Hot toys hulkbuster infinity war review

When Hot Toys announces a figure or vehicle, that doesn't necessarily mean it will ever see the light of day. Some things *cough66batmobilecough* end up not generating enough interest, or they run into potential manufacturing hurdles, or they simply drift off to the island of unproduced toys.

But when they put them up for pre-order, they get made. There has never been a figure - at least that I can remember, but feel free to correct me if I'm wrong - that Hot Toys has allowed buyers to order that hasn't gotten produced. Sometimes it's taken awhile...sometimes it's taken a long while...but it always happens.

When you're talking about a long while, I'd say the record holder is the Hulkbuster. This behemoth battled the Hulk in Age of Ultron, and was a instant hit with the fans. When Hot Toys said they'd take him on, most of us were pretty skeptical. Sure, they'd done some amazing things with various Iron Man suits...but this one was a whole 'nother story.

I pre-ordered this guy in early March of 2015. Yep, that's well over 2 1/2 years ago. Many lost hope that he would ever show up. Some abandoned their pre-orders, and there was much wailing of voices and gnashing of teeth. But Hot Toys finally came through, and this big beast is now shipping worldwide.

He was originally $825, and there was only one version. However, it's been so long since those initial pre-orders that most places are long sold out, and ebay is probably your best bet.

Click on the image below for a Life Size version

Hot toys hulkbuster infinity war review

Packaging - *** I skipped a photo of the box, simply because I thought more photos of the figure provided greater value. It's a large styrofoam package with a cardboard sleeve, much like they use with other big figures like their quarter scale line. It's all collector friendly, and it did a fantastic job of keeping the figure safe.

Hot toys hulkbuster infinity war review

Hot toys hulkbuster infinity war review

Sculpting - **** Let's start this category off by pointing out how massive this figure is. He stands 22" tall, and the instructions say he weighs 10 kg. I did the math, and that comes out to 22 pounds, and yes, he feels every ounce of it. This is a figure that's hard to work with by yourself, and you'll want to lay him down on a large, soft surface to move the joints and create poses.

All that mass looks amazing. The figure is designed to hold a full sixth scale figure inside, a feat of magic no one thought possible. The instructions claim that you can only use the MK43, which is the correct suit for the movie, of course. After I opened him up, I realized something awful - I don't own the MK43! Regular readers know I got my fill of Iron Man varieties back with the die cast 42, and while I do own the quarter scale 43, I never picked up the sixth scale release. I did end up working the 42 in there however, and other collectors have managed to put various other standard suits inside.

But do you really want to leave one of your best Iron Man figures inside this guy? I don't. It's very, very cool that I COULD, but just having the option is enough for me. And Hot Toys managed to understand that need! They included a bust of the Mark XLIII that fits perfectly inside, and provides some additional benefits as well - more on that in the Articulation section.

There's not a ton of pieces to assemble here, but there are a few. First, you have to get rid of some of the packing material. They've included soft foam pieces in various joints (some of it very hard to see!) and there is a twisty tie that holds the head in a static position for shipping.

Once that's all gone, you can open up the chest and get started. If you're using a figure, slap the 'leg gloves' on (they provided soft material sleeves for the legs to avoid damage), and work him in at a slight angle. If you're going with the bust, it pops in much easier, and is held in place with magnets. Read the instructions!

The instructions do a decent job of explaining what pieces to remove and open to get the chest wide, and over the bust you'll place three layers of neck/chest armor. You may only use a couple of these if you plan on leaving the chest open, to better expose the Mark 43, but if you're going to seal him up in full Hulkbuster mode, you'll want to have all three layers there.

The detail work on this figure is outstanding. The weight comes from the metal joints and supports, as well as the use of a ton of magnets. All the plastic pieces look like real metal, and the massive heft and size of this figure is pretty overwhelming. The amount of detail is truly impressive, from wires to grids to pistons to a million other surface enhancements, this figure is composed of a tremendous number of pieces.

This is the grand daddy of all Iron Man costumes, and the level of detail and complexity is completely off the charts. It's one of those situations where it's impossible to impart the sheer magnitude of cool - you have to hold him in your hands to fully appreciate it.

Hot toys hulkbuster infinity war review

Hot toys hulkbuster infinity war review

Paint - **** This suit is well worn and battle damaged, scratched up and scarred everywhere. It's largely realistic and the various colors are bright and well applied. There's a metallic consistency to the appearance, and all those minute sculpt details have minute paint detailing to back them up.

