Koreas next top model cycle 3 episode 1 eng sub

Sources: official homepage, Hankook Ilbo, Star News. Note that Korea is really careful not to list brands on TV shows due to their rules on advertising, so I'm digging through news articles to find out more. :P)

A notable contestant is Choi Han-bit, who is transgender and has previously entered a nation-wide modelling competition, in addition to bit parts on Korean dramas.

They had an "Episode 0" — YouTube link, no subtitles — where they basically did the Semi-Finals and had the top girls from Cycle 2 discuss their successes and what they thought about the new girls.

FULL EPISODE on YouTube, no subtitles Photoshoot: Goddess of Nature (with Jeju Island as a backdrop) Episode Recap: They had the final 30(?) at the airport, did some random photoshoot at the airport, and narrowed the candidates down to a "Final" 16. However, they brought back two already eliminated girls (Kwon Da-min, Min Hae-rin) for the first photoshoot (who were ironically immediately eliminated thereafter, along with Jung Han-sol who had a really awkward picture). Choi So-ra won first call-out, but she's already being edited to be the loud, obnoxious one that almost everyone dislikes.

FULL EPISODE on YouTube, no subtitles Photoshoot: Showing Your Presence in a "Quintuplet"/Group Setting Episode Recap: The girls were grouped in teams of 5 to create and film a promo video for KNTM and themselves. They chose a location out of a few pre-determined ones (on a map), they were given various supplies and materials (makeup, clothes, fabric, etc.), and they had to come back by a certain time. Kang Cho-won's group had issues because So-ra kept butting in and unintentionally (?) tried to take over. Choi Han-bit's group won by default as the other teams were late, although the group's video was determined to be the best regardless. The teams were kept for the group photoshoot, where they had to stand out and be noticed while still being part of the team and creating a cohesive image. Han-bit's team did the worst because they didn't understand the photo concept and pretty much everyone looked bad in the photo (IMO, the concept was the weirdest of the three). The other group wore solid dresses on a metal plane frame with wind machines, which ended up being kind of a hot mess because the girls weren't really working with each other. Cho-won's group did the best (B&W posing by a wall) and she earned first call-out. Lee Seul-gi was eliminated for performing the worst in the group.

FULL EPISODE on YouTube, no subtitles Photoshoot: "Fashion Interpretation" of the London Olympics (2 girls in each "concept" face off) Episode Recap: MAKEOVERS. Girls cried but learned to appreciate and eventually work with their makeovers. One girl had to get her makeover re-done because what they initially chose for her (pink hair!) didn't work. The photoshoot, a "fashion interpretation" of the Summer Olympics, was done at a sports college. The photographer had issues with various girls, but some of the photos of said girls turned out well, leading to awkward exchanges on the judging panel (seriously). The tomboy-ish girl — Heo Kyeong-hui — who actually graduated from that college, thought she would ace the photoshoot but ultimately failed and was bottom 2. Ji So-yeon was eliminated because she failed to impress the judges in her photos, and her not-so-good attitude bothered the panel.

Note: I know that there was a group subbing this before, but I can't find any info regarding the current season. Also, torrents are available for the vids, although the YouTube links are pretty good quality.

Official website: (click)

Honestly some of the girls should have had their hair kept long - it made them look more modelesque in my opinion.

And I really like Jung Yongsoo, but I just don't think the kid is cut out to be a model.

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i didn't watch the ep but is this the one they cut han ji an's hair - it's curly as fuck, i don't know what they were thinking, cutting it short and straightening it. they completely ruined her hair and it's gonna take few years to have it grow back :(

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yeah i'm mad about that. u dont cut curly hair short that is just basic common sense. i couldnt even BELIEVE it when their so called hairstylist pro suggested to cut it because her hair was "bad" lol like WHAT?! just because u dont kno how to treat curly hair doesnt make it bad.

they should've left it long and conditioned it to bring out a natural wave. center part that bitch and let the body shine and it would've been hair perfection.

such a shame.

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and if she doesn't make it here (and she probably won't, short haired models never win :/) her modeling career after this is also gonna be affected since it's too damaged to attach synthetic hair and wigs are just awful. ughhhhhh so angryyyyyyy and she's so pretty with long hair too :((((((

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IA, if anything cutting and dying their hair for some of the girls just made them look even more generic...

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yeah that was another thing that annoyed me---so many short cuts for the girls. i was DYING for a long blunt cut with bold color (black or otherwise) but none of the girls got it!

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If the next episode preview is anything to go by I'm glad Jung Yongsoo is still there cause he's going to be so awkward with the girls again.

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Seung Soo's shaved head totally suits him! And it's good to see Yong Soo look a little more confident after the makeover (although I still wonder if he even wants this?). I just wish he could develop himself a little further.

I'm totally in love with Gibeum, she kinda reminds me of Sun Fei Fei. Ji Eun also has a great body, I'm looking forward to seeing her grow as a model.

Thanks for posting OP~~! Can't wait for the next ep :DDD

Edited at 2014-09-04 08:16 pm (UTC)

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kori_ya 11th-Sep-2014 12:08 pm (UTC)

With Gibeum's new hair color, she resembles Fei SO MUCH. I still pefer her with black hair, but she's gorgeous either way. :)

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woohyun 4th-Sep-2014 08:35 pm (UTC)


Seungsoo ;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;

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also, I was laughing the entirety of their waxing scenes cos I KNOW DAT FEEL

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I didn't think I'd say this but I kind of want more house interactions between the members. The guys getting waxed was gold.

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szhuns 4th-Sep-2014 11:05 pm (UTC)

My favorites so far are Tae Eun, Seung Soo, Cheol Woo (coincidentally, they were the top three this week), and Gi Ppeum (her face is fantastic).

This episode was great; Beenzino is bae but lmao he is so awkward. I've watched that music video so many times since it's been released, it's very visually appealing and I like the concept.

I always look forward to new episodes, especially since Kim Won Joong is one of the judges haha

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Tae eun is the male model who has the kissing scene? He looks like hyunsik from btob and chulwoo look so much like this japanese/chinese actor that i cannot remember the name lol.

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I'm just happy about this episode because ZINO AND WON IN THE SAME ROOM

apart from that, I really like the oldest male model because he kinda looks like Eric and he looks so adorable when he smile ;_;

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yaay it's the ep with beenzino :D off to watch it now!

and omg just realised that beenzino and kim won joong will be judging together haha i expect some jokes about their similar appearances!!

Edited at 2014-09-06 05:15 am (UTC)

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ranlikar 6th-Sep-2014 08:58 am (UTC)

I feel like the guys overall got good makeovers? I felt bad for some of the girls though, there were one too many short cuts. Poor Ji An :(

Beenzino <3 gotta link the iconic, award-winning (at least Hiphopplaya Awards) Dali Van Picasso album cover with Kim Won Joong

omfg so it was Beenzino's idea to have the gay couple. Good on you, Zino!! I really like Gibeum, she's my favorite girl model as of now. I don't have a favorite among the guys yet, but a few of them seem promising.

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bauci 6th-Sep-2014 03:57 pm (UTC)

The waxing part was great. I think both couples did well on the shoot, but that bloke with huge eyes keeps rubbing me the wrong way.

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kori_ya 11th-Sep-2014 12:06 pm (UTC)

KNTM is the best Topmodel version. With the others, there's so much bitching (Germany's NTM is all about drama >.>)

I find Jaehyuk annoying. "Shave his head so he'll be eliminated". Nobody but him makes statements like that. He won't win this. He should focus on improving instead of hoping for others to do bad.