Listen and summarize

Your response for Summarize Spoken Text is judged on your ability to comprehend, analyze and combine information from a lecture, and then summarize the key points in writing. You are also assessed on the quality of your writing and on how well your response presents the key points in the lecture.

Your score is based on five factors:

Content:Does your response summarize the main points in the lecture?

Content is scored by determining if all the key points of the lecture have been addressedwithout misrepresenting the purpose or topic. If your summary misinterprets the topic or thepurpose of the lecture, you will not receive any score points for your summary on any of thefive factors. Your summary will be scored zero. The best responses clearly summarize the main points and condense essential supporting points. They focus on the topic and include only key information and essential supporting points.

Form:Does your response meet the length requirement of between 50 and 70 words?

Form is scored by counting the number of words in your response. You will receive full creditif your response is between 50 and 70 words. Writing fewer than 50 words or more than 70words will decrease your score. If your summary contains fewer than 40 words or more than 100 words, you will not receive any score points for your summary on any of the five factors. Your summary will be scored zero.

Grammar:Does your response demonstrate correct grammatical usage?

Grammar is scored by determining if the basic structure of the sentences is correct. The bestresponses use concise sentences that clearly communicate the intended meaning.

Vocabulary:Does your response demonstrate correct and appropriate word choice andUsage?

Vocabulary is scored according to its relevance to the lecture and its appropriateness in anacademic environment. The appropriate use of synonyms is also scored. The best responses use words from the lecture appropriately, demonstrate an understanding of the context and use synonyms effectively to show variety in language use.

Spelling:Does your response demonstrate correct and consistent use of a single spelling convention?

PTE Academic recognizes English spelling conventions from the United States, the UnitedKingdom, Australia and Canada. However, one spelling convention should be used consistently in a given response.


  • Partial credit scoring applies to Summarize Spoken Text. No credit is given for no response or an irrelevant response. This question type affects the scoring of the following: listening; writing; grammar; spelling and vocabulary.

  • Your speaking skills are not tested by this question type, and your reading skills are only used to read the instructions.

  • For more information download theScore Guide.

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