Lỗi installscript setup launcher unicode has stopped working

We keep running into the error after running the installer on the IIS server and simply going through the upgrade wizard, when the progress bar is right at the end, I get the following error:


Problem signature: Problem Event Name: APPCRASH Application Name: setup.exe_Changepoint 2017 Application Version: Application Timestamp: 57b887df Fault Module Name: IISRT.dll Fault Module Version: Fault Module Timestamp: 57b887a7 Exception Code: c0000005 Exception Offset: 0000dae2 OS Version: 6.3.9600. Locale ID: 1033 Additional Information 1: 5861 Additional Information 2: 5861822e1919d7c014bbb064c64908b2 Additional Information 3: 5f25 Additional Information 4: 5f2531ae070278f893fa99352dadd49e

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It appears that when CP2014 was installed, default TCP Port values of 8080 and 8082 were selected the for Enterprise and Report Designer. So, in the Registry, the port values are recorded as such.

At some point in time, the websites were turned into SSL sites, with TCP Ports 443 and 444, respectively (as noted in the exported IIS configuration file).

So, when the CP2017 installer tries to upgrade the websites, it takes the port values from the Registry and attempted to setup Enterprise website with that values. This resulted in InstallShield crashing.


One way to remedy this is for you to update the following Registry key values to match the current configuration:

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InstallScript based setup, upgraded from IS 2011 setup but no other changes to the setup.

A small number of customers in the field (5% or less) are now seeing this error when trying to install. It happens at the "Preparing Setup" stage of the wizard, after selecting which language to use. Running the setup again does not allow it to succeed. No InstallShield error is displayed just the Windows error.

The setup has InstallScript to read a file for a license key, but this will display a message box if there are problems reading that file (I've verified that my message box appears if this fails). The script code also sets a few registry keys. There are no custom DLLs or anything else "tricky."

I moved to a new PC and in the process switched from InstallShield 2011 Premiere to IS 2013 Premiere. This unfortunately means I no longer have IS 2011 installed.

Any ideas on how to diagnose and fix this are welcome.

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(12) Replies

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We've been working with Flexera on this and it appears to be a crash bug in the IS2013 startup code. triggered when one or more standard Windows folders are missing from the customer's PC:

1. C: > Users > ("Yourname" Windows account ) > My Documents 2. C: > Users > ("Yourname" Windows account ) > AppData > Local 3. C: > Users > ("Yourname" Windows account ) > AppData > Roaming > Microsoft > Windows > Start Menu > Programs > Startup 4. C: > Users > Default > Documents 5. C: > Users > Default > AppData > Roaming > Microsoft > Windows > Start Menu > Programs > Startup

Workarounds include having the customer manually create the folder(s), or using one of your older IS2011 installs then some non-IS patching or update scheme if you have one.

We've provided Flexera with setup log traces and with customer confirmations of the manual fix so it seems likely they should be able to release a fix for this.

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Any word on when a fix for this might be coming out? We are getting more reports of this happening to our customers and would like to be able to give them some idea of when it will be fixed.

DaveSimmons wrote:


We've been working with Flexera on this and it appears to be a crash bug in the IS2013 startup code. triggered when one or more standard Windows folders are missing from the customer's PC:

1. C: > Users > ("Yourname" Windows account ) > My Documents 2. C: > Users > ("Yourname" Windows account ) > AppData > Local 3. C: > Users > ("Yourname" Windows account ) > AppData > Roaming > Microsoft > Windows > Start Menu > Programs > Startup 4. C: > Users > Default > Documents 5. C: > Users > Default > AppData > Roaming > Microsoft > Windows > Start Menu > Programs > Startup

Workarounds include having the customer manually create the folder(s), or using one of your older IS2011 installs then some non-IS patching or update scheme if you have one.

We've provided Flexera with setup log traces and with customer confirmations of the manual fix so it seems likely they should be able to release a fix for this.

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Hi y'all!

I've also seen this error a few times so far and wanted to post my experience with it here as the thread was never really 'closed'.

Recreating the default folders as stated by DaveSimmons did not work for me. However creating a new user, actually logging in with that new user and installing the software with that new user (you can still provide admin credentials, but you have to be logged in with a new user) worked for me at least the last time. I assume this is due to the fact that the default folder are created from scratch for that new user so nothing is messed up for it.

As always I find it kind of lame that Flexera/InstallShield doesn't give a s**t about such issues as this is the only ressource on the internet that I could find which actually tries to solve the issue. No official statement by Flexera and no information if you do not have a support contract. I asked one of their sales guys if the problem is fixed in IS2014 and also only got a general answer suggesting me to ask the support.

Well, the answer seems to be yes, the "InstallScript Setup Launcher Unicode Has Stopped Working"-bug is fixed in IS2014. At least the Trial-Version of IS2014 does not show the issue (I tested it by deleting the said standard folders in a virtual machine: An IS13 setup failed as expected while the IS14 setup started correctly).

Seriously Flexera: Would it have been that hard to let the community know about this???



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    MillionsterNutz wrote: Hi y'all!

