The nurse understands which medication may cause gynecological malignancies in females Quizlet

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The nurse understands which medication may cause gynecological malignancies in females Quizlet

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The nurse understands which medication may cause gynecological malignancies in females Quizlet

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Identity vs role confusion- Exploring and integrating roles, emerge from stage with sense of individuality,
Physical and sexual changes from puberty, increased nutritional needs,adequate sleep, long for privacy, independence, isolation, body image, peer influence, and communication with family. Some risk factors include unintentional injuries, violence, sexual behaviors, pregnancy, std, substance abuse, unhealthy dietary behaviors, inadequate physical activity, suicide.
Approach non threatening and no judgement, ensure confidentiality

Intimacy vs isolation- Peak physically before 30, then begin to decline. Strong cognition, increased station all thinking, problem solving ms concepts. Live nontraditional lifestyles, extended education, frequent job change, and higher paying jobs. Seek physical and emotional intimacy. Health risk include smoking, drinking, substance abuse, partner violence, diabetes, hypertension's, obesity, std, mental health, and screenings.

Integrity vs despair- Pleased with accomplishments or hung up on past failures.Review life events, accept finality of death, adjust to physiological changes such as decreased sense, loss of mobility, physical deterioration, and increased health complications. Emotionally trying to find a purpose, experiencing empty nest, loss of spouse, decreased cognition including decreases memory and reflexes. allergies? Medications? Home life? ADL? Family support? Diet/exercise? LOC/ mental status? Advanced directive/ DNR? Can they sit, stand, and balance on edge of bed? Self care? Grooming? Attention span?

expanding family, illness, partner violence, addiction, death, sexual health can all affect stress tension, fighting, disagreement, dishonest, end of relationships, recovery slowed.

Four basic elements of culture are recognized: Culture is (1) learned, (2) symbolic, (3) shared, and (4) integrated. culture may be viewed as a complex whole in which all parts are related. Culture has a family and group component, but it is not transmitted biologically. The values, beliefs, and traditions of a group must be learned by each person within the family and social community. Culture includes social constructs such as knowledge, beliefs, art, morals, and customs, as well as law. One shared element found in all cultures is an understanding of gender roles, the roles that a particular culture assigns to men and women. Although the world is changing, certain values and beliefs regarding gender roles remain unchanged in many cultures

This term means that, due to various reasons (age, race, religion, gender, income, physical location etc.), health care is not granted equally to all persons. Ulitimately, it is a type of discrimination, wheather intentional, or not.

Generalization: a statement, idea, or principle that has a broad application, and is applied when traits are fairly consistent across cultures and can be identified within a particular group, while keeping the importance of individual differences in mind.
Stereotypes: a set of fixed ideas, often unfavorable, about the members of a group
Prejudice: process of devaluing an entire group because of an assumed behavior, value, or attribute.
Discrimination: refers to policies and practices that harm a group and its members.
Race: a socially constructed concept that tends to group people by common descent, heredity, or physical attributes

The link that ties these concepts together is that they are a general perceived notion and/or trait that has been passed down through generations. Our idea of culture is the totality of socially transmitted behavioral patterns, beliefs, values, customs, lifeways, and art that has shaped our worldview. Although certain behaviors may be anticipated and understood by using generalizations and the differences are invariably present among individuals within cultures, a lot of these perceived notions and/or traits can be offensive especially if acted upon. Often times this leads to negative results in health.

Inspect external eye, visual acuity, eye movement, ophthalmic examination, pupillary response, evaluate hearing, inspect internal and external ears, inspect tongue and oral cavity, inspect nose and check for latency of nasal airway, test taste and smell. Robert rest for balance, test of hot, cold, sharp and dull. Monofilament testing

•This period of development is referred to as puberty
•In both males and females, the final 20% to 25% of height generally is achieved during a 24- to 36-month period known as the adolescent growth spurt.
•In females, this usually begins between the ages of 9 and 14 years and ends 1 to 2 years after onset of menstruation.
•in males, with the onset between the ages of 10 and 16 years and the end between the ages of 18 and 20 years.
•increased size of the heart and lungs. blood volume and blood components expand.
able to meet the physiologic demands of exercise. development of muscle mass and definition is apparent, particularly in males.
In females, changes include the following:
• Breast enlargement
• Increasing height and weight
• Growth of pubic and axillary hair
• Menarche (onset of menstruation)
In males, changes include the following:
• Enlargement of testicles
• Growth of pubic, axillary, facial, and body hair
• Rapid increase in height
• Changes in larynx, causing lowering of the voice
• Nocturnal emissions

•stage of great adjustment
•At the beginning of this phase, individuals are future oriented, working their way up the career ladder until they reach retirement age.
•also a time for mid-life crisis,which may be exacerbated by the empty nest syndrome.
•will want to broaden their interests and give back to their communities by joining charities, organizations, political groups, or other causes.
•adjust to their new reality and look forward to retirement and changes in life-style, where they can travel, enjoy hobbies, and re-establish themselves as a couple and even grandparents.
•may feel stymied at work, stuck in a rut, or feel old. In addition, many middle-angers will recognize their limitations and measure their one-time goals against their actual achievements.
•a time when long-term relationships may suffer, as spouses may want to be with someone new and exciting to prove their vitality, youth, attractiveness, and feelings of self-worth.
•the most common issues facing middle-age adults is feeling they are sandwiched between meeting the needs of their children and partner as well as those of their aging parents.

Sets with similar terms

Which medication is a teratogen that may cause masculinization of a female fetus?

Etonogestrel Pregnancy Warnings Animal studies have shown that high doses may cause masculinization of female fetuses; doses of this drug up to 2 mg/kg/day (approximately 1.6 to 3 times the human dose) showed no embryotoxic or fetotoxic effects.

Which condition may be the result of an adverse medication effect associated with administration of chloramphenicol in infants quizlet?

Grey baby syndrome is a well-known condition that arises from chloramphenicol toxicity in infants, especially affecting preterm neonates. It can also affect breastfed infants whose mothers are taking oral chloramphenicol.

Which drug is used as an ovulation stimulant but may cause multiple pregnancies?

Clomiphene is used to induce ovulation (egg production) in women who do not produce ova (eggs) but wish to become pregnant (infertility). Clomiphene is in a class of medications called ovulatory stimulants.

Which medication with the nurse identify as one that can be prescribed for the elective termination of a pregnancy?

Combined mifepristone–misoprostol regimens are recommended as the preferred therapy for medication abortion because they are significantly more effective than misoprostol-only regimens. If a combined mifepristone–misoprostol regimen is not available, a misoprostol-only regimen is the recommended alternative.