Identify a difference between the position analysis questionnaire (paq) and functional job analysis.


Questionnaire methods includes 6 techniques as follows:

Position Analysis Questionnaire

1. Definition of Position Analysis Questionnaire [PAQ model]?

PAQ model developed by McCormick, Jeanneret, and Mecham [1972], is a structured instrument of job analysis to measure job characteristics and relate them to human characteristics.

It consists of 195 job elements that describe generic human work behaviors.

2. Contents of PAQ method / technique:

195 items of job elements includes six categories:

• Interpersonal activities [36 elements],
• Work situation and job context [19 elements], and
• Miscellaneous aspects [41 elements].
• Information input [35 elements],
• Mental processes [14 elements],
• Work output [49 elements],

3. Advantages of PAQ method / technique:

There are several advantages inherent in the Position Analysis Questionnaire.

  • PAQ method / technique: is structured to allow for easy quantification.
  • The format of this method include in both data collection and computer analysis and can yield results much faster than the other methods.
  • It has been shown to be extremely reliable, results usually replicate on a second administration.
  • The taxonomic approach of the PAQ makes comparison of jobs relatively easy.

4. Disadvantages of PAQ method / technique:

  • One of the major disadvantages of PAQ, however, is related to its taxonomic approach.
  • Getting Human Resources probably because its language is not specific to particular jobs.
  • Another criticism of the language used in PAQ is that its reading level is too difficult.

5. Process of PAQ method / technique:

  • Job incumbents [and sometimes their managers] answer questions on form outlining skills, abilities and knowledge needed to perform the job.
  • Responses are compiled and a composite job requirement statement is produced.

Contents of position analysis questionnaire

Position Analysis Questionnaire [PAQ model] includes 195 items of job elements includes six categories:

1. Information input.

• Where and how does the worker get the information he or she uses in performing the job?
• Examples: near-visual differentiation, use of written materials.
• Information input include 35 elements.

2. Mental processes.

• Mental processes include 14 elements
• What reasoning, decision-making, planning, and information-processing activities are involved in performing the job?
• Examples: levels of reasoning in problem solving; coding/decoding

3. Work output.

• Work output include 49 elements].
• What physical activities does the worker perform and what tools or devices does he/she use?
• Examples: assembling / disassembling; use of keyboard devices.

4. Relationships with other persons.

• Interpersonal activities include 36 elements.
• What relationships with other people are required in performing the job?
• Examples: instructing, contacts with public, customers.

5. Job context

• In what physical or social context[s] is the work performed?
• Examples: high temperature; interpersonal conflict situations.
• Work situation and job context include 19 elements.

6. Other job characteristics.

• Miscellaneous aspects include 41 elements.
• What activities, conditions, or characteristics other than those described above are relevant to the job?
• Examples: specified work pace; amount of job structure.

Functional job analysis

1. Definition of functional job analysis [FJA model]

FJA model is a method of job analysis that was developed by the Employment and Training Administration of the United States Department of Labor.

FJA model is similar to the DOL method, but differs in two ways.

• Functional job analysis also identifies performance standards and training requirements.
• Functional job analysis rates the job not just on data, people, and things, but also on another dimensions: worker instructions, reasoning, mathematics, language.

2. History of FJA method / technique:

Functional Job Analysis [FJA] was used by U.S. Employment Service job in the beginning of the 1940s to classify jobs for the DOT [The Dictionary of Occupational Titles].

3. Who use FJA method / technique ?

This method were developed by groups of four to six Subject Matter Experts [“SMEs” are typically supervisors, job incumbents, or job analysts].

4. Contents of FJA method / technique:

Functional Job Analysis includes 7 scales [numbers] that measure:
• 1 worker-instruction scale.
• 3 scales that measure reasoning, mathematics, language.
• 3 worker-function scales: measure % of time spent with: data, people, things

Each scale has several levels that are anchored with specific behavioral statements and illustrative tasks.

Data, people, things in detail include:


8-Taking instructiions

0-Setting up
1-Precision working
2-Operating- controlling
3-Driving – Operating
6-Feeding – Offbearing

Work Profiling System

Work Profiling System method in performance appraisal

1. Definition of Work Profiling System [WPS model]

WPS model is computer-administered system for job analysis, developed by Saville & Holdsworth, Ltd. [SHL Group]. This is one of questionnaire methods.

There are three versions of the WPS: managerial, service, and technical occupations.

This method contains a structured questionnaire which measures ability and personality attributes such as hearing skills, sight, taste, smell, touch, body coordination, number skills, complex management skills, verbal skills, , personality, and team role

2. Purpose of WPS method / technique:

  • Choose defensible assessment procedures and methods
  • Identify jobs for rotation and cross-training
  • Identify and define competencies for hiring purposes, career development and succession planning
  • Document existing jobs in the form of job descriptions and person specifications
  • Structure and define new jobs
  • Identify performance review measures
  • Create job families
  • “Transport” validation research
  • Create an equitable pay structure
  • Identify specific areas of training & development
  • Audit skill requirements
  • Develop performance management systems
  • Re-define and merge jobs
  • Match candidates against job profiles
  • Improve interviewing
  • Build teams
  • Manage changes in roles and culture

3. Process of WPS method / technique:

  • Information is collected about a job in a structured way from 2 to 4 people who are currently doing the job through questionnaires.
  • The information is then computer analyzed to meet a variety of objectives.

MOSAIC model

MOSAIC model in performance appraisal

1. Definition of MOSAIC method:

Multipurpose Occupational Systems Analysis Inventory-Closed Ended [MOSAIC model] is a job analysis method used to collect information from incumbents and supervisors on many occupations for a wide range of HRM functions.

2. History of MOSAIC method / technique:

This method developed by the Office of Personnel Management.
Based on Gregory and Park, 1992: This system uses an automated occupational analysis approach that eliminates costly redundancies in the collection of data and provides technically sound, legally defensible procedures and documentation to support human resource management .

3. Purpose of MOSAIC method / technique

MOSAIC has been conducting a large occupational analysis projects, each project conduct a different set of occupations [e.g., clerical, managerial, etc.] for government occupations.

4. Using of MOSAIC method / technique

Each job analysis inventory used to collect data for MOSAIC include a variety of descriptors. The two critical types of descriptors are tasks and competencies.
The questionnaire contained a diverse set of items, including:
• 22 competencies [a human quality or characteristic associated with the performance of managerial tasks, e.g., knowledge, skill, ability, trait, motive, or self-concept] rated in terms of importance, and needed proficiency at entry;
• 151 job tasks rated in terms of importance for effective job performance;

A standard questionnaire was developed and sent to over 20,000 federal executives, managers, and supervisors.

Common Metric Questionnaire

1. Definition of Common Metric Questionnaire [CMQ model]

CMQ model was developed by Harvey as a “worker-oriented” job analysis instrument designed to have applicability to a broad range of exempt and nonexempt jobs.

2. Contents of CMQ method / technique:

CMQ include five sections:

  • Background: Background section asks 41 general questions about work requirements such as travel, seasonality, licensure requirements.
  • Physical and Mechanical Activities: Physical and Mechanical Activities section asks 53 items about physical activities and equipment, machinery, and tools.
  • Work Setting: Work Setting asks 47 items that focus on environmental conditions and other job characteristics.
  • Contacts with People: Contacts with People section asks 62 questions asks level of supervision, degree of internal and external contacts, and meeting requirements.
  • Decision Making: Decision Making asks 80 items in the CMQ method / technique focus on relevant occupational knowledge and skill, language and sensory requirements, and managerial and business decision making.

A matrix response format is also used, respondent is asked to provide ratings for up to frequency, criticality, consequence of error.

Fleishman Job Analysis Survey

Fleishman Job Analysis Survey in performance appraisal

1. Definition of Fleishman Job Analysis Survey [FJAS model]:

FJAS model is a system to describe jobs from the point of view of the necessary capacities.

2. History of FJAS method:

Thid method is a questionnaire developed by Edwin A. Fleishman [Fleishman and Quaintance, 1984]

3. Process of FJAS method:

This method includes 52 cognitive, physical, psychomotor, and sensory abilities, each of the categories consists of two parts – an operational and differential definition and a grading scale.

First step, analyst will list all elements as follows:


* Perceptual Abilities
* Spatial Abilities
* Idea Generation & Reasoning Abilities
* Quantitative Abilities
* Memory
* Attentiveness
* Verbal Abilities


* Control Movement Abilities
* Reaction Time and Speed Abilities
* Fine Manipulative Abilities


* Endurance
* Flexibility, Balance, and Coordination
* Visual Abilities
* Auditory and Speech Abilities
* Physical Strength Abilities


The second step involve a meeting of experts, each of whom provides his/her. The analyst calculates and obtains job description.

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What is functional job analysis questionnaire?

Functional job analysis is considered to be a qualitative form of assessment, which means it focuses on the unique combination of abilities and limitations of the individual employee. This makes it an effective way for employers to evaluate how each position in their organization impacts their overall operations.

What are the three types of job analysis?

When doing so, there are three primary types of job analysis data, namely work activities, worker attributes, and work context.

What are the four 4 job analysis method?

Common methods are observations, interviews, questionnaires, and specialized methods of analysis. Combinations of these approaches frequently are used, depending on the situation and the organization.

What is the purpose of the position analysis questionnaire PAQ ]? Quizlet?

Using the PAQ provides an organization with information that helps in comparing jobs, even when they are dissimilar. Job analysis technique that asks subject-matter experts to evaluate a job in terms of the abilities required to perform the job.

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