Attention-deficit hyperactivity disorder (adhd) __________. quizlet

Lainey​ Fuller, a​ 10-year-old girl with​ attention-deficit/hyperactivity disorder​ (ADHD), has been taking atomoxetine​ (Strattera) for the past 4 months. It has not improved her​ symptoms, so her healthcare provider is changing her prescription to methylphenidate​ (Ritalin). Lainey's mother​ asks, "Isn't Ritalin a​ stimulant? That​ doesn't make any sense. How is a stimulant going to help Lainey get​ better?" What is the​ nurse's best​ response?

​a "We will have to watch​ Lainey's growth carefully when she is taking Ritalin because stimulants can decrease the amount of height and weight she​ gains."

​b "Side effects with Strattera are less serious than with​ stimulants, but there is an increased risk of suicide in children taking​ Strattera, which is why we are making the​ switch."

c ​"Stimulants like Ritalin will cause side effects like​ headache, increased heart​ rate, loss of​ appetite, and insomnia even when they are successful in treating​ ADHD."

​d "It does seem like the opposite of what should​ happen, but stimulants help improve focus and attention in children with ADHD and do not increase​ hyperactivity."



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Disorders of Childhood and Adolescence

Terms in this set (18)

Diagnostic criteria

Essential feature of ADHD is a persistent pattern of inattention and/or hyperactivity-impulsivity that is more frequent and severe than is typically observed in individuals at a comparable level of development.

Three subtypes of ADHD

ADHD, combined type; ADHD, predominantly inattentive type; ADHD, predominantly hyperactive/impulsive type

ADHD, combined type

you meet 6 symptoms of both sections (inattentive and hyperactivity- impulsivity)

ADHD, predominantly inattentive type

you meet the 6 symptoms of inattentiveness but not the 6 symptoms of hyperactivity-impulsivity

ADHD, predominantly hyperactive/impulsive type

you meet the 6 symptoms of hyperactivity-impulsivity but not the 6 symptoms of inattentiveness

DSM does not contain the term ADD anymore

would be classified as ADHD predominantly inattentive type

DSM does not contain the term hyperactive anymore

would be classified as ADHD predominantly hyperactive/impulsive type

Age Of Onset

some of the hyperactive-impulsive or inattention symptoms that cause impairment must be present before age 7 years


some impairment from the symptoms must be present in two or more settings; 3%-5% of children have ADHD

Sex Ratio

4 to 9 times more common in boys than girls (4:1 to 9:1)

Relationship to Learning Disorders

Of all children who have learning disorders, about 25% also have ADHD; these disorders are comorbid

Associated Features

Children with ADHD have trouble forming relationships or friendships with other children; having symptoms of ADHD is the most common reason children are referred to psychiatric services or some kind of pediatric facility

Course/ Prognosis

remain stable in early adolescence; decreases in late adolescence; decreases/ remits even more in adulthood (however some adults do have ADHD)


Very strong genetic component of ADHD; Evidence of some structural abnormality in their brain; Maternal smoking and drinking; If during delivery, child does not receive oxygen

NO empirical evidence that foods or sugars cause ADHD

however if a child does eat a lot of sugar and is then hyper; that is something to take into consideration


Medication and Behavior Modification Programs


Stimulants (still unknown as to why this paradox occurs); Ritalin and Adderall;

Behavior Modification Programs

Behavior Therapy; Behavior Modification; Reward System that focuses on behavior

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A police officer who asks a witness to recall details about someone suspected of a crime would be asking the witness to a. listen to recordings of several voices to determine if the suspect’s voice is detected. b. select the suspect from a visual lineup of several similar people. c. describe the suspect’s physical qualities to a police sketch describe the suspect’s physical qualities to a police sketch artist. d. determine if the suspect’s motive for the shooting seems believable. e. imagine a scenario in which the suspect could have acted in self-defense.

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What are the key symptoms of ADHD select all?

What are the symptoms of ADHD?.
Inattention—having difficulty paying attention..
Hyperactivity—having too much energy or moving and talking too much..
Impulsivity—acting without thinking or having difficulty with self-control..

What is ADHD and its characteristics?

ADHD, also called attention-deficit disorder, is a behavior disorder, usually first diagnosed in childhood, that is characterized by inattention, impulsivity, and, in some cases, hyperactivity. These symptoms usually occur together; however, one may occur without the other(s).

What ADHD means?

Attention-Deficit / Hyperactivity Disorder (ADHD)

What neurotransmitter is increased in ADHD?

People with ADHD have at least one defective gene, the DRD2 gene that makes it difficult for neurons to respond to dopamine, the neurotransmitter that is involved in feelings of pleasure and the regulation of attention.