overcompensation là gì - Nghĩa của từ overcompensation

overcompensation có nghĩa là

the purchasing of large, expensive items or gifts to make up for a very small penis

Ví dụ

My husband bought me a new car today. He's just overcompensating for the fact I haven't had an orgasm in 3 years.

overcompensation có nghĩa là

A blog comic by Jeff Rowland, also the author of Wigu!
R.I.P Wigu!
As said by many, it is "Awesome."

Ví dụ

My husband bought me a new car today. He's just overcompensating for the fact I haven't had an orgasm in 3 years.

overcompensation có nghĩa là

A blog comic by Jeff Rowland, also the author of Wigu!

Ví dụ

My husband bought me a new car today. He's just overcompensating for the fact I haven't had an orgasm in 3 years. A blog comic by Jeff Rowland, also the author of Wigu!

overcompensation có nghĩa là

R.I.P Wigu!

Ví dụ

My husband bought me a new car today. He's just overcompensating for the fact I haven't had an orgasm in 3 years. A blog comic by Jeff Rowland, also the author of Wigu!
R.I.P Wigu!

overcompensation có nghĩa là

As said by many, it is "Awesome."

Ví dụ

WOW, that OC sure was awesome yesterday. the science of excessively hide a fault, by means of using the opposite behaviour jill: Mark is very arrogant!

overcompensation có nghĩa là

Kristie: He's just using overcompensation for his own insecurity

Ví dụ

using the bathroom at work or other public places regularly with low quality tp, then coming home to your thick and soft tp and accidentally unravelling much more than necessary, often leading to frustration and more often than not, no toilet giấy.

overcompensation có nghĩa là

Dude 1: Damnit! What happened to all the toilet paper? Dude 2: Sorry bro, accidentally did some major toilet paper overcompensation today. give or take more than what was earned Man 1: You are overcompensating by taking too much hair cream. You're hair isn't that beautiful.

Ví dụ

Mark's severe Climate Overcompensation Syndrome led him to shopping for a parka after he felt unprepared for the 50 degree morning in we had last week here in Miami.

overcompensation có nghĩa là

Man 2: I may have overcompensated him for the hair cream, now that you mention it.

Ví dụ

Attention seeking and excessive behaviour to mask someone's weaknesses or faults

overcompensation có nghĩa là

A Keyboard Warrior is overcompensating their pathetic real life by being a dickhead on the Net

Ví dụ

noun, Psychoanalysis. 1. a pronounced striving to neutralize and conceal the effect of extreme climate on one's person by substituting for it with opposite behaviors.