Print a linked list Java

Java Collection, LinkedList Exercises: Display the elements and their positions in a linked list

Last update on December 14 2021 10:51:37 [UTC/GMT +8 hours]

Java Collection, LinkedList Exercises: Exercise-11 with Solution

Write a Java program to display the elements and their positions in a linked list.

Sample Solution:-

Java Code:

import java.util.LinkedList; import java.util.Iterator; public class Exercise1 { public static void main[String[] args] { // create an empty linked list LinkedList l_list = new LinkedList[]; // use add[] method to add values in the linked list l_list.add["Red"]; l_list.add["Green"]; l_list.add["Black"]; l_list.add["Pink"]; l_list.add["orange"]; // print original list System.out.println["Original linked list:" + l_list]; for[int p=0; p < l_list.size[]; p++] { System.out.println["Element at index "+p+": "+l_list.get[p]]; } } }

Sample Output:

Original linked list:[Red, Green, Black, Pink, orange] Element at index 0: Red Element at index 1: Green Element at index 2: Black Element at index 3: Pink Element at index 4: orange

Pictorial Presentation:


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Previous: Get the first and last occurrence of the specified elements in a linked list.
Next: Remove a specified element from a linked list.

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Java: Tips of the Day

Java: Chunk

Chunks an array into smaller arrays of specified size.

public static int[][] chunk[int[] numbers, int size] { return IntStream.iterate[0, i -> i + size] .limit[[long] Math.ceil[[double] numbers.length / size]] .mapToObj[cur -> Arrays.copyOfRange[numbers, cur, cur + size > numbers.length ? numbers.length : cur + size]] .toArray[int[][]::new]; }

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