Make a heat to the bride and groom là gì

Throughout this ceremony, BRIDE and GROOM have vowed, in our presence, to be loyal and loving towards each other.

They have formalized the existence of the bond between them with words spoken and with the giving and receiving of rings.

Therefore, it is my pleasure to now pronounce them husband and wife.

You may now kiss your bride!

Pronouncement of Marriage 2

BRIDE and GROOM, you have expressed your love to one another through the commitment and promises you have just made. It is with these in mind that I pronounce you husband and wife.

You have kissed a thousand times, maybe more.

But today the feeling is new.

No longer simply partners and best friends, you have become husband and wife and can now seal the agreement with a kiss.

Today, your kiss is a promise.

You may kiss the bride.

Pronouncement of Marriage 3

BRIDE and GROOM, through their words today, have joined together in holy wedlock.

Because they have exchanged their vows before God and these witnesses, have pledged their commitment each to the other, and have declared the same by joining hands and by exchanging rings, I now pronounce that they are husband and wife.

Those whom God hath joined together, let no one put asunder.

You may now kiss the bride!

Pronouncement of Marriage 4

BRIDE and GROOM, you have heard the words about love and marriage, have exchanged your vows and made your promises, and celebrated your union with the giving and receiving of rings.

It is at this time that I now pronounce you husband and wife.

You may now kiss the bride!

Pronouncement of Marriage 5

May the blessings of life, the joy of love, the peace of truth, and the wisdom and strength of Spirit, be your constant companion, now and always, as husband and wife.

You may seal this union with a kiss.

Pronouncement of Marriage 6

They have vowed, in our presence, to be loyal and loving towards each other.

They have formalized the bond between them with spoken vows and with the giving and receiving of rings.

Therefore, it is my pleasure to now pronounce them husband and wife.

You may now kiss one another.

Pronouncement of Marriage 7

You have each betrothed yourself to the other in love and compassion, righteousness and truth.

In the spirit of Jewish tradition, you have taken upon yourselves the responsibilities of a deep and loving friendship.

In the presence of these witnesses and in keeping with tradition, you have spoken the words and preformed rites that unite your lives.

BRIDE and GROOM you are now husband and wife in the sight of God, and of all people.

Pronouncement of Marriage 8

Today, BRIDE and GROOM honored you with their invitation to be present with them today for this ceremony.

And so, this day, they declare before all of us that they shall live together in marriage.

In the traditional way, they entered into their marriage with the joining of hands, the making of vows and promises, and the giving and receiving of rings, an outward symbol of their voluntary commitment to one another.

Therefore, it is my pleasure, that I now pronounce them husband and wife. You may now kiss your bride!

Pronouncement of Marriage 9

BRIDE and GROOM, you have each chosen to be joined in marriage today.

The bible states that “two are better than one; they receive a good reward for their toil, because, if one fails, the other can help the companion up again.”

In my presence and in the presence of your family and friends, you have exchanged vows and made promises.

You have opened your hearts to one another, declared your love and friendship, and have united yourself with the exchanging of rings.

Therefore, with the blessings of God, it is my pleasure to now pronounce you husband and wife.

You may now kiss the bride!

Pronouncement of Marriage 10

Because you two came here today intending to marry, because you joined hands and made solemn vows and exchanged rings to remind you of those vows, and you are now joined as partners in mutual love and respect, according to the powers vested in me and the highest power of the land and the sea;

I pronounce that your wedding vows are sealed and you may henceforth be known to all as husband and wife.

You may now kiss your bride.

Pronouncement of Marriage 11

Now before the people who have assembled here tonight, and in as much as you have each pledged to the other your lifelong commitment, love and devotion, I now pronounce you husband and wife.

Those who all The Powers of the Universe have joined together, let no one put asunder.

You may now kiss each other to seal these promises.

