Which native civilization practiced sacrificial rites that involved the removal of a living persons heart quizlet?

Which would best describe the overall relationship between Natives and English colonists?

The English, realizing that they needed the Natives expertise for finding and growing food, were relatively amicable with the Natives and were willing to trade European goods to get foods and raw materials.

English colonists engaged in near constant warfare with Natives and sold many of the captured Natives off as slaves.

The English, especially in the southern colonies, were successful in enslaving large numbers of Native and forcing them to grow cotton and other cash crops.

English colonist used political marriages, such as the union with Pocahontas, to bring peace to the colonies.

cosmovision- all life is integrated around a sacred center (sacred tree/ sacred mountain)
-world health was connected to the correct circulation of energies (rituals at the center)

Aztec understanding of a Human Being:
-divided into 3 realms
-above, middle, below
-similar to the cosmos

-in the head resides Tonalli, animating principle of the sun, Tonalli means day, entered the body through fontanel (third eye) at birth
-source of intelligence

Heart *totality of the world
-associated with the heavens and earth
-Teyolia, container of vigor and energy, blood, vital fluid
-Site of memory and knowledge
-Source of power to divine fates

Liver *the underworld
-connected with the underworld and the dead
-earth energies
-connected with emotions and bravery, also a source for disease

What is one way that Nathaniel Bacon's 1675-76 rebellion contributed to the increasing presence of slavery in the decades that followed?

Bacon's Rebellion represented a challenge to the Protestant government of Virginia by non-Christian, black settlers, so their rights were taken away.
Bacon's Rebellion demanded a black presence in government, which made the whites in power take away the legal rights of blacks.
Bacon's Rebellion pitted the working class against the elites, which made a labor force with no rights or power more attractive.
Bacon's Rebellion demanded that white settlers from Europe not have to work, so the government legalized black slavery.
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Studying for final Milestone based on the correct answers for previous milestones.

Terms in this set (53)

Which of the following was a source of tension between English colonists and Native Americans

Answer: Colonists viewed Native Americans as an impediment to their economic expansion

Which of the following beliefs was advanced by the Puritans?

Answer: By reading scripture, individuals can determine whether or not they have been chosen by God to be saved.

Which of the following statements describes the process of globalization?

Answer: It began when Europeans discovered the riches of the East in the 11th, 12th, and 13th centuries.

Some Native Americans received advanced weaponry, like muskets, from European traders. Which of the following was an effect of this exchange?

Answer: Relationships between native tribes were transformed as weaponry eliminated the power imbalances between the weak and the strong.

Fabiola gives a presentation on the relationship between antibiotics and changes in quality of life in 20th century America. Which of the following is most likely a lens with which she is analyzing the past?

Answer: Science

According to Robert Beverly, how did 17th century Virginians distinguish between servants and slaves?

Answer: Servants were freed after a period of some years, whereas slaves were forced to serve for life.

"Living in America is an opportunity to find adventure and new business prospects." The above statement is most representative of which group of European explorers?

Answer: English

Which of the following motives played the biggest role in the European discovery of the New World?

Answer: Obtaining goods like spices and silk from civilizations in Asia

Which of the following statements best describes the situation in Central America prior to the arrival of Spanish conquistadors?

Answer: Many native peoples resented the Aztec rules and were ready to rebel.

What reason did the Quakers, who opposed slavery, give in support of their view?

Answer: "Christians are not supposed to treat others in ways they themselves would not like to be treated."

Which native civilization practices sacrificial rites that involved the removal of a living person's heart?

Answer: The Aztec

Which of the following statements is true? (About historians)

Answer: Memorizing facts is only one element of being a historian.

Which of the following historians is collecting oral history?

Answer: Kenneth copies down his great-grandmothers memories of her family's involvement in the Civil War.

"What were the causes of the Civil War?"
Consider the above question and choose the secondary source that is best suited to answer it.

Answer: A 2018 bibliography of General Robert E. Lee, who led the South's army.

How did France's activity in the Americas differ from that of Spain?

Answer: The French fostered alliances with native peoples for commercial advantages, rather than military ones.

Which English colony was governed under the terms of the Mayflower Compact?

Answer: Plymouth

Which of the following were featured in the economy of the northern colonies?

Answer: Agriculture and Livestock

What role did New World exports play in the Triangular Trade?

Answer: Organic goods like tobacco were sent back to the specific colony's mother country.

Which of the following factors contributed to the racialization of slavery in the New World?

Answer: Skin color was an easy way to differentiate slaves from freepersons.

Henry Clinton was an important figure in the Revolutionary War. Select the statement that correctly identifies him.

Answer: "My troops forced the surrender of Charleston, from which I led a new military government."

Read the quotation about a vision for American Society after the American Revolution. "Whereas the traffic of White people, heretofore countenanced by [New York] while under the arbitrary control of the British Government, is contrary to the feelings of a number of respectable citizens, and to the idea of liberty this country [the United States] has so happily established."
According to this speaker, which American value is contradicted by indentured servitude of white Europeans?