I've also seen this error a few times so far and wanted to post my experience with it here as the thread was never really 'closed'.

Recreating the default folders as stated by DaveSimmons did not work for me. However creating a new user, actually logging in with that new user and installing the software with that new user (you can still provide admin credentials, but you have to be logged in with a new user) worked for me at least the last time. I assume this is due to the fact that the default folder are created from scratch for that new user so nothing is messed up for it.

As always I find it kind of lame that Flexera/InstallShield doesn't give a s**t about such issues as this is the only ressource on the internet that I could find which actually tries to solve the issue. No official statement by Flexera and no information if you do not have a support contract. I asked one of their sales guys if the problem is fixed in IS2014 and also only got a general answer suggesting me to ask the support.

Well, the answer seems to be yes, the "InstallScript Setup Launcher Unicode Has Stopped Working"-bug is fixed in IS2014. At least the Trial-Version of IS2014 does not show the issue (I tested it by deleting the said standard folders in a virtual machine: An IS13 setup failed as expected while the IS14 setup started correctly).

Seriously Flexera: Would it have been that hard to let the community know about this???



We upgraded from 2013 Pro to 2014 Pro and tried upgrading our previous install on Win 7 machines (32 and 64 bit Pro), and see this error every time. Clicking the close box on the warning message allows the installer to complete (and the program works properly), but we sometimes see the message twice during an install. A clean install only shows the message intermittently. We have all the folders in the suggestions present. We cannot ask every user to set up a new account to install/upgrade our software.

Does anyone know how to fix this???

Any reasonably suggestions would be much appreciated...

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Last week a colleague of mine had the infamous "InstallScript Setup Launcher Unicode Has Stopped Working" error again. I tried to assist him by checking the said folders and we ended up creating a new admin, but this time this did not help either. I told him that there is nothing I could do at this point and we decided to use an old version of our product that was still built with IS2012 (I have to wait until next year before budget allows me to buy IS2014).

Today my colleague called me that he was able to install the new version of the software because he found out which folder was actually missing! He was using Microsoft's Process Monitor from Sysinternals to inspect the Setup.exe's file access and there it was amongst a huge pile of successfull folder checks there was one that failed due to a missing folder... Created missing folder => Setup runs! Atta boy! That might not be a complete solution but at least a work around for the desparate ones.



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    DaveSimmons wrote: Update:

We've been working with Flexera on this and it appears to be a crash bug in the IS2013 startup code. triggered when one or more standard Windows folders are missing from the customer's PC:

1. C: > Users > ("Yourname" Windows account ) > My Documents 2. C: > Users > ("Yourname" Windows account ) > AppData > Local 3. C: > Users > ("Yourname" Windows account ) > AppData > Roaming > Microsoft > Windows > Start Menu > Programs > Startup 4. C: > Users > Default > Documents 5. C: > Users > Default > AppData > Roaming > Microsoft > Windows > Start Menu > Programs > Startup

Workarounds include having the customer manually create the folder(s), or using one of your older IS2011 installs then some non-IS patching or update scheme if you have one.

We've provided Flexera with setup log traces and with customer confirmations of the manual fix so it seems likely they should be able to release a fix for this.

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Well it looks like I'm now involved in this bug. We just upgraded to Installshield 2014 from 2012 Spring. It happens all the time even if you "Run as Administrator". I double checked that those folders were there as suggested in the earlier posts. Is there any resolution on this?

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Just adding my 2 cents to this thread. We upgraded from IS2012 spring to IS2013 because it supported Windows 8.1 and Server2012R2.

We have Software-As-A-Service on Amazon Cloud instances. Most of our clients use English. We have no trouble installing to those cloud instances. But the Chinese customer is producing this error message, even though we set the regional setting for that computer to English before attempting to install. These cloud instances are all Server 2012R2.

Additional information: The instances are not new. We uninstalled our previous version before attempting to upgrade. We ran the setup.exe as an administrator. The username used was the administrator of that instance.

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create same project as basic msi, add PROGRAMFILETOLAUNCHATEND = launch to property manager. This resolve the issue for me.

DaveSimmons wrote:


We've been working with Flexera on this and it appears to be a crash bug in the IS2013 startup code. triggered when one or more standard Windows folders are missing from the customer's PC:

1. C: > Users > ("Yourname" Windows account ) > My Documents 2. C: > Users > ("Yourname" Windows account ) > AppData > Local 3. C: > Users > ("Yourname" Windows account ) > AppData > Roaming > Microsoft > Windows > Start Menu > Programs > Startup 4. C: > Users > Default > Documents 5. C: > Users > Default > AppData > Roaming > Microsoft > Windows > Start Menu > Programs > Startup

Workarounds include having the customer manually create the folder(s), or using one of your older IS2011 installs then some non-IS patching or update scheme if you have one.

We've provided Flexera with setup log traces and with customer confirmations of the manual fix so it seems likely they should be able to release a fix for this.

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I get this error when I try to run the InstallShield 2015 Service Pack 1 installer on Windows 8.1.