Từ vựng Tiếng Anh lớp 7 Unit 11: Keep fit, stay healthy

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Bài tập Tiếng Anh lớp 7 Unit 11: Keep Fit, Stay Healthy

Giải bài tập SGK Tiếng Anh lớp 7 Unit 11: KEEP FIT, STAY HEALTHY

Bài tập Tiếng Anh lớp 7 Unit 11 KEEP FIT, STAY HEALTHY có đáp án


A. Language Focus:

Past simple tense:

  • Question forms
  • Negative forms

B. Vocabulary:

Section A: A check-up

1. medical check-up [adj]: khám sức khỏe tổng quát

2. medical record [n]: hồ sơ bệnh lý

3. follow [v]: đi theo

4. have a temperature [v]: bị sốt

5. take temperature [v]: đo nhiệt độ

6. normal [adj]: bình thường

7. height [n]: chiều cao

8. measure [v]: đo

9. weigh [v]: cân, cân nặng

10. scales [n]: cái cân

11. get on [v]: lên, bước lên

12. leave – left – left [v]: rời khỏi, bỏ quên

Section B: What was wrong with you?

1. have a headache/ cold [v]: bị nhức đầu, cảm lạnh

2. have a stomachache [v]: bị đau dạ dày

3. have the flu [v]: bệnh cúm

4. sick note [n]: giấy xin phép, nghỉ ốm

5. virus [adj]: vi-rút

6. absent [adj]: vắng mặt

present [adj]: có mặt

7. desease [n]: bệnh tật

8. common [adj]: thông thường

9. catch – caught – caught [v]: mắc phải

10. symptom [n]: triệu chứng

11. runny nose [n]: sổ mũi nước

12. slight [adj]: nhỏ, nhẹ

13. fever [n]: bệnh sốt

14. cough [v]: ho

15. sneeze [v]: nhảy mũi

16. unpleasant [adj]: khó chịu

17. cure [v,n]: chữa trị, sự chữa trị

18. relieve [v]: làm giảm

19. disappear [v]: biến mất

20. prevent [v]: ngăn ngừa

C. Exercises:

I. Choose the most suitable word or phrase for the blank:

1. The students are waiting __________________ the teacher.

A. to B. at C. for D. Both A & B

2. She needs __________________ those medicines.

A. has B. have C. having D. to have

3. Our teacher told us __________________ this book.

A. read B. to read C. reading D. to reading

4. The ________ of the flu include a headache, a high temperature and aches in the body.

A. symptom B. symptoms C. cure D. cures

5. They had to fill __________________ their medical records.

A. in B. at C. on D. up

6.Were you ever __________________ from school last semester?

A. late B. early C. absent D. lost

7. What’s wrong __________________ you?

A. to B. with C. about D. þ

8. Yesterday they had a __________________ check-up.

A. medical B. medicine C. medicines D. medicinal

9. __________________ is a shop where you can buy medicines.

A. Bakery B. Toy store C. Shoe store D. Drugstore

10. You can go back to the waiting room.

A. follow B. return C. get on D. stand

11. She will be back __________________ a few minutes.

A. in B. at C. on D. when

12. What’s your surname?

A. middle name B. full name C. family name D. forename

13. __________________ is a condition of the body when it is too hot because of illness.

A. Cold B. Feve C. Cough D. Flu

14. Follow __________________, please!

A. I B. me C. my D. mine

15. She’s 145 centimeters __________________.

A. tall B. high C. heavy D. old

16. Nga is filling ________________ her medical records.

A. from B. for C. in D. on

17. The doctor needs ________________ her temperature.

A. take B. taking C. to take D. will take

18. Would you ________________ English, please?

A. talk B. speak C. tell D. spoke

19. We are having a ________________ check-up.

A. medical B. medicine C. medically D. medicine

20. I need to weigh you. Would you get ________________ the scales, please?

A. on B. in C. at D. to

21. The doctor ________________ you in a few minutes.

A. see B. will see C. saw D. sees

22. My brother ________________ a new job there.

A. start B. starts C. starting D. started

23. The nurse told Hoa ________________ back to the waiting room.

A. goes B. going C. went D. to go

24. Hoa fills in her medical ________________.

A. record B. measure C. form D. both A & C

25. The medicines ________________ the pain in my chest.

A. prevented B. relieved C. protected D. hurt

26. Everybody ________________ the symptoms but nobody knows a cure.

A. know B. knows C. knowing D. knew

27. Did you play baseball yesterday?

A. Yes, I was B. No, I didn’t C. Yes, I did D. both B & C

28. We should ________________ our hands before meals.

A. wash B. washed C. washing D. to wash

29. What was wrong ________________ you?

A. with B. about C. from D. over

30. Did your Mom write a sick note ________________ you?

A. from B. for C. of D. at

II. Choose the underlined word or phrase that is not standard in English:

1. He needed staying in bed because he had a bad cold. A B C D

2. The doctor wanted asking her a few questions. A B C D

3. It say on her medical record that she’s 40 kilos. A B C D

4. There is something wrong to my car. A B C D

5. A nurse told her wait for the doctor. A B C D

6. Now they are waiting seeing the doctor. A B C D

7. He was absent for work because of illness. A B C D

8. A nurse told her to get in the scales. A B C D

9. These medicines don’t cure a cold, but they do relieving the symptoms. A B C D

10. I need you going to the shop for me. A B C D

Complete the text using words in the box







Everybody suffer [1] _____________ the common cold at some time or other. It isn’t a serious [2] _____________, but over a billion dollas is spent on different kinds of cold medicine every year. This medicine can [3] _____________ the symptoms. That is, it can make you cough [4] _____________, make your head less intense, and stop your nose [5] _____________ for a while. However it can’t cure your cold. So far, [6] _____________ is no cure for the common cold and no medicine to prevent it.

