red rocks là gì - Nghĩa của từ red rocks

red rocks có nghĩa là

The Red Rock Rapist is an urban legend in the famous hiking canyon of Red Rock,Las Vegas, Nevada. He is known to wait for unsuspecting young female hikers to pass by him before being brutally raped. Some claim he is an incubus who has been dead for hundreds of years waiting to rape the living.


Eren:Haven't you heard of the Red Rock Rapist?
Nikki:No,who is it?
Eren:It is this guy who waits in caves to rape girls.
Nikki:That's not funny!
Eren:Yeah,some think he is an incubus too.He rapes from beyond the grave.

red rocks có nghĩa là

Red Rock opium was sold mostly during the late 90's early 2000's. Red Rock Opium is a myth it is actually Dragon's Blood Incense which is resin from the Daemonorops Draco Plant. There is no high, the effect you might feel is just placebo/smoke inhalation. Real opium is black so avoid this stuff at all cost.


You bought a gram of Red Rock Opium,!? You got ripped off man.

red rocks có nghĩa là

Doral Academy Red Rock is a school located in the middle of fucking nowhere in the desert. The elementary school is perfectly fine but the “upper school” is nothing but horse shit. They only call it upper school cause they have no right to call it a middle school or high school because students don’t get the true experience they once saw in the movies. The teachers don’t give a shit at all and make you do springboard all day. At lunch you can only sit with 5 other people and can’t even use your phone. Each grade level 6-12 only has around 100 kids and it is broken down like this: 20 normal/cool kids, 20 special ed kids, 20 kids who actually give a shit about their grade (even though the teachers give no homework), 20 weeaboos/furries and around 20 kids who don’t talk and nobody likes them but they are only at doral cause their parents made them. To be honest parents saw the words “charter” and they thought it was a good school so they applied. The sports teams are decent but the coaches pick favorite players to play the whole game but the roster has over 40 kids cause it lowers everyone’s self esteem if they don’t make it on the doral team. The campus is good looking but the halls are so thin that no one can get to class in the two minutes they get because all the fatass kids take up the hallway and doral try’s to look like a school that they are obviously not. Overall this school sucks ass and every student wants to transfer out of it on their third month.


Doral Academy Red Rock student: I hate this school
Doral Academy Red Rock student 2: Same
*Both get citations*

red rocks có nghĩa là

Arguably, the best venue in the world. Located in Morrison, Colorado It’s a natural outdoor amphitheater surrounded by large red rocks (hence the name). And behind the stage (if you’re far enough back) you get to enjoy a view of the city of Denver and all the surrounding towns. Enjoyed by the public for over a century, graced by the presence of artists such as The Beatles, Jethro Tull, U2 (who’s performance here was one of Rolling Stone’s 50 moments that changed rock n’ roll history), The Greatful Dead, and many other super-awesome people. Lots of famous folks like to use footage from their performances here for DVDs and what-not, because it really is just that great. In the summer you can catch screenings of movies and enjoy seven dollars beers which is why pre-show parking lot madness is always expected/enjoyed. There’s plenty of space and room to dance, not really that great if you’re sitting but you shouldn’t be sitting anyway loser. Probably the only place in Colorado you won’t get kicked out for smoking a cig and pot-smoking is expected (there’s even weed ice cream sometimes). Any and every show you attend will definitely be the best ever and you’ll be looking for the next excuse to go.


__insert name here____ at Red Rocks blew my fucking mind last night!!

red rocks có nghĩa là

According to comedian Dave Chappelle, ''Red rocks'' is a nickname for the fourth planet from the Sun in the Solar System ,Mars. The planet is named after the Roman god of war. The iron oxide prevalent on its surface gives it a reddish appearance.


M-A-R-S Mars bitches, that's where we are going, Mars. Red rocks YAY YAY! Not to be confused with the obesity inducing snack

red rocks có nghĩa là

smoking marijuana + opium


"Let's make some red rock, you get weed, i'll get the rest"

red rocks có nghĩa là

The best venue to see music in Colorado and the US.

Great outdoor Venue where you will have an enjoyable trip on anything that suits your fancy.

Seeing music there you will have a great view of downtown denver behind the stage and the huge red rocks to the right and left behind you.


Red Rocks Ampthitheatre is a Heady venue!

red rocks có nghĩa là

An interesting mixture of Red Bull and Pop Rocks.
Creates an interesting burning sensation in the stomach after ingestion.


"Hey Murphy, what did you have for lunch today?"
"Well Dustan, I was feeling really low on energy so I had some red rocks and then I got WIRED!"

red rocks có nghĩa là

An interesting mixture of Red Bull and Pop Rocks.
Creates an interesting burning sensation in the stomach after ingestion.


"Hey Murphy, what did you have for lunch today?"
"Well Dustan, I was feeling really low on energy so I had some red rocks and then I got WIRED!"

red rocks có nghĩa là

Best Fucking Place to party, drinks, food, and pussy,,,,, fucking right.


Red Rock Lounge