Pronouncement of Marriage 12

Now that you both have committed yourselves to one another and to your Holy Union through the sacred vows that you have taken and by the giving and receiving of these rings, I now pronounce you husband and wife.

Those whom God has joined together may He generously bless Forever.

You may now kiss the bride.

Pronouncement of Marriage 13

Bride and Groom, in the presence of God, your family and friends today, you have spoken the words and performed the rites which unite your lives.

It is my legal right as a minister and my greatest joy and privilege to declare you husband and wife.

You may now kiss the Bride.

Pronouncement of Marriage 14

Forasmuch as you, Bride and you, Groom, have openly declared your wishes to be united in marriage, and in the presence of these witnesses have pledged love to each other, and have confirmed the same by joining hands, exchanging rings and declaring your vows, I as a minister and legally authorized to do pronounce that you are now husband and wife.

You may now kiss the Bride.

Pronouncement of Marriage 16

By the authority vested in me by the State of California, I pronounce you to each other, husband and wife.

You may now kiss the bride.

Pronouncement of Marriage 17

I now pronounce BRIDE and GROOM husband and wife.

You may now kiss the bride.

Pronouncement of Marriage 18

BRIDE and GROOM, you have expressed your love to one another through the commitment and promises you have just made.

It is with these in mind that I pronounce you husband and wife.

You may now kiss.

Pronouncement of Marriage 19

Since you have consented to join together in the bond of matrimony, and have pledged yourselves to each other in the presence of these loving friends, I now pronounce you partners in marriage.

You may now kiss.

Pronouncement of Marriage 20

In the presence of this good company, By the power of your love, Because you have exchanged vows of commitment, We recognize you as married.

You may now kiss the bride.

Pronouncement of Marriage 21

With the sense of incomparable joy that you have found emotional sanctuary for your heart, that you have discovered your life’s true love, I now pronounce you married.

Pronouncement of Marriage 22

Now that BRIDE and GROOM, have given themselves to each other by solemn vows, with the joining of hands and the giving and receiving of rings, I pronounce that they are husband and wife, in the Name of the Father, and of the Son, and of the Holy Spirit.

You may now kiss the bride.

Pronouncement of Marriage 23

Inasmuch as BRIDE and GROOM have consented together in marriage before this company; have pledged their faith and declared their unity by each giving and receiving a ring – and are now joined in mutual esteem and devotion; I pronounce that they are husband and wife together.

You may now kiss the bride.

Pronouncement of Marriage 24

Forasmuch as BRIDE and GROOM have consented together in holy matrimony, and have pledged their love and loyalty to each other, and have declared the same by the joining and the giving of rings, by the power vested in me, and as witnessed by friends and family, I now pronounce you husband and wife.

You may now kiss the bride.

Pronouncement of Marriage 25

BRIDE and GROOM, bear witness to the love of God in this world, so that those to whom love is a stranger will find in you good and generous friends.

By the power vested in me by God and man, I pronounce you wife and husband.

What God has joined together, let no man put asunder.

You may now kiss the bride.

Pronouncement of Marriage 26

BRIDE and GROOM, by their solemn promises, freely made before God and in the presence of this assembly, have joined themselves to one another for love and for life.

Those whom God has joined together, let no one separate.


You may now kiss the bride.

Pronouncement of Marriage 27

Throughout the wedding ceremony, the bride and groom have vowed to love and remain steadfast and loyal to one another as they stand before their assembled community of friends and family.

The bride and groom have each formalized and sanctified their bond by exchanging wedding vows and rings.

May your love be eternal and undying.

In witness of your love and commitment, it is now my pleasure to introduce you to those present here as husband and wife.

In honor of your entrance into holy wedlock, you may now kiss the bride!

Pronouncement of Marriage 28

Before me stands a bride and groom who have joined their souls together in holy wedlock.

In doing so, they have chosen to provide companionship, love and support to each other during both the happy and difficult moments of life and marriage.

They have declared their perpetual love to each other before the witnesses assembled here and before almighty God.

