Ghosted nghĩa là gì

Ghosted nghĩa là gì
Sao chưa thấy hồi âm nữa ta? Photo courtesy: jm canfran

"Ghost someone" = coi người đó như là ma -> hiện tượng một người tự nhiên biến mất, dừng liên lạc thay vì nói chuyện một cách thẳng thắn.

Ví dụ
Like it or not, ghosting on someone you're messaging with is completely acceptable in the digital realm (lĩnh vực).

Since Jess abruptly (bất ngờ) stopped all communication with Ben, on account of (do cái gì) being dead and all, he thinks she ghosted him, even though they had this amazing date, and then he finds that she did ghost him as a ghost, Sampson explains. But before Ben realizes whats really going on, he accuses Jess of creating a fake Facebook memorial page!

A lot of companies simply ghost her, Maxwell said, not calling or emailing to let her know the outcome even after she came in for a final-round interview. She has run down (cắt giảm) her savings and dipped into (bỏ vào) her retirement fund to pay the mortgage (thế chấp) on the bungalow house in Manassas that she purchased in 2011. If she cant land (giành được) a full-time job by the spring, she said shell have to put her home up for sale.

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