Cài mac dừng ở unicoderange



Add a row above the selected cells

Option-Up Arrow

Add a row below the selected cells

Option-Down Arrow

Add a column to the right of the selected cells

Option-Right Arrow

Add a column to the left of the selected cells

Option-Left Arrow

Insert a row at the bottom of the table


Select an entire row or column

Click the table, then click the letter for the column or the number for the row

Select all rows that intersect the current selection


Select all columns that intersect the current selection


Select additional rows

Shift-Up Arrow or Shift-Down Arrow

Select additional columns

Shift-Right Arrow or Shift-Left Arrow

Select additional cells


Select only body cells in a row or column

Double-click the letter for the column or the number for the row

Move the cell selection to the beginning of the next row

Select a cell in the rightmost column, then press Tab

Stop the reordering of rows or columns

Press Esc while dragging

Select a table from a cell selection


Select all content in a table

Select a cell, then press Command-A

Delete the selected table, or the contents of selected cells


Replace the contents of the selected cell with the contents of the destination cell

Press a cell, then drag it to another cell

Copy the contents of the selected cell into the destination cell

Press a cell, then Option-drag it to another cell

Copy cell style


Paste cell style


Paste and preserve the style of the destination cell


Extend the selection from the selected cell to the destination cell

Shift-click in the destination cell

Select a cell

Click a cell in a selected table (double-click a cell in an unselected table)

Add a cell to (or remove it from) the selection

Command-click a selected or unselected cell

Begin text editing

Return or Enter (in a selected cell)

Auto-align cell content


Stop editing the cell and select the cell


Stop editing the cell and select the table

Command-Return twice

Move the selected table one point

Press an arrow key

Move the selected table ten points

Press Shift and an arrow key

Constrain the movement of the table horizontally, vertically, or diagonally (45°)

Shift-drag the table

Resize all columns in a table proportionately

Select the table, then Shift-drag a resize handle

Select the next cell to the left, right, up, or down

Press an arrow key (from a selected cell)

Extend the cell selection by one cell

Press Shift and an arrow key (from a selected cell)

Select the next cell


Select the previous cell


Insert a tab when editing text or a formula


Insert a line break (soft return) when editing text in a cell


Insert a paragraph break (hard return) when editing text in a cell


Open the formula editor for the selected nonformula cell

Equal Sign (=)

Open the formula editor for the cell containing a formula or formatted number


In the formula editor, commit changes

Return or Tab

In the formula editor, discard changes


Select the first populated cell in the current row

Option-Command-Left Arrow

Select the first populated cell in the current row

Option-Command-Right Arrow

Select the first populated cell in the current column

Option-Command-Up Arrow

Select the last populated cell in the current column

Option-Command-Down Arrow

Delete selected rows


Delete selected columns


Select the table name


In a table, paste a formula result


Select the first cell in a selected table


Expand the current selection to include the first populated cell in the current row

Option-Shift-Command-Left Arrow

Expand the current selection to include the last populated cell in the current row

Option-Shift-Command-Right Arrow

Expand the current selection to include the first populated cell in the current column

Option-Shift-Command-Up Arrow

Expand the current selection to include the last populated cell in the current column

Option-Shift-Command-Down Arrow

Merge selected cells


Unmerge selected cells


Add or remove the top border

Control-Option-Command-Up Arrow

Add or remove the bottom border

Control-Option-Command-Down Arrow

Add or remove the right border

Control-Option-Command-Right Arrow

Add or remove the left border

Control-Option-Command-Left Arrow

Turn on autofill mode

Command-Backslash (\)

Autofill from the column before

Control-Command-Backslash (\)

Autofill from the row above

Option-Command-Backslash (\)