Assessment centre method of performance appraisal advantages and disadvantages

20 Sep

Disadvantages of Traditional Assessment Centres

by patrick

in Workforce Planning, Workplace Culture

Typically, traditional assessment centres have been preferred as they provide a human touch and give room for interaction. However, given the intense manual effort involved in setting up traditional assessment centres, L&D and HR teams find it difficult to justify the use of physical assessments centres. These are some reasons:


Logistical Hassles

The entire process of evaluating candidates using a traditional assessment centre is cumbersome and stressful. L&D organizers are often found scurrying about trying to book training rooms/halls to serve as the assessment centre, booking flight tickets and accommodation for outstation candidates, finding the right and qualified assessors, and following up tirelessly to receive scores and reports on time.



Traditional assessment centres are costly for organizations, which is why they are typically restricted to certain job-levels with a pre-approved budget. The overhead cost for logistical requirements like the need for experienced assessors, venue and flight reservations will cost some money. When conducted outside the office premises, traditional assessment centres turn out to be cost-ineffective.


Introverts Tend to Lose Out

A traditional assessment centre can prove to be nightmares for candidates who are relatively shy and take time to open up within groups. Confident and outspoken individuals tend to shine during group discussions and presentations. However, shy and reserved participants might find themselves struggling to keep up with the pace. As a result, a traditional assessment centre is not optimized for an apple-to-orange candidate comparison.


Accuracy is Questionable

Manual reports are error-prone. Accuracy of reports in traditional assessment centres depends primarily on the accuracy of the rating scale. However, scoring is absolute and at the mercy of the assessor’s perception and judgement.


Untrained Assessors

Some assessors struggle to understand the tools and competencies they map. Since they are not a part of the organization whose employees are a part of the development program, they somewhat lack understanding of the job role and function at hand. While many organizations put their assessors through a short training program before the assessment, a few organizations fail to do so.



Assessment centres are difficult to administer, and things may not always go as per the HR’s expectations. The above-mentioned issues can create an adverse effect on the company’s work culture.
To avoid the consequences of relying on a traditional assessment centre, organizations are gradually adopting the blended approach. A blended assessment centre is a mix of online and offline tools.


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Studies show us that in a team of seven employees who meet or exceed performance targets, only one of them is “high potential”. Indeed, by definition potential is not seen since it is the ability of a person to succeed in a function whose responsibilities exceed those he currently has. Predictive value is therefore essential in a Talent Management approach.

The advantages of the Assessment Center

Among the well-known and recognized assets of the approach, a first summary draws our attention to the following points :

  • Most important predictive value,
  • Scientifically recognized reliability,
  • Halves the risk of making mistakes,
  • Neutrality and objectivity when carried out by an HR consultant,
  • Help to better decisions in terms of Talent Management,
  • Excellent acceptability of the assessed individual who appreciates the feedback.

1. Scientific reliability and predictive value

The essential asset of the Assessment Center lies in its degree of predictability, which makes it possible to double the chances of success in selecting and developing the skills of your [future] employees.

Established in business in 1948, the Assessment Center represents a proven method in the professional world. The approach was developed by the Director of Human Resources Douglas W. Bray and his sidekick Robert K. Greenleaf within the company AT&T.

For 25 years, Douglas W. Bray has conducted research on the career development of young company managers. The results of the study proved that the Assessment Center can predict the success of each employee in the performance of their duties.

2. An individual and comprehensive approach

The only method that allows softskills to be evaluated and their potential to be assessed, the approach is concrete, factual and objective. Asking a candidate or an employee to take action and observe how they go about completing a project allows you to remain in factual observation.

The participant appreciates the operational and concrete aspect of the exercises. Indeed, it quickly and clearly realizes the link between the exercises and the targeted function. This is not always the case with the traditional personality inventories and other psychotechnical tests that can complement the process.

The Assessment Center or Development Center provides qualitative feedback to the different parties, a photo of the individual’s skills and attitudes through an individual diagnosis. Unlike a “classic” interview which is based on quantitative and qualitative elements determined according to the performance objectives of the company.