I will say that it's a bit much in some areas. You'll see those tiny dots in the photo below, and that isn't dust from static - it's wear. It's a little over the top for me, but only a little - it's a very tiny nit on an otherwise beautiful paint application.

Hot toys hulkbuster infinity war review

Hot toys hulkbuster infinity war review

Articulation - *** While it is very - VERY - cool that you can put an Iron Man figure inside this suit, it did mean they made some sacrifices in the articulation. With the bust in place, you can move the legs and torso a little more...but just a little.

The arms aren't an issue however, with a shoulder, bicep, and wrist that can turn a full 360 degrees. The shoulder can also move out to a full 90 degrees from the body, thanks to the articulated shoulder pads. These can raise up and out quite far, and allow for good shoulder mobility. There's lots of other armor pieces that move outward to accommodate posing as well, particularly around the elbows, knees, ankles, head, and hips.

The head can open, or it can lift back and downward into the armor. When working with the head, remember to first lift the armor on the back right behind the head up and out of the way to avoid getting it pinned in.

The torso and hips lose out a bit with the ability to insert the figure. The instructions include a warning about moving the figure too much when another is inside, and even when he's empty, there's not a lot these joints can do. I think the hips can move a little further than I pushed them, but I wasn't willing to take the risk.

The knees bend as you'd expect, and there's more movement in the foot and ankle than I anticipated. Still, you won't get too many wild or deep stances, and he looks best taking short steps and narrow poses.

In the photo below you'll see the uber cool blaster on the right arm. There's a similar one on the left. These pop open to expose the weapon, which is also articulated! And did I mention each finger is jointed in multiple spots as well? Trust me, I'm forgetting something...

Hot toys hulkbuster infinity war review

Hot toys hulkbuster infinity war review

Accessories - ***1/2 He doesn't come with a ton of extras, but I'm going to count the MK43 bust, which boosts this score quite a bit. It was a very smart move on their part, and one that I certainly appreciate. The bust has a fully articulated ball jointed neck (and yes, I think you could pop a Tony Stark head on there) and light up eyes and Arc Reactor. More on that in the Light Feature section.

This bust comes with two different chest plates. There's a standard red, and a more silvery version that I used because I felt it fit in better with the appearance of the interior of the Hulkbuster armor.

The Hulkbuster himself also has a second chest piece that can be swapped for the standard piece on his left. This piece has a huge punch dent in the front. I liked this look better, so it's the one you'll see in all my photos, but be aware there's a choice.

Hot toys hulkbuster infinity war review

Hot toys hulkbuster infinity war review

Hot toys hulkbuster infinity war review

Light Feature - **** I've often been a vocal critic of Hot Toys light features - weak batteries, bad locations for switches and compartments, often useless in execution. Take all that and figure about it with this release.

There are lights everywhere on this figure, with 10 separate battery compartments and 10 separate switches. It starts with the eyes, and you pop off the top plate to find the compartment and switch. There's another on the back which lights up two lights on either side, plus a trio of lights on either lat. Oh, and this is the one that illuminates the Arc Reactor in front as well.

Then there's the hands of course, where a plastic plate on the back of the hand pops off. Add two more lights inside the very complex blasters on the forearms, also with their own switches and compartments. Finally, there are two more hidden under the armor on the back of the legs that light up the inside and back of the calf, as well as the knees.

Hot toys hulkbuster infinity war review

The included batteries are much better this time around, burning bright through my entire shoot. Getting to the switches was also pretty easy, with some of the covers held in place with magnets, others simply popping on with posts. I didn't worry about breaking anything when removing or replacing the covers, and they all seemed capable of tolerating removal many times.

The one spot that can be tricky is the bust. Did I mention the lights on the bust? Yes, both the chest and the eyes light up, with their own switches and batteries. Getting to them is a little more difficult once the bust is inside, but it is doable.

Hot toys hulkbuster infinity war review

Hot toys hulkbuster infinity war review

Fun Factor - *** The limited lower body articulation does end up affecting this score a bit. It's also not easy to pose him, even when the joints would do more. That's because he's just so damn big and heavy, that you'll need to take him someplace safe - like on a couch or soft carpet - to work the legs and arms into a position, and then replace him on the shelf. And that better be one hell of a shelf.

