A nurse is reinforcing teaching with a female client who has thrombocytopenia

A diuretic used to treat hypertensionTerm
What are side effects of diuretics?Definition
Hypotension,hypokalemia, constipation, dehyrationTerm
Insufficient rbc count or lack of hemoglobinTerm
headache, palpations, dyspnea, brittle nails, sore tongue, pallor, fatigue, dizziness, faintnessTerm
What are different types of anemia?Definition
nutritional, bone marrow suppression, pernicious from faulty absorption, blood lossTerm
Inherited hemolytic anemiaTerm
CBC and differential cell countsTerm
What are things used to treat anemia?Definition
Replacement of missing vitamin or mineral, diet adjustment. If serious blood transfusion or IV ironTerm
What amount of blood loss can cause hypovolemic shock in a normal healthy adult?Definition
What is blood cell hemolysis?Definition
Destruction of red blood cellsTerm
WHat does erythropoietin do?Definition
Stimulate the creation of red blood cellsTerm
Where are red blood cells, white blood cells and platelets made?Definition
What are normal hemoglobin levels?Definition
In women 12-15.5. In men 13.5-17.5Term
What hemoglobin level would require a blood transfusion?Definition
An inherited x linked disorder which a causes a deficiency in clotting factorsTerm
What clotting factor is affected in classic hemophilia?Definition
What clotting factor is affected in Hemophilia B?Definition
What is hemophilia characterized by?Definition
A delay in coagulation causing prolonged and excessive bleedingTerm
Bleeding into the joints causing pain, swelling and limited movementTerm
It is a plasma expander, it replenishes blood volume quicklyTerm
What can you do to assist clotting along with administering clotting factor?Definition
Raise afflicted body part and applying cold packsTerm
What are hemophiliacs at risk for?Definition
Severe bleeding, hemarthrosis, intracranial bleedingTerm
A synthetic form of vasopressin given to stimulate production of factor VIII and Von Willebrand factorTerm
What is the priority nursing action for a patient with hemophilia who is undergoing a dental procedure tomorrow?Definition
Giving prescribed prophylactic clotting factor treatmentsTerm
The student nurse is studying the hematologic system. The student is correct when listing which element(s) as being necessary for erythropoiesis to occur?Definition
Iron, folic acid, vitamin c and B12Term
A patient who is to receive vitamin B12 injections for treatment of pernicious anemia asks the nurse how long she will have to receive these injections. Which response by the nurse is correct?Definition
You will need this injection for the rest of your lifeTerm
The nurse is preparing to administer an injection to a patient with a blood dyscrasia. To prevent bruising, how long should the nurse apply pressure to the injection site after administering the injection?Definition
The nurse reviews the complete blood count results of a patient receiving chemotherapy and notes a platelet count of 100,000/mm3 of blood. The nurse is aware that this result indicates which condition?Definition
The patient with anemia asks the nurse why her doctor has prescribed an iron preparation for her. Which response by the nurse is most accurate?Definition
“The iron will help your body manufacture hemoglobin.”Term
When studying the various types of cells, the student nurse correctly identifies which cells as providing cellular immunity?Definition
The nurse is preparing to care for a patient with sickle cell anemia. The nurse knows which statement(s) is(are) true of sickle cell anemia?Definition
It is hereditary and it is the result of abnormal hemoglobinTerm
A patient has severe anemia and is given a blood transfusion. Which symptom should the LPN/LVN report immediately if it occurs during the transfusion?Definition
Pain in the lower back and feverTerm
The nurse is caring for a patient receiving chemotherapy as a treatment for his leukemia and notes an increase in uric acid level in his laboratory results. What intervention should the nurse include in this patient’s plan of care?Definition
Maintain adequate hydrationTerm
A patient with leukemia is complaining of a headache. What does the nurse suspect may be occurring with this patient?Definition
Abnormal white cells have infiltrated the central nervous systemTerm
The nurse is planning care for the patient hospitalized with sickle cell crisis. What is the priority nursing intervention?Definition
A 36-year-old mail carrier with a history of anemia tells the nurse she made an appointment with her physician because she has “been having trouble getting through the day lately.” What symptom would you expect the patient to report?Definition
The husband of the patient with leukemia states, “The physician just told me the chemo didn’t work and there’s nothing left to try. That means my wife is going to die.” What is the nurse’s best response?Definition
That must have been very hard for youTerm
The nurse is caring for a patient with sepsis who begins bleeding around his intravenous (IV) site. The bleeding continues despite pressure being applied to the site. What disorder should the nurse suspect is causing the bleeding?Definition
Disseminated intravascular coagulationTerm
A 56-year-old man was recently diagnosed with multiple myeloma. Which diