Topping A90 stack



I just had my A90 crap itself. The amp was playing on low volume using my Audeze LCD-XC headphones through the balanced output. The headphones were laying on the carpet, and I accidentally bumped the headphones with my foot. All of a sudden I started hearing loud popping sounds come out of the headphones. I scrambled to turn down the volume on the amp, but that didnt do anything to stop the popping sounds, so I shut the amp off. I know this sounds absurd and I have no idea if the two things are connected to each other, but thats honestly what happened. Maybe it was related to some sort of static electricity discharge? It is winter [and therefore pretty darn dry in my house], and I was walking around the house in slippers.

Ive tried a few different experiments like switching out the DAC feeding the A90 [I still get a popping sound] and trying the headphones on a different amp chain [the popping sound disappears]. I contacted Topping customer service this morning, but I am not expecting to hear anything back based on stories Ive been reading online from others.

This is the first major audio purchase thats died on me, so thats a bit disappointing. I was crapping my pants because I thought I ruined the headphones, but so far they seem to be okay.

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