The fixed asset disposal report authorizes the user department to dispose of a fixed asset.

Disposal of Surplus Property

Departments/colleges are prohibited from conducting their own sales of surplus property and from placing "sale" advertisements or from disposing of items independently that may be deemed to have value.  

  1. Departments shall notify the Accounting Manager in Treasury of items being declared "surplus" by completing a Transit/Surplus Form and, if disposing of capital assets or equipment that have hard drives, an Equipment Inventory Deletions Report.  Both forms can be found on the Fixed Assets web page. Information to be included: the description of the property, its UNI property tag number [if applicable], condition, color or finish, approximate age, location, and other descriptive information.
  2. The Accounting Manager will notify Facilities Services of any surplus furniture. Facilities Services may reserve furniture for use in renovation projects or release it to the Accounting Manager.
  3. Surplus property released to the Accounting Manager will be matched with existing requests. If there are no existing requests, the Accounting Manager will periodically advertise items in appropriate campus publications, including university web pages and InsideUNI for purchase by, or transfer to, other university departments. If a transfer is arranged, net receipts will be deposited to the selling department's sale of equipment account.
  4. If the property has value but is not needed by another campus department, the Accounting Manager will determine the appropriate means to sell the property, in most cases this will be by selling the property at the UNI Surplus Store sales held every 1st and 3rd Thursday of the month at UNI Warehouse, or sell online at or other approved online sites.  These sales are advertised through the Surplus Store email list.  In special cases the Accounting Manager may determine that a public auction is a more appropriate avenue to dispose of the property, which will be advertised in appropriate publications, local newspaper, university web pages, Surplus Store email list and InsideUNI.  The net proceeds of the sale will be deposited to the Sale of Equipment account for general university credit and use. In the case of auxiliary organizations, net proceeds will be deposited to their restricted accounts.

Alternate Methods of Disposal of Surplus Property

The Procurement Services Department and Accounting Manager are responsible for assisting departments in identifying disposal alternatives [i.e. Trade-ins, used components or parts, scrap, etc.], establishing relative values and recommending economically appropriate actions. The Asst. Vice President for Finance and Operations must authorize any alternate method of disposal of university property.

Disposal of Scrap Material

The Accounting Manager should be consulted on the sale of scrap material such as waste paper, non-precious metals, automobile batteries, and salvaged building materials. If necessary the Procurement Services Manager will be consulted for bids. Normally at least two competitive quotes will be obtained, based on quantity of scrap available. Net proceeds shall be credited to the department selling the scrap material.

Disposal of Library Materials

The library periodically eliminates duplicate, antiquated, or donated material inappropriate for the collection. The Accounting Manager will assist in the disposal of library materials by a sale or other appropriate disposition. Net proceeds shall be credited to the library.

The disposal of assets involves eliminating assets from the accounting records. This is needed to completely remove all traces of an asset from the balance sheet [known as derecognition]. An asset disposal may require the recording of a gain or loss on the transaction in the reporting period when the disposal occurs. For the purposes of this discussion, we will assume that the asset being disposed of is a fixed asset.

The overall concept for the accounting for asset disposals is to reverse both the recorded cost of the fixed asset and the corresponding amount of accumulated depreciation. Any remaining difference between the two is recognized as either a gain or a loss. The gain or loss is calculated as the net disposal proceeds, minus the asset’s carrying value.

The options for accounting for the disposal of assets are noted below. A proper fixed asset disposal is of some importance from the perspective of maintaining a clean balance sheet, so that the recorded balances of fixed assets and accumulated depreciation properly reflect the assets actually owned by a business.

No Proceeds, Fully Depreciated

When there are no proceeds from the sale of a fixed asset and the asset is fully depreciated, debit all accumulated depreciation and credit the fixed asset.

Loss on Sale

When there is a loss on the sale of a fixed asset, debit cash for the amount received, debit all accumulated depreciation, debit the loss on sale of asset account, and credit the fixed asset.

Gain on Sale

When there is a gain on the sale of a fixed asset, debit cash for the amount received, debit all accumulated depreciation, credit the fixed asset, and credit the gain on sale of asset account.

Example of Asset Disposal

For example, ABC International buys a machine for $50,000 and recognizes $5,000 of depreciation per year over the following ten years. At that time, the machine is fully depreciated, ABC gives it away, and records the following entry.

  Debit Credit
Accumulated depreciation 50,000  
     Machine asset   50,000

ABC International sells a $100,000 machine for $35,000 in cash, after having compiled $70,000 of accumulated depreciation. The entry is:

  Debit Credit
Cash 35,000  
Accumulated depreciation 70,000  
     Gain on asset disposal   5,000
     Machine asset   100,000

ABC International sells another machine that had originally cost it $40,000 for $25,000 in cash. The company had compiled $10,000 of accumulated depreciation on the machine. The entry is:

  Debit Credit
Cash 25,000  
Accumulated depreciation 10,000  
Loss on asset disposal 5,000  
     Machine asset   40,000

Who should authorize disposal of fixed assets?

ANS: T 9. Authorization to dispose of fixed assets should be issued by the user of the asset.

Which department authorizes changes employee pay rates explain your answer?

The personnel department authorizes changes in employee pay rates. Most payroll systems for mid-size firms use real-time data processing. To improve internal control, paychecks should be distributed by the employee's supervisor.

How are the following carried out in the fixed asset system?

How are the following carried out in the Fixed Asset System: authorization, supervision, independent verification? The Fixed Asset System processes nonroutine transactions which are recorded as capital assets. The receiving department delivers fixed assets to the user/manager.

Which department performs the formal recordkeeping function for fixed assets?

Which department performs the formal record keeping function for fixed assets? Fixed asset department.

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