Provides trainees with the opportunity to practice the key behaviors demonstrated by a model.

Which of the following a training method that requires the trainee to be actively involved in learning?

On-The-Job Training With on-the-job training, not only are employees actively involved in learning, but they also participate in real activities that relate to their current or future job.

In which training method does the trainer communicate with spoken words which they want trainees to learn?

8. LECTURE In a lecture trainers communicate through spoken words what they want the trainees to learn. 10. Audio Visual Techniques • Audiovisual instruction includes overheads, slides and video.

What methodologies will be most helpful to you as a training participants?

The Most Effective Training Methods.
Case Study. The case study is a proven method for training and is known to effectively boost learner motivation. ... .
Games-Based Training. ... .
Internship. ... .
Job Rotation. ... .
Job Shadowing. ... .
Lecture. ... .
Mentoring and Apprenticeship. ... .
Programmed Instruction..

Is a training method that represents a real life situation with trainees decisions resulting in outcomes that mirror what would happen if the trainee were on the job?

A simulation is a training method that represents a real-life situation, with trainees' decisions resulting in outcomes that mirror what would happen if they were on the job.