3. A neutral and objective assessment

The Assessment Center materializes an objective assessment since it is based on measurable behaviors reported on a grid of factual behaviors via a rigorous procedure.

The diagnosis made at the end of the exercise provides a reliable picture of the candidate’s skills and potential. At the end of the session, he has full feedback on his strengths and areas for vigilance.

The approach centered on a single individual avoids the pressure linked to competition between candidates which eliminates the possibility of discovering each person’s potential.

The limits of the Assessment Center

In the pitfalls to avoid or the fundamentals to respect, a few essential points hold our attention:

  • The realization of the Assessment Center by non-professionals,
  • The absence of a debriefing with the assessed individual, his manager and his HR,
  • Absent support from the manager and HR after the Assessment Center process,
  • The assessment experienced by the individual as a sanction or communicated as such by the company,
  • Some risks associated with the restitution conduct and the lack of communication upstream of the process.

1. The predictability conditions

Upstream, it is a question of clearly defining the skills to be tested in order to build an exercise platform dedicated to them. The scenarios must take place in a professional context. The observation method must be strictly followed and the number of criteria measured per exercise is limited.

To successfully complete the Assessment Center process, it is vital to surround yourself with experienced and competent professionals. A team not trained or inexperienced in this approach can develop many biases during the evaluation.

Likewise when the evaluators belong to the company, the evaluation cannot be as “neutral” as the management or HR would like. Indeed, unless you are in an organization with a very large workforce, employees often have a label that precedes them in the organization.

The multiple times for discussion, restitution and feedback during the Assessment Center process make it possible to refine the diagnosis. Feedback is essential since it allows concrete support for the candidate.

2. The risks of a poorly conducted debriefing

Restitution is one of the cornerstones of the Assessment Center process. Conducting a debriefing can be a perilous exercise, especially when the situation is delicate or when the person have lacks of experience.

The professional in charge of the feedback must be able to solicit the participant by asking him to reflect on the information communicated to him and by indicating his areas of progress and the resources at his disposal to build his development plan.

The pace adopted must provide enough space for the individual to think on the elements returned to him. This represents the opportunity for both side to appreciate the individual’s level of self-awareness and to measure his growth potential.

3. Thereafter absent support from HR

The Assessment Center is too often seen as an end in itself. In fact, it is the start of a process that is often poorly sized internally. Indeed, it provides the starting material for building a future development path.

The candidate or employee must understand that this is therefore only a stage, in which he is part of as an actor. On the company side, the recommendations are just as declined for the employee, his manager and the HR whose support can be essential.

In the case of a Development Center, the objective is not to evaluate and there are no issues in terms of mobility, promotion, appointment, etc. A person’s development begins with the identification of areas for improvement, and therefore with evaluation. This is why the concepts of assessment and development are closely linked.


Explore how an individual will perform in the future : Discover our Assessment Center based on simulation of a professional environment.

If you’d like to learn more about assessing and developing your leadership team, get in touch with us, fill in the contact form below.

What are the advantages and disadvantages assessment centre?

The benefits of assessment centres & pitfalls to avoid.
They are far more accurate than a standard recruitment process as they allow a broader range of selection methods to be used during the process..
They enable interviewers to assess existing performance as well as predict future job performance..

What are the disadvantages of an assessment centre?

Disadvantages of Traditional Assessment Centres.
Logistical Hassles. The entire process of evaluating candidates using a traditional assessment centre is cumbersome and stressful. ... .
High-Cost. ... .
Introverts Tend to Lose Out. ... .
Accuracy is Questionable. ... .
Untrained Assessors. ... .

What is an advantage of an assessment centre?

Assessment centres can be useful for screening multiple candidates, as well as in individual interview cases. They can assist in the vital task of eliminating any unsuitable candidates, or they can be used to select the most appropriate from a group of potentials.

What is assessment center in performance appraisal?

An assessment centre is a place to evaluate an individual potentiality and performance, so as to position he/she in the core functional areas. normally, organisations outsource assessment centres instead of making them by their own.

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