Subject of style between desktop and laptop

I will be comparing Desktop vs Laptops. Determining which one is best to have for the right price, size, quality, and looks. There is a big market now for laptop and not so much for desktops do to the fast growing technology we are using now. You will find the pros and cons of both desktop and laptops and can make a decision as to which will be right for your needs. First I will be comparing the desktops. Desktops have a big disadvantage when it come to mobility. There are stuck in one place and can not be moved very easily.

They have a lot more wires that have to be. Everything comes separate for example: monitor, keyboard, and mouse. You need a bigger space to use a desktop. Desktops usually do not come with Wi Fi so it means you always need a modem around to be connected to the internet. Desktop are bigger so the do not travel well when needed to get fixed or it cost more for someone to come to your house to fix them. Now with the way people depend on things, there are not many desktops around. Meaning there are more choices for laptops then there are for desktops

Laptops have few disadvantages to them. The do not come with a mouse and would have to buy one separate. Laptops are more delicate and can brake easily if dropped. It is harder to type on them because keyboards are usually smaller. You always have to have a power cord with you if bringing it somewhere because the power runs out on them faster. If you are not in a place that has a plug then your laptop will not work if not powered up. Laptops can be stolen more easier then desktops because the are more portable and smaller.

The advantages of a desktop can be that they are better for businesses and are more durable then a laptop. You can buy more accessories for the desktop like, bigger monitors, different keyboards, and different mouses. Desktops are priced lower then laptops that have the same components or similar components. Desktops are easier to use compared to laptop bigger screens to see and better keyboards and mouses to use. The advantages of laptops are higher. They are very mobile and can be taking almost anywhere and still work. Just like a desktop they are used the same ay in terms of using them and the programs that can be done with them. There are more choices and different sizes you can have for you likeness. They come in all sizes and colors for your lifestyle. Easier to get fixed, you can bring them to someone and dont have to pay someone to come to the house to do it. Most laptops can be used with the internet using Wi Fi and can be used at most locations. Between the comparisons I hope you can make a decision on which you would like to have over the other. Knowing some of the pros and cons should be an easier decision to make.

Depending on the mobility or the performance. It is going to be a preference or needs thing to which device you would like to have. Hopefully after reading this your decision will be easier to make. In conclusion I believe laptops are good if you are always on the run and need it for home and office. If it is for a business with many employees then desktops are easier and safer. Less likely to get stolen. Desktops are easier to upgrade and easier to use in overall performance. Good luck in your search for a computer.