Cách đọc số toán học trong tiếng Anh

SYMBOL CALCULATION WORD Example Demo + ...plus... 5 + 1 5 plus 1 - ...minus... 5 - 1 5 minus 1 ± ...plus or minus... 40 ± 5 40 plus or minus 5 × ...times (...multiplied by) 5 x 2 5 times 2 (5 miltiplied by 2) ÷ / ...divided by... 10 ÷ 2 10 divided by 2 = ...equals... 5 + 1 = 6 5 plus 1 equals 6 (5 plus 1 is 6) ...is not equal to... 5 + 1 7 5 plus 1 is not equal to 7 ...equals... x 5 x is approximately equals to 5 > ...is greater than... 6 > 5 6 is greater than 5 < ...is less than... 3 < 4 3 is less than 4 ...is greater than or equal to... x 6 x is greater than or equal to 6 ...is less than or equal to... x 6 x is less than or equal to 6 % ...percent 90% 90 percent X2 squared (...to the power of) 102 10 squared (10 to the power of 2) X3 cubed (...to the power of) 103 10 cubed (10 to the power of 3) x square root of 10 square root of 10 3x cube root of 310 cube root of 10 xx .root of . 510 fifth root of 10 Decimal .point. 0.5 0 point 5 (a half, one half) Decimal .point. 1.5 1 point 5 (1 and a half) Decimal .point. 3.5 3 point 5 (3 and a half) -x minus .. -3.4 minus 3 point 4 x/x .over. 3/4 3 over 4 x/x = y.y .over equals point . 3/4 = 0.75 3 over 4 equals 0 point 75