Hot toys hulkbuster infinity war review

Hot toys hulkbuster infinity war review

Value - **1/2 I'm giving this figure a better score at $825 than I've given several recent figures at $230. There's a good reason though - there's a ton of complexity here, and lots and lots of parts. The engineering alone is a masterpiece, and the amount of assembly is truly impressive. Other companies are producing die cast Hulkbusters in 1/12 and 1/9 scale and charging $350 -$500 for them. Getting something in this larger scale at $800 is a solid value.

Hot toys hulkbuster infinity war review

Hot toys hulkbuster infinity war review

Things to Watch Out For - There are lots of flaps and covers that move on this figure, allowing the joints greater mobility. That means you'll want to take some care when lifting and holding him, because of his weight and bulk. You'll be forced to put more pressure on the areas where you're holding him, so avoid those articulated bits as much as possible when carrying him from one place to another.

Hot toys hulkbuster infinity war review

Hot toys hulkbuster infinity war review

Overall - **** I've been waiting for this hunka hunka burning love for a long time, but it's well worth it. He's a tremendous figure, a centerpiece for any Iron Man set up, and the perfect figure to go with your Hulk. Hell, it might be worth it having a second Hulk just to pair off with this guy.

I have a few minor nits, and anything this complex requires some compromise. Part of me wishes they'd skipped the ability to insert the real Iron Man figure inside to give us better hip and torso articulation, but another part of me thinks it's really, really cool to be able to slip a figure inside...I don't know if there's a perfect solution.

I suspect not, and I also suspect this is the best of both worlds. If you did what I did and used a butt load of Sideshow points on him to reduce the cost, it helps a whole lot as well. But even at full price, he's well worth it, and I doubt anyone that owns him will be sorry they took the plunge.

Score Recap (out of ****): Packaging - *** Sculpting - **** Paint - **** Articulation - *** Accessories - *** Light Feature - **** Fun Factor - *** Value - **1/2 Overall - ***1/2

Hot toys hulkbuster infinity war review

Hot toys hulkbuster infinity war review

Where to Buy Online options include these site sponsors:

- had him at $825, but it looks like the pre-order is sold out. Some may free up when they actually arrive, however.

- is also at $825, but again, the pre-order looks sold out.

- Sideshow has him on wait list for $825.

- or you can search ebay for a deal.

Related Links - The most recent Hot Toys Marvel figures I've covered are Daredevil, Dr. Strange, and Ghost Rider, and the Netflix Punisher will be coming up very soon. Other Avengers/Marvel characters include Black Panther, the Civil War Hawkeye, Deadpool, Ultron Prime, the very cool Stan Lee, the Winter Soldier version of Nick Fury, the Iron Legion, Ant-Man, Vision, Quicksilver and his sister Scarlet Witch. And don't forget Pepper Potts and the MK IV set. Other related characters include Maria Hill, AoU Captain America, the Winter Soldier, Red Skull, Black Widow, Hawkeye, Nick Fury, Agent Coulson, Hulk, and Bruce Banner. I've also covered a ton of Iron Man releases, and one of my favorites is the die cast MK42.

You should also hit the Search Reviews page, in case any other applicable reviews were done after this one was published.

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How big is the Hulkbuster hot toys?

Approximately 55 cm in height (approximately 21 inches) and 10 kg in weight. Special features on armor: Chest can be opened to reveal the Mark XLIII bust with LED light-up eyes and arc reactor on chest (white light, battery operated) Metallic red, gold and silver colored painting on armor with weathering effect.

What is the point of the Hulkbuster?

Within this period, Bruce Banner and Tony Stark devised a contingency plan that would help his teammates neutralize the Hulk in case he went on another rampage. This gave birth to the Hulkbuster armor, which ended up being needed during their mission to South Africa to track down Ultron.

Who is Hulkbuster in Infinity War?

In "Avengers: Infinity War," the Hulkbuster armor, also known as the Mark XLIV armor, was brought to Wakanda by Tony Stark, who used the Bleeding Edge armor to remotely control it. This allowed Dr. Bruce Banner to wear and pilot the Hulkbuster armor during the battle in Wakanda.

Can Thanos beat Hulkbuster?

Thanos by himself was basically unstoppable in the MCU. With the Infinity Guantlet and just the Power Stone, he was invincible. The Hulkbuster armor would not have served any purpose to Thanos.