Xem đáp án

1. from

2. illness

3. relieve

4. less

5. running

6. there


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VnDoc - Tải tài liệu, văn bản pháp luật, biểu mẫu miễn phí Unit 11: KEEP FIT, STAY HEALTHY A. Language Focus: - Past simple tense: Question forms Negative forms B. Vocabulary: Section A: A check-up 1. medical check-up [adj] : 2. medical record [n] : 3. follow [v] : 4. have a temperature [v] : 5. take temperature [v] : 6. normal [adj] : 7. height [n] : 8. measure [v] : 9. weigh [v] : 10. scales [n] : 11. get on [v] : 12. leave – left – left [v] : Section B: What was wrong with you? 1. have a headache/ cold [v] : 2. have a stomachache [v] : 3. have the flu [v] : 4. sick note [n] : 5. virus [adj] : 6. absent [adj] : # present [adj] : 7. desease [n] : 8. common [adj] : 9. catch – caught – caught [v] : 10. symptom [n] : 11. runny nose [n] : 12. slight [adj] : 13. fever [n] : 14. cough [v] : 15. sneeze [v] : 16. unpleasant [adj] : 17. cure [v,n] : 18. relieve [v] : 19. disappear [v] : 20. prevent [v] : khaùm söùc khoûe toång quaùt hoà sô beänh lyù ñi theo bò soát ño nhieät ñoä bình thöôøng chieàu cao ño caân, caân naëng caùi caân leân, böôùc leân rôøi khoûi, boû queân bò nhöùt ñaàu/ caûm laïnh bò ñau daï daøy beänh cuùm giaáy xin pheùp, nghæ oám vi-ruùt vaéng maët coù maët beänh taät thoâng thöôøng maéc phaûi trieäu chöùng soå muõi nöôùc nhoû, nheï beänh soát ho nhaûy muõi khoù chòu chöûa trò, söï chöûa trò laøm giaûm bieán maát ngaên ngöøa VnDoc - Tải tài liệu, văn bản pháp luật, biểu mẫu miễn phí C. Exercises: I. Choose the most suitable word or phrase for the blank: 1. The students are waiting __________________ the teacher. A. to B. at C. for D. Both A & B 2. She needs __________________ those medicines. A.has B. have C. having D. to have 3. Our teacher told us __________________ this book. A. read B. to read C. reading D. to reading 4. The ________ of the flu include a headache, a high temperature and aches in the body. A. symptom B. symptoms C. cure D. cures 5. They had to fill __________________ their medical records. A. in B. at C. on D. up 6. Were you ever __________________ from school last semester? A. late B. early C. absent D. lost 7. What’s wrong __________________ you? A. to B. with C. about D. þ 8. Yesterday they had a __________________ check-up. A. medical B. medicine C. medicines D. medicinal 9. __________________ is a shop where you can buy medicines. A. Bakery B. Toy store C. Shoe store D. Drugstore 10. You can go back to the waiting room. A. follow B. return C. get on D. stand 11. She will be back __________________ a few minutes. A. in B. at C. on D. when 12. What’s your surname? A. middle name B. full name C. family name D. forename 13. __________________ is a condition of the body when it is too hot because of illness. A. Cold B. Feve C. Cough D. Flu 14. Follow __________________, please! A. I B. me C. my D. mine 15. She’s 145 centimeters __________________. A. tall B. high C. heavy D. old 16. Nga is filling ________________ her medical records. A. from B. for C. in D. on 17. The doctor needs ________________ her temperature. A. take B. taking C. to take D. will take 18. Would you ________________ English, please? A. talk B. speak C. tell D. spoke 19. We are having a ________________ check-up. A. medical B. medicine C. medically D. medicine VnDoc - Tải tài liệu, văn bản pháp luật, biểu mẫu miễn phí 20. I need to weigh you. Would you get ________________ the scales, please? A. on B. in C. at D. to 21. The doctor ________________ you in a few minutes. A. see B. will see C. saw D. sees 22. My brother ________________ a new job there. A. start B. starts C. starting D. started 23. The nurse told Hoa ________________ back to the waiting room. A. goes B. going C. went D. to go 24. Hoa fills in her medical ________________. A. record B. measure C. form D. both A & C 25. The medicines ________________ the pain in my chest. A. prevented B. relieved C. protected D. hurt 26. Everybody ________________ the symptoms but nobody knows a cure. A. know B. knows C. knowing D. knew 27. Did you play baseball yesterday? A. Yes, I was B. No, I didn’t C. Yes, I did D. both B & C 28. We should ________________ our hands before meals. A. wash B. washed C. washing D. to wash 29. What was wrong ________________ you? A. with B. about C. from D. over 30. Did your Mom write a sick note ________________ you? A. from B. for C. of D. at II. Choose the underlined word or phrase that is not standard in English: 1. He needed staying in bed because he had a bad cold. A B C D 2. The doctor wanted asking her a few questions. A B C D 3. It say on her medical record that she’s 40 kilos. A B C D 4. There is something wrong to my car. A B C D 5. A nurse told her wait for the doctor. A B C D 6. Now they are waiting seeing the doctor. A B C D 7. He was absent for work because of illness. A B C D 8. A nurse told her to get in the scales. A B C D 9. These medicines don’t cure a cold, but they do relieving the symptoms. A B C D VnDoc - Tải tài liệu, văn bản pháp luật, biểu mẫu miễn phí 10. I need you going to the shop for me. A B C D

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