The approaches to employee development fall into four broad categories, one of which is

A protean career is a career that changes frequently based on changes in the person's interests,

abilities, and values, and in the work environment.

Approaches to employee development fall into four broad categories: informal education,

assessment, job experiences, and interpersonal relationships.

Most employee development occurs through job experiences.

Mentors and protégés can both benefit from a mentoring relationship.

Basic career management systems involve the four sequential steps of [1] data gathering, [2]

feedback, [3] goal setting, and [4] action planning and follow-up.

Goal setting is the first step in the career management process.

Women and other members of the employment equity groups are rare in the top level of

management in Canadian corporations.

MULTIPLE CHOICE. Choose the one alternative that best completes the statement or answers the question.

An organization's planned effort to help employees acquire job-related knowledge, skills, abilities,

and behaviours, with the goal of applying these on the job is known as:


career development.

employee development.



What do we call the process of gaining knowledge or skills by studying, practising, being taught, or

experiencing something?

Employee development




Goal setting

Chapter 8 – MNGT 295 – QuizTrue or FalseThe goal of training is to prepare for changes.Fewer of today’s careers involve repetitive tasks, and more rely on an expandingbase of knowledge.Information for assessment may come from the employees, their peers,managers, and customers.According to the Myers-Briggs Type Indicator, intuitive types [N] tend to focusmore on the facts and less on possibilities and relationships among them.A potential drawback of 360-degree feedback is that it demands a significantamount of time for raters to complete the evaluations.In the context of job experience, lateral moves usually include promotion ortemporary assignment to another organization.Mentoring is usually a substitute for therapy.Coaching is likely to help managers when it involves identifying areas forimprovement and setting goals.In practice, organizations’ career management systems vary.Succession planning forces senior management to regularly and thoughtfullyreview the company’s leadership talent.Multiple ChoiceDevelopment implies learning thatoimproves performance of an employee’s current job.ois used in the context in which it was developed, as well as other contexts.ois required.ois not necessarily related to the employee’s current job.ohappens after a change has taken place.The approaches to employee development fall into four broad categories. They areoformal education, assessment, job experiences, and interpersonal relationships.oassessment, job experiences, job rotation, and formal education.

1.Approaches to employee development fall into four broad categories:informal education, assessment, job experiences, and interpersonalrelationships.True or False

2.Organizations with strong learning cultures are more likely to beadverse to change.

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3.Balanced scorecards are widely used in both the public and privatesector.

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4.Readiness for learning is a combination of employee characteristicsand positive work environment that permit training.

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5.The critical-incident technique is a behavioural approach toperformance management.True or False

6.Establishing objectives for the training program provides few benefitsand can detract from the participants' learning experience.

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7.Performance management is the process through which managersensure that employees' activities and outputs contribute to theorganization's goals.

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What are the four broad categories of development methods and how might each method be used in a specific setting industry based or role based ]?

The four broad categories of employee development methods consist of education, job experiences, assessments, and relationships. Using work experience is a great thing that a company can do for both itself and its employees.

What is the best approach to develop an employee?

Key tactics for developing employees.
Train for success from the start. ... .
Set a good example and encourage self-development. ... .
Create individual development plans. ... .
Set performance metrics. ... .
Simulate situations. ... .
Give regular feedback. ... .
Delegate responsibilities. ... .
Engage in cross-training..

How do you measure employee development?

Metrics To Measure Employee Development & Improve Their Skills.
3.1 1. High-potential talent..
3.2 2. Training & development..
3.3 3. Engagement activity..
3.4 4. Employee efficiency..
3.5 5. Individual goal..
3.6 Everything SME Leaders Must Know To Crack Employee Performance Evaluations!.

What is the first step in the career management process?

6 Steps for Career Planning.
Step 1: Explore Career Options. ... .
Step 2: Conduct Field Research. ... .
Step 3: Determine Your Job Target. ... .
Step 4: Build Your Credentials and Resume. ... .
Step 5: Prepare for Your Job Search. ... .
Step 6: Launch Your Job Search..

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