goods in plastic. The future of our beaches, our seas, and the food chain is at risk. This is an environmental problem that we need to solve immediately.

(Adapted from Headway by Soars, Soars and Hancock)

The word transformed in paragraph 1 is closest in meaning to ___________.









Câu 38

Read the following passage and mark the letter A, B, C, or D on your answer sheet to indicate the correct answer to each of the questions from 36 to 42.

Hawaii is often considered to be one place in the world where you can find paradise. But when I arrived in Hawaii, I was shocked to discover beaches were covered in plastic rubbish washed up from around the world. As I dug through the sand, I realised the sandy beach was being transformed into a plastic beach. A chill went down my spine.

From the beaches of Hawaii to the seas around Britain, we are polluting our own environment. Beaches are now covered in more rubbish than ever before. The plastic we see on our beaches is just a small amount of the plastic waste that exists in our oceans. Scientists believe that sea currents have created five huge garbage areas in our oceans, including the one in the North Atlantic. This is a global problem for which we are all responsible.

Plastic makes our life easier, but its production and use are completely out of control. Because plastic rubbish in the oceans looks like food, it is being eaten by small fish, which in turn is eaten by large fish, which in turn is eaten by us. Plastic is damaging our beaches, polluting the oceans, and poisoning our food chain. The consequences are still not fully understood, but they are likely to be terrible.

We need to stop using plastic bags for packaging and single-use water bottles. These make up most of the plastic garbage in the oceans. In Bangladesh and Kenya, they have stopped using plastic bags completely. The UK has put a tax on plastic bags. Many supermarkets around the world are not packing goods in plastic. The future of our beaches, our seas, and the food chain is at risk. This is an environmental problem that we need to solve immediately.

(Adapted from Headway by Soars, Soars and Hancock)

The word they in paragraph 3 refers to ________.









Câu 39

Read the following passage and mark the letter A, B, C, or D on your answer sheet to indicate the correct answer to each of the questions from 36 to 42.

Hawaii is often considered to be one place in the world where you can find paradise. But when I arrived in Hawaii, I was shocked to discover beaches were covered in plastic rubbish washed up from around the world. As I dug through the sand, I realised the sandy beach was being transformed into a plastic beach. A chill went down my spine.

From the beaches of Hawaii to the seas around Britain, we are polluting our own environment. Beaches are now covered in more rubbish than ever before. The plastic we see on our beaches is just a small amount of the plastic waste that exists in our oceans. Scientists believe that sea currents have created five huge garbage areas in our oceans, including the one in the North Atlantic. This is a global problem for which we are all responsible.

Plastic makes our life easier, but its production and use are completely out of control. Because plastic rubbish in the oceans looks like food, it is being eaten by small fish, which in turn is eaten by large fish, which in turn is eaten by us. Plastic is damaging our beaches, polluting the oceans, and poisoning our food chain. The consequences are still not fully understood, but they are likely to be terrible.

We need to stop using plastic bags for packaging and single-use water bottles. These make up most of the plastic garbage in the oceans. In Bangladesh and Kenya, they have stopped using plastic bags completely. The UK has put a tax on plastic bags. Many supermarkets around the world are not packing goods in plastic. The future of our beaches, our seas, and the food chain is at risk. This is an environmental problem that we need to solve immediately.

(Adapted from Headway by Soars, Soars and Hancock)

According to paragraph 4, both Bangladesh and Kenya


have used more and more plastic bags


have produced a lot of plastic bags


do not use plastic bags anymore


encourage the use of plastic bags

Câu 40

Read the following passage and mark the letter A, B, C, or D on your answer sheet to indicate the correct answer to each of the questions from 36 to 42.

Hawaii is often considered to be one place in the world where you can find paradise. But when I arrived in Hawaii, I was shocked to discover beaches were covered in plastic rubbish washed up from around the world. As I dug through the sand, I realised the sandy beach was being transformed into a plastic beach. A chill went down my spine.

From the beaches of Hawaii to the seas around Britain, we are polluting our own environment. Beaches are now covered in more rubbish than ever before. The plastic we see on our beaches is just a small amount of the plastic waste that exists in our oceans. Scientists believe that sea currents have created five huge garbage areas in our oceans, including the one in the North Atlantic. This is a global problem for which we are all responsible.

Plastic makes our life easier, but its production and use are completely out of control. Because plastic rubbish in the oceans looks like food, it is being eaten by small fish, which in turn is eaten by large fish, which in turn is eaten by us. Plastic is damaging our beaches, polluting the oceans, and poisoning our food chain. The consequences are still not fully understood, but they are likely to be terrible.

We need to stop using plastic bags for packaging and single-use water bottles. These make up most of the plastic garbage in the oceans. In Bangladesh and Kenya, they have stopped using plastic bags completely. The UK has put a tax on plastic bags. Many supermarkets around the world are not packing goods in plastic. The future of our beaches, our seas, and the food chain is at risk. This is an environmental problem that we need to solve immediately.

(Adapted from Headway by Soars, Soars and Hancock)

Which of the following is NOT true according to the passage?


Hawaii is protected from plastic rubbish


One huge garbage area in the oceans is in the North Atlantic


The UK has introduced a tax on plastic bags


Production and use of plastic are now out of control

Câu 41

Read the following passage and mark the letter A, B, C, or D on your answer sheet to indicate the correct answer to each of the questions from 36 to 42.