Answer: Natural Equality

Which of the following actions directly provoked the French and Indian war?

Answer: English colonists invaded the Ohio River Valley, which connected the two halves of New France.

Which of the following statements best describes John Locke's Social Contract Theory?

Answer: "The purpose of government is to protect the individual liberties of its citizens."

Which of the following motives was common among the Patriots?

Answer: Many viewed themselves as carrying on the legacy of the Glorious Revolution.

Which of the following quotations-from documents associated with the American, French and Haitian revolutions- exemplifies social contract theory?

"...That whenever any Form of Government becomes destructive of these ends, it is the Right of the People to alter or to abolish it..."

The Glorious Revolution of 1688-1689 was the result of a dispute between which two groups?

Answer: The Catholic English monarch and his supporters, and Protestant English aristocrats, who feared a strong centralized government.

Which of the following describes slavery in the Northern colonies in the 18th century?

Answer: The slave trade played a key role in this region's maritime economy.

What did the Parliament intent to accomplish with the Tea Act of 1773?

Answer: By reducing taxes, imperial merchants could undercut competition from smuggles and still increase their profits.

Which of the following was an effect of the consumer revolution in the British colonies?

Answer: Tea became as popular of a drink in the colonies as it was back in England.

Based on Olaudah Equiano's experience as a slave, which of the following statements is true?

Answer: Capture and transport were dangerous and traumatic experiences for Africans.

Which of the following characterizes the response to the Stamp Act by the Sons of Liberty?

Answer: Riots and effigies against stamp distributors

Which statement represents support for the theory of virtual representation?

Answer: "Members of Parliament represent all citizens of the empire, regardless of who elected them."

Which of the following arguments was most prominent among colonists in opposing the Townshend Acts?

Answer: "Taxation without representation is a violation of our rights."

What was one way in which the Native Americans challenged English colonial domination in North America?

Answer: They wielded enough influence to tip the balance of power in North America in favor of, or against, the English.

What was the Currency Act of 1764 meant to accomplish?

Answer: To stabilize the imperial economy by increasing British control of the colonial economy.

Which of the following acts of the First Continental Congress foreshadowed the creation of an independent colonial government?

Answer: The Congress recommended that each colony build militias to defend against the British.

Which of the following was a cause of Indian Removal from the American South?

Answer: Elements of white supremacy reinforced perceptions that America belonged to the white man.

Which of the following statements might have been said by a Federalist?

Answer: "The Constitution is necessary to prevent ungovernable mobs from taking over."

Which of the following statements would most likely have been spoken by a Democrat during the Jacksonian era?

Answer:"Andrew Jackson is an ideal leader because he represents ordinary Americans."

Which of the following statements about the southern economy before the Civil War is true?

Answer: The southern climate was ideal for the cultivation of cotton.

Which of the following factors contributed to many Americans voting strictly along party lines?

Answer: Voting was a public affair, so people often felt pressure to vote in a particular way.

Which statement most accurately reflects the views of Thomas Jefferson?

Answer: "Landowners and farmers provide the foundation for the economy, not merchants and manufacturers."

Jefferson often used the term "empire of liberty" when referring to the process of western expansion. Choose the statement that best describes the application of this term.

Answer: Territories will be admitted to the union as equal states rather than being ruled over as a colonial power.

Why was the Election of 1824 significant?

Answer: Anger over the results of the election reflected the democratic political changes taking place in the 1820s.

Which of the following statements about the divided political climate during the administrations of George Washington and John Adams is true?

Answer: Thomas Jefferson and James Madison proposed that states could nullify a federal law if it threatened state sovereignty.

Which of the following circumstances led in part to the drafting of a new Constitution to replace the Articles of Confederation?

Answer: High inflation wreaked havoc on the national economy.

Which of the following was a major economic shift in the North in the early 19th century?

Answer: with the invention of interchangeable parts, many crafts became mechanized in factories.

Which of the following was a result of the War of 1812?

Answer: Increased nationalism and patriotism in the United States.

Which of the following quotations best represents the cultural attitudes associated with the Second Great Awakening?

Answer:"It is time to reject traditional ties to Great Britain's institutions and create or own denominations."

Which of the following statements about the French Revolution might have been said by a Federalist?

Answer: "The violence and aggression in France is shocking and cannot be condoned."

Why did some textile companies prefer to hire young women rather than whole family units?

Answer: Young women had few employment options and could be paid a very low wage.

What problems might a government founded today under the Articles of Confederation have?

Answer: The national government cannot enforce treaties with foreign powers.

Which of the following statements about the 1828 Tariff is true?

Answer: It was a higher-than-normal federal tax on imports, which was generally viewed favorably by the northern states.

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Which native civilization practiced sacrificial rites that involved the removal of a living person's heart?

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