Công dụng của sản phẩm tiếng anh là gì năm 2024

(Định nghĩa của product từ Từ điển Học thuật Cambridge © Cambridge University Press)

Các ví dụ của product


Each of us, all products of this system, bears allegiance to one or the other of the two great tribes.

Further research is needed to clarify which products are most suitable in a range of situations.

Processing texts in different modalities thus results in different end products.

The mode of transmission is assumed to be due to sharing the same risk factors of drinking and eating unpasteurized dairy products.

An interesting feature of products of grammaticalization is that they tend to preserve some traces of their original lexical meanings.

Such issues were by-products of the seniors' enthusiasm but raised difficult problems for the co-ordinators.

The first measure was to reform the state unified procurement system for agricultural products.

Observations can provide additional insights into the products of culture that are important to cetaceans, as well as into the processes that might be involved.

In a typical study, participants are given information about consumer products.

The elucidation of the relationship between the knowledge products of science and the natural systems the products represent would be of real value.

If a fungicide application is required, they recommend the fungicide products to use and advise their application rate.

The leading products are millet and raw cotton and the region's rich volcanic soil is particularly well-suited to cotton production.

More importantly, they were, almost without exception, products of a particular moment in the history of the world.

404 tected by the automation system, and of information about rejected products.

There is no doubt that modeling assembled products is of increasing impor tance in computerintegrated systems.

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Các cụm từ với product

Các từ thường được sử dụng cùng với product.

Bấm vào một cụm từ để xem thêm các ví dụ của cụm từ đó.

agricultural product

An upland farm uses labour to produce an agricultural product and, as a byproduct, an externality.

animal product

These attributes have been shown to be important in many studies and are a prerequisite for any marketable animal product.

bakery products

Practically all distributors of flour and bakery products handle speciality flours.

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