They have also demonstrated their solemn love for each other by exchanging wedding rings and joining hands as they prepare to walk through life together.

In the name of the Holy Spirit, I now solemnly declare you husband and wife.

Let no one put asunder those that have been joined together today in the presence of almighty God.

You may now kiss the bride.

Pronouncement of Marriage 29

When you commenced this wedding ceremony, you stood before all assembled here as best friends and partners.

Through the poignant exchange of wedding vows, you are sealed together in bond of holy wedlock as wife and husband.

You may have kissed many times before, but now your kiss is a demonstration of your perpetual love and commitment to each other.

Your kiss is also a promise to stand together during the happy times and during times of adversity.

May you experience great love, joy and happiness as you walk through life together.

May you also have the strength and perseverance to weather the storms that life may bring your way.

In celebration of your love and commitment to one another, you may now kiss the bride.

Pronouncement of Marriage 30

By the authority of California, I declare that NAME and NAME are now spouses for life, according the law of this state: Best wishes to both of you.

You may now kiss.

Pronouncement of Marriage 31

Forasmuch as you, NAME and NAME have consented together to join in wedlock, and have before witnesses and this company pledged vows of your love and faithfulness to each other, and have declared the same by the joining of hands, and by the giving and receiving of rings now, therefore, by the authority vested in me, I pronounce you wed, Congratulations.

You may now kiss each other.

Pronouncement of Marriage 32

Because NAME and NAME have desired each other in marriage, and have witnessed this before our gathering, affirming their acceptance of the responsibilities of such a union, and have pledged their love and faith to each other, sealing their vows in the giving and receiving of rings, I do proclaim that they are married.

Let all people here and everywhere recognize and respect this union, now and forever.

You may now kiss.

Pronouncement of Marriage 33

NAME and NAME, by their promises made in the presence of this congregation, have made themselves one in matrimony.

May they be Blessed in all ways as long as they live.


You may now kiss each other.

Pronouncement of Marriage 34

NAME and NAME_, you have made a solemn covenant of marriage before all of us here.

I now declare you to be wed.


You may now kiss.

Pronouncement of Marriage 35

We have heard your vows and your promise of faithful love.

I now declare you to be married;

May joy be with you from this day forward.

You may now kiss.

Pronouncement of Marriage 36

Since, then, you have pledged your mutual vows, I, by virtue of the authority vested in me by the state, declare you to be wed, according to the ordinance of the law.


You may now kiss each other.

Pronouncement of Marriage 37

NAME and NAME we ask that their days be long, and be seasoned with love, understanding, and respect.

And may all of us be blessed by love as it shines through them all of their lives.

It is now with great pleasure that I pronounce you spouses for life.

You may now kiss.

Re-Pronouncement of Marriage 38

BRIDE and GROOM, today you celebrate INSERT # OF YEARS since you first joined in marriage.

You have expressed your love for one another and desire to continue your journey of wedded bliss.

You have also blessed one another by rekindling the flame of your love.

On this day, BRIDE and GROOM, by the power of your own love, your marriage is reborn. Congratulations!

You may now kiss the groom!

Re-Pronouncement of Marriage 39

You have always been there as partners, companions, lovers, helpmates, and friends.

Now that you have reconfirmed your love and vows, stay close and cling tenderly yet tightly as you continue your journey through this world.

Keep trusting one another and being gentle with your feelings.

Keep cherishing your dreams and share your joys and pains.

Let the times you fall short be few… and be forgiven.

And let the times you surpass your needs and hopes be many.

Continue to believe in each other.

Desire not to change or possess, but only to know each other honestly and completely.

Respect your individuality and the things that make you each unique; but likewise honor your togetherness and the things that make you one.

Care for each other truly and deeply, putting your commitment to one another before all else.

Live for your love and your love will live forever.

May all the beautiful gifts that come with the promises of a long loving marriage bring never-ending happiness to you both.