Compare and contrast administrative and developmental purposes of performance evaluation

Performance appraisal systematically evaluates an employee's current and past performance as well as future potentials. It helps to identify employee's job related behavior and outcomes. Organizations usually undertake appraisal for administrative and developmental purposes. Main uses are as follows:

1. Administrative Uses Of Performance Appraisal

Under administrative use, performance appraisal provides a basis for a decision about the employee;s work conditions, promotions, terminations, and rewards.Administrative uses of performance appraisal comprise the following aspects:

A. Promotion

Performance appraisal serves as a basis for promotion of employees by communicating required skills, efficiency and potentials of the employees. It is the common interest of employees to get promoted into position where they can utilize their abilities effectively. It is mismanagement to promote the employees into such position where they cannot perform effectively. Hence, performance appraisal provides relevant information on promotion decision.

B. Transfers

Transfer decision is concerned with the transformation of employees from one work unit to another. It is conducted when the employees are not performing will in the organization. Performance appraisal provides reliable and relevant information for transfer decisions.

C. Remuneration Administration

Performance appraisal serves as a basis for administrating the remuneration of employees. It means, by assessing the current and past performance of an individual a decision regarding reward and punishment will be made.

D. Training And Development

Performance appraisal provides a basic ground for determining needs of individuals. It indicates the performance deficiencies in employee, if any, so that the training needs can be identified within individuals. It also helps in indicating talented employees so as to impart additional knowledge and skills in them.

E. Supervision

Performance appraisal provides a guide line for determining where and what kind of supervision is required. It also helps in personnel research.

2. Development Uses Of Performance Appraisal

Performance appraisal is said to be used in development whenever it is used to gear up towards improving employee's performance and skills. It can also be defined from the view point of self improvement. Under it, performance appraisal helps for the development of overall skills and efficiencies of the individuals. It also facilitates employee's career planning by recognizing their strength and weakness. This brings out the deficiencies and short comings of the employees, and provides a regular feedback to employees, so that the employees can improve their skills deficiencies.

Evaluation is done through performance appraisal that helps to promote employees by assessing their performance and is used for the following purposes. Administrative purpose – by providing information for documentation, promotion, lay-offs and to determine salary. Developmental purpose – performance appraisal helps to diagnose training needs and in career planning. In order to achieve the goals set by the supervisor, the subordinate has to follow the instructions and complete the task within the time period that is already defined to him and this process is called management by objective.

The aim of this process is achieve a set of goals that are clear, specific and reachable, and to empower the employees to achieve the desired results by setting their behavior accordingly and the employees are notified about the performance analysis that is being done. Other sources of performance appraisal are the following.

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  • Managers and Supervisors- they can give their views as they observe the employees.
  • Internal and External Customers
  • 360-Degree Appraisal
  • Performance Appraisal

 A problem that arises in every organization is conflict, therefore, managing the conflict is a must and the leaders must manage the conflicts well by opting for Conflict resolution i. e. the incorporation of diverse processes that assists in eradicating the basis of conflict and these processes includes the following.

  1. Negotiation
  2. Mediation
  3. Diplomacy
  4. Dispute resolution
  5. Alternative dispute resolution

When the change is being brought to the organization, the leaders have to create a learning environment but before that the culture of the organization has to be considered i. e. the culture should be such that it should be accepted by all the employees and the two types of challenges faced by the organization in this regard are that when a new employee joins an organization, he must adapt to the culture well and the second is that it should create shared beliefs and a collective learning process.

Resistance to change is a must but due to this, Apple must not stop progressing. Therefore, the best way should be used to implement the change. Kurt Lewin has given another process to manage change and this includes three stages. He says that when the change has to be applied, the management must first spread rumors about it because when the rumors would be spread, the employees will rebel, make their comments and deny the change. Once the employees are over with it, the change must be implemented and after this the management must freeze the change that is implemented.

Compare and contrast administrative and developmental purposes of performance evaluation

on Developmental Purpose

What Is Development Purposes?

Development purposes refers to the various activities that are undertaken by an individual or organization in order to improve their skills, knowledge and abilities. This can include training, education, research, and other activities that are designed to help individuals and organizations reach their goals. Development purposes can be personal or professional, and they can be short-term or long-term.

What Is A Developmental Purpose Of Performance Management?

Performance management is the process of monitoring and assessing employee performance to ensure that it meets the standards and objectives set by the organization. It is a continuous process that involves setting goals, measuring progress, providing feedback, and taking corrective action when necessary.The developmental purpose of performance management is to help employees improve their performance and reach their full potential. By setting clear goals and providing regular feedback, employees can identify areas where they need to improve and take steps to make progress. Additionally, performance management can help identify training and development needs so that employees can receive the support they need to improve their skills and abilities.

What Is The Difference Between Administrative And Developmental Purposes?

The main difference between administrative and developmental purposes is that administrative purposes are used to run the government on a day-to-day basis, while developmental purposes are used to improve the well-being of the population.Administrative purposes include maintaining law and order, collecting taxes, and providing social services. Developmental purposes include investing in infrastructure, education, and health.

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What are the administrative and developmental uses for performance appraisals?

Three administrative uses of appraisal impact managers and employees the most: Determining pay adjustments; Making job placement decisions on promotions, transfers, and demotions; and. Choosing employee disciplinary actions and including termination of employment.

What is developmental purpose of performance evaluation?

The developmental focus of the performance appraisal emphasizes the employee's future performance by identifying individual strengths and weaknesses, providing feedback, and determining learning and training needs (Boswell & Boudreau, 2000).

What are the two purposes of performance evaluation?

There are two primary purposes of performance appraisal: evaluative and developmental. The evaluative purpose is intended to inform people of their performance standing.

What is a developmental purpose of performance management?

The purpose of performance management—which is ultimately communication—is to improve your performance. Performance improves when individuals do good work that aligns to the business objectives. Individuals do good work when they know what is expected, and receive helpful feedback and critical resources.