Đánh giá tai nghe quadbeat 2 năm 2024

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Đánh giá tai nghe quadbeat 2 năm 2024

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Đánh giá tai nghe quadbeat 2 năm 2024

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Đánh giá tai nghe quadbeat 2 năm 2024

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These have fallen under the radar, while so called "discoveries" [which in my experience have been nothing but hype]been getting all the craze. While the Quadbeat 1 was a fairly decent IEM, it still needed some refinement and fell in the shadow of the MH1. These, IMO, even surpass the MH1, LG has been doing their homework. iSound tuned these IEMs, a company which seems to take control of their tuning process quite well with measurements and feedback.

From the previous model, LG claim better bass response, lower distortion and less sibilance. Here is what I can say based on hearing both.

  1. Quadbeat 2 has more subbass than the first and sounds more filled, the previous model sounded too midbass focused and the short decay didn't help.
  2. Quadbeat 2 has a much smoother treble and as matter of fact, it may have one of the best trebles I have heard. It's smooth extended and detailed.
  3. Midrange is very well placed, unlike the Quadbeat 1 which was more treble/bass focused.

I may compare to the RHA MA750 and GR07 BE very soon, here's what I think against the Fidelio S2.

  1. S2 has muddier bass and colors the midrange more. The S2 does have more slam in the subbass but the differences are slight.
  2. Quadbeat 2 has a clearer, more forward, more natural midrange, S2's midrange sounds recessed in comparison.
  3. There is simply no comparison, the S2's treble is harsh and lacking airiness in comparison.
  4. Quadbeat 2 sound more finely tuned, the timbre is simply in another level compared to the S2

Build? For the price, pretty outstanding, puts the RE400 and RE600 to shame. The flat cable may be microphonic for some but I take no issue with it, it's nowhere near as bothersome as the MH1s cable. Can be worn straight down or over the ear.

Flaws? Honestly, I only take some issue with the bass, still too midbass happy despite being tighter than hyped iems like the Fidelio S2 and T-Peos H200. A simple EQ of about 7db solves that problem though, then it's up there with the best of them!

Only 25-30-$ via eBay!

Đánh giá tai nghe quadbeat 2 năm 2024


An expert on his own opinion.

Đánh giá tai nghe quadbeat 2 năm 2024


An expert on his own opinion.

According to the Golden Ears measurements it looks similar to the original Quadbeat except with a bit of a downwards tilt. How's the ~8kHz peak?

Going by those measurements it doesn't look like they'd be better than a well-equalized MH1.

Đánh giá tai nghe quadbeat 2 năm 2024


An expert on his own opinion.

8k isn't a big issue, tip/insertion depth will help.

MH1 is great as well, but it's a bit too 1-3k happy, both are fairly on par, but the Quadbeat 2 will have more slam to it's bass and the build quality is far better, as a whole package is where it beats the MH1.

I'm surprised that these haven't received more attention considering how popular the original was.


8k isn't a big issue, tip/insertion depth will help.

I suppose I don't know how deep GE actually inserts IEMs when testing them. Does anyone know what they actually do?

MH1 is great as well, but it's a bit too 1-3k happy, both are fairly equalized, but the Quadbeat 2 will have more slam to it's bass and the build quality is far better, as a whole package is where it beats the MH1. ​

Might be a personal preference thing because I like how the MH1 sounds 1-3k. I can't say no to better build quality, though the MH1 is very good already. Ignoring that criminally bad left side remote.

Do you have any info on LG gs100? Saw them on golden ears, found one on eBay for 80$, so I'm wondering what can LG do with pricier model.

Đánh giá tai nghe quadbeat 2 năm 2024


An expert on his own opinion.
Do you have any info on LG gs100? Saw them on golden ears, found one on eBay for 80$, so I'm wondering what can LG do with pricier model.

iSound may not have tuned that one and from measurements, it doesn't look nearly as good as the Quadbeat 2. Pricier doesn't always equal better....

^ Subbed

Hey Inks, do you know if Rin is going to measure these gems?

Đánh giá tai nghe quadbeat 2 năm 2024


An expert on his own opinion.

Received the GR07 BE and ASG-2 today. Compared to the GR07BE so far,LGQ2 surprisingly seems to sound better! more details to come.....

Hey Inks, do you know if Rin is going to measure these gems?

He will, but it may be a while, these measurements should do for now.

Received the GR07 BE and ASG-2 today. Compared to the GR07BE so far,LGQ2 surprisingly seems to sound better! more details to come.....

^ HYPED!!!

Đánh giá tai nghe quadbeat 2 năm 2024

Was just listening to my BEs a sec ago.

Đánh giá tai nghe quadbeat 2 năm 2024

Was thinking about giving these a shot but if they're on par with the MH1, I'll probably give it a pass.

The overall tonality if the MH1 left a lot to be desired for me, but the real deal breaker was the presentation, something I am very nitpicky about, which sounded very compressed. Those two problems working in unison was not good for what I find important in IEMs. Very good for the price, but nothing that wowed me overall for what I look for in sound. Hope these are better for people jumping on the train, but the cost of entry shouldn't hurt too much even if they aren't, for the cable alone.

Đánh giá tai nghe quadbeat 2 năm 2024


An expert on his own opinion.

You might have gotten a bass bloated MH1C, MH1Cs have that risk. These are anything but congested, the GR07 BEs have a smaller stage...definitely bigger stage than Heaven V from what I recall.