Hawaii is often considered to be one place in the world where you can find paradise. But when I arrived in Hawaii, I was shocked to discover beaches were covered in plastic rubbish washed up from around the world. As I dug through the sand, I realised the sandy beach was being transformed into a plastic beach. A chill went down my spine.

From the beaches of Hawaii to the seas around Britain, we are polluting our own environment. Beaches are now covered in more rubbish than ever before. The plastic we see on our beaches is just a small amount of the plastic waste that exists in our oceans. Scientists believe that sea currents have created five huge garbage areas in our oceans, including the one in the North Atlantic. This is a global problem for which we are all responsible.

Plastic makes our life easier, but its production and use are completely out of control. Because plastic rubbish in the oceans looks like food, it is being eaten by small fish, which in turn is eaten by large fish, which in turn is eaten by us. Plastic is damaging our beaches, polluting the oceans, and poisoning our food chain. The consequences are still not fully understood, but they are likely to be terrible.

We need to stop using plastic bags for packaging and single-use water bottles. These make up most of the plastic garbage in the oceans. In Bangladesh and Kenya, they have stopped using plastic bags completely. The UK has put a tax on plastic bags. Many supermarkets around the world are not packing goods in plastic. The future of our beaches, our seas, and the food chain is at risk. This is an environmental problem that we need to solve immediately.

(Adapted from Headway by Soars, Soars and Hancock)

The phrase at risk in paragraph 5 is closest in meaning to__________.









Câu 42

Read the following passage and mark the letter A, B, C, or D on your answer sheet to indicate the correct answer to each of the questions from 36 to 42.

Hawaii is often considered to be one place in the world where you can find paradise. But when I arrived in Hawaii, I was shocked to discover beaches were covered in plastic rubbish washed up from around the world. As I dug through the sand, I realised the sandy beach was being transformed into a plastic beach. A chill went down my spine.

From the beaches of Hawaii to the seas around Britain, we are polluting our own environment. Beaches are now covered in more rubbish than ever before. The plastic we see on our beaches is just a small amount of the plastic waste that exists in our oceans. Scientists believe that sea currents have created five huge garbage areas in our oceans, including the one in the North Atlantic. This is a global problem for which we are all responsible.

Plastic makes our life easier, but its production and use are completely out of control. Because plastic rubbish in the oceans looks like food, it is being eaten by small fish, which in turn is eaten by large fish, which in turn is eaten by us. Plastic is damaging our beaches, polluting the oceans, and poisoning our food chain. The consequences are still not fully understood, but they are likely to be terrible.

We need to stop using plastic bags for packaging and single-use water bottles. These make up most of the plastic garbage in the oceans. In Bangladesh and Kenya, they have stopped using plastic bags completely. The UK has put a tax on plastic bags. Many supermarkets around the world are not packing goods in plastic. The future of our beaches, our seas, and the food chain is at risk. This is an environmental problem that we need to solve immediately.

(Adapted from Headway by Soars, Soars and Hancock)

Which of the following can be inferred from the passage?


The environment in Hawaii was not as good as the writer had expected


There is far more plastic waste on the beaches than in the oceans


Plastic helps maintain the natural food chain in the oceans


People in the past were more concerned about the effects of plastic waste

Câu 43

Mark the letter A, B, C, or D on your answer sheet to indicate the underlined part that needs correction in each of the following questions.

Kate goes out for a coffee with her classmates last weekend.









Câu 44

Mark the letter A, B, C, or D on your answer sheet to indicate the underlined part that needs correction in each of the following questions.

Learners have voiced their complaints to the language centre that its services are inadequate and not entirely dependent.









Câu 45

Mark the letter A, B, C, or D on your answer sheet to indicate the underlined part that needs correction in each of the following questions.

E-books are becoming more and more popular nowadays because of its convenience.









Câu 46

Mark the letter A, B, C, or D on your answer sheet to indicate the sentence that ^closest in meaning to each of the following questions.

She last went shopping two months ago.


She hasn’t gone shopping for two months


She didn’t go shopping two months ago


She has two months to go shopping


She has gone shopping for two months

Câu 47

Mark the letter A, B, C, or D on your answer sheet to indicate the sentence that ^closest in meaning to each of the following questions.

“I can solve this problem,” Sue said.


Sue said that she can’t solve that problem


Sue said that I could solve that problem


Sue said that she could solve that problem


Sue said that I can’t solve that problem

Câu 48

Mark the letter A, B, C, or D on your answer sheet to indicate the sentence that ^closest in meaning to each of the following questions.

It is not necessary for you to water these plants every day.


You needn’t water these plants every day


You would water these plants every day


You must water these plants every day


You can’t water these plants every day

Câu 49

Mark the letter A, B, C, or D on your answer sheet to indicate the sentence that best combines each pair of sentences in the following questions.

Paul doesn’t have access to the Internet. He can’t go online.


Provided that Paul has access to the Internet, he can’t go online


If only Paul had had access to the Internet, he couldn’t have gone online


If Paul had had access to the Internet, he couldn’t have gone online


Paul wishes he had access to the Internet so that he could go online

Câu 50

Mark the letter A, B, C, or D on your answer sheet to indicate the sentence that best combines each pair of sentences in the following questions.

Smoking is strictly forbidden at petrol stations. There is no exception whatsoever.


At no time were people allowed to smoke at petrol stations


On no occasion are people banned from smoking at petrol stations


By no means are people banned from smoking at petrol stations


Under no circumstances are people allowed to smoke at petrol stations

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