Fear of death là gì

Fear of death là gì
Thiên đàng là có thật. Photo byfrank mckenna

"Life after death" = sự sống sau khi chết -> nghĩa là người ta tin rằng sau khi chết con người vẫn có khả năng sống/tồn tại theo dạng nào đó.

Ví dụ
LIFE after death is real according to a woman who claims to have had an out-of-body (ra khỏi thân xác) experience as she stood on the brink (bờ vực) dying.

When some people have a close brush with death, they can report a feeling of an afterlife (sự tồn tại sau khi chết) or some form of life after death. This can include a feeling of being disassociated (tách ra khỏi) from their body, seeing deceased (chết, qua đời) loved ones or religious figures (giả thiết, mường tượng thuộc tôn giáo), or a review of their life.

So many of us cling onto life and live in fear of death as though there is no promise of life after death if we believe in Christ[ii]. I am by no means encouraging people to pursue death; we are to live life as abundantly as God intended[iii].What I am saying is that because of Christ, we ought not to fear death. Many of us have made ourselves the protagonist (vai chính) of our lifes story and have failed to factor in that life is so much bigger than us. This has made us feel that our contributions to the world are too valuable for us to die now, or that because we still have so much to achieve death is far from us. As a result, even when we see people around us die at varying stages of their lives, were still able to mentally detach ourselves from the concept of death because the protagonist doesnt die, right?

Ka Tina

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