Early to bed and early to rise makes a man healthy wealthy and wise là gì

This page is about the saying "Early to bed and early to rise makes a man healthy, wealthy, and wise"

Possible meaning:
It is good for us to sleep early in the evening and wake early in the morning.

rise [verb] = get out of bed [after sleeping] | healthy [adj.] = well; free from illness | wealthy [adj.] = rich | wise [adj.] = having knowledge, experience and good judgement

See Saying of the Day today

Contributor: Josef Essberger

Next saying: Facts are stubborn things EnglishClub : Learn English : Vocabulary : Reference : Sayings : Quizzes : Mixed 1 : Early to bed and early to rise makes a man healthy, wealthy, and wise

a word to the wise is sufficient

a wise person understands when he hears a key word I can't discuss the plan, but a word to the wise is sufficient: progress.

get a word in edgewise

manage to break into a conversation I couldn

get wise to something/somebody

learn about something kept secret He finally got wise to the fact that they were stealing his money.

penny-wise and pound foolish

wise or careful in small things to the costly neglect of important things My friend is penny-wise and pound foolish and economizes on small things but wastes all of his money on big things.

street wise

wise about street life, been around Let's ask Sal to go downtown with us. He's street wise.

wise to us

know what we are doing, onto us Your husband knows you're seeing me. He's wise to us.

word to the wise

[See a word to the wise]

worldly wise

knowing how to survive, having street smarts You've lived on the streets of LA. You're worldly wise. You're hip.

get wise to

learn about secret;become alert to得知(秘密);警觉
We are getting wise to her tricks now,and it's not easy any more for her to put anything over us.我们已渐渐识破了她的花招,她不能再轻易地瞒过我们了。
You are very lazy.If you don't get wise to yourself and start studying,you will fail the course.你很懒惰,如果你对自己不警觉,还不开始学习的话,你的功课就会不及格。

in no wise

by no means;in no manner毫不;绝不
He has in no wise changed his opinion.他丝毫没有改变他的看法。
He'll in no wise lose his reward.他决不会失去他应得的报酬。

wise up

finally understand what is really going on after a period of ignorance;become or make aware恍然大悟;识破;使看透
Joe immediately quit his job when he wised up to what was really going on.乔得知底细后马上辞职不干了。
His mother tried to wise him up about the company he kept,but he wouldn't listen to her.他母亲想提醒他弄清他交的朋友的底细,但他听不进她的话。

wise up [to]

finally understand what is really going on after a period of ignorance;become or make aware恍然大悟;识破;使看透
Joe immediately quit his job when he wised up to what was really going on.乔得知底细后马上辞职不干了。
His mother tried to wise him up about the company he kept,but he wouldn't listen to her.他母亲想提醒他弄清他交的朋友的底细,但他听不进她的话。

wise up to

Idiom[s]: wise up [to sb or sth]


UNDERSTANDINGto begin to understand the truth about someone or something. [Slang.]
• It was almost a week before I began to wise up to John. He's a total phony.
• You had better stay hidden for a while. The police are beginning to wise up.

wise as an owl

Idiom[s]: [as] wise as an owl


WISDOMvery wise.
• Grandfather is as wise as an owl.
• My goal is to be wise as an owl.

sadder but wiser

Idiom[s]: sadder but wiser


EXPERIENCEunhappy but educated [about someone or something—after an unpleasant event]. [Fixed order.]
• After the accident, I was sadder but wiser, and would never make the same mistake again.
• We left the meeting sadder but wiser, knowing that we could not ever come to an agreement with Becky's aunt.

put sb wise to

Idiom[s]: put sb wise to sb or sth


EXPLANATIONto inform someone about someone or something. [Informal.]
• I put her wise to the way we do things around here.
• I didn't know she was taking money. Mary put me wise to her.

penny-wise and pound-foolish

Idiom[s]: penny-wise and pound-foolish


FOOLISHNESSA proverb meaning that it is foolish to lose a lot of money to save a little money. [Fixed order.]
• Sally shops very carefully to save a few cents on food, then charges the food to a charge card that costs a lot in annual interest. That's being pennywise and pound-foolish.
• John drives thirty miles to buy gas for three cents a gallon less than it costs here. He's really penny-wise and pound-foolish.

none the wiser

Idiom[s]: none the wiser


KNOWLEDGE - LACKING not knowing any more.
• I was none the wiser about the project after the lecture. It was a complete waste of time.
• Anne tried to explain the situation tactfully to Jack, but in the end, he was none the wiser.

Penny wise, pound foolish.

Refers to a person who is careful about spending small amounts of money, but not careful about spending large amounts of money.

A still tongue keeps a wise head

Wise people don't talk much.

Penny wise, pound foolish

Someone who is penny wise, pound foolish can be very careful or mean with small amounts of money, yet wasteful and extravagant with large sums.

Where ignorance is bliss it is folly to be wise.

It is better to be unaware of something that will bring unhappiness.

get a word in|edgewise|get|get a word|get a word i


get wise|get|wise

v. phr., slang To learn about something kept secret from you; become alert. One girl pretended to be sick on gym days when she had athletics, until the teacher got wise and made her go anyway.
Often used with "to". The boys got wise to Jack's fondness for bubble gum. If you don't get wise to yourself and start studying, you will fail the course.
Antonym: IN THE DARK.

penny wise and pound foolish|foolish|penny|penny w

Wise or careful in small things but not careful enough in important things.
A proverb. Mr. Smith's fence is rotting and falling down because he wouldn't spend money to paint it. He is penny wise and pound foolish.

put one wise|put|wise

v. phr. To bring one up-to-date; inform someone; explain. Our old friend David put us wise as to where the best used cars could be found in Chicago.

put wise|put|wise

v., slang To tell [someone] facts that will give him an advantage over others or make him alert to opportunity or danger. The new boy did not know that Jim was playing a trick on him, so I put him wise.
Often used with "to". Someone put the police wise to the plan of the bank robbers, and when the robbers went into the bank, the police were waiting to catch them.
Compare: TIP OFF.

the wiser|wiser

adj. Knowing about something which might be embarrassing of knowing.
Usually used with "nobody" or "no one". Mary took the teacher's book home by mistake, but early the next morning she returned it with nobody the wiser.

wise guy|guy|wise

n. phr., informal A person who acts as if he were smarter than other people; a person who jokes or shows off too much Bill is a wise guy and displeases others by what he says.

wise up to|wise|wise up

v. phr., slang To finally understand what is really going on after a period of ignorance. Joe immediately quit his job when he wised up to what was really going on.


n. A joke or witty remark usually made at someone else's expense. The comedians kept up a steady stream of wisecracks.

word to the wise|wise|word

n. phr. A word of warning or advice which the intelligent person is expected to follow.
A proverb. I had once spoken to him about being late all the time, and thought that a word to the wise was enough.


see get a word in edgewise.

penny wise and pound foolish

penny wise and pound foolish
Stingy about small expenditures and extravagant with large ones, as in Dean clips all the coupons for supermarket bargains but insists on going to the best restaurants—penny wise and pound foolish. This phrase alludes to British currency, in which a pound was once worth 240 pennies, or pence, and is now worth 100 pence. The phrase is also occasionally used for being very careful about unimportant matters and careless about important ones. It was used in this way by Joseph Addison in The Spectator [1712]: “A woman who will give up herself to a man in marriage where there is the least Room for such an apprehension ... may very properly be accused ... of being penny wise and pound foolish.” [c. 1600]


penny-wise and pound-foolish
careful or thrifty in small matters but careless or wasteful in major ones

put someone wise

put someone wise
see put wise.

put wise

put wise
Inform or enlighten someone, as in You'd better put Arthur wise about the protocol before he visits them. [Colloquial; early 1900s]

the wiser

the wiser
see none the wiser.


In addition to the idioms beginning with wise, also see get wise to; none the wiser; penny wise and pound foolish; put wise; sadder but wiser; word to the wise, a.
* * *
- wise guy
- wise up to

wise guy

wise guy
An obnoxious know-it-all, a person who makes sarcastic or annoying remarks, as in the teacher was delighted that the worst wise guy in the class was moving out of town. [Slang; second half of 1800s] Also see smart aleck.

word to the wise, a

word to the wise, a
Here's good advice, as in A word to the wise: don't walk alone here because these streets are not safe at night. A shortening of A word to the wise is enough, as it was put by Roman writers, this phrase in English dates from the mid-1500s.

đi ngủ sớm và dậy sớm [làm cho người đàn ông khỏe mạnh, giàu có và khôn ngoan]

câu tục ngữ Một thành ngữ khuyến khích chuyện đi ngủ và thức dậy sớm lũy phần làm ra [tạo] nên thành công và sức khỏe. A: "Anh bạn, tại sao bạn đi ngủ lúc 8 giờ mỗi tối?" B: "Bởi vì tui dậy lúc 4:30 sáng. Đi ngủ sớm và dậy sớm giúp một người đàn ông khỏe mạnh, giàu có và khôn ngoan — duh.". Xem thêm: và, đi ngủ, sớm, đàn ông, trỗi dậy, giàu có

Đi ngủ sớm và dậy sớm, làm cho người đàn ông khỏe mạnh, giàu có và khôn ngoan.

Prov. Đi ngủ sớm và thức dậy sớm là điều tốt để thành công. Bà: Mẹ bất nghĩ là tốt cho con mà ở ngoài muộn như vậy, con ạ. Đi ngủ sớm và dậy sớm — Cháu trai: Tạo nên một người đàn ông khỏe mạnh, giàu có và khôn ngoan. Vâng, bà, tui biết. Người dẫn chương trình: Đừng rời đi sớm như vậy! Bữa tiệc mới bắt đầu. Khách: Tôi e rằng vừa quá giờ đi ngủ. Chủ nhà: Đi ngủ sớm, dậy sớm hả ?. Xem thêm: và, đi ngủ, sớm, làm, đàn ông, khôn ngoan. Xem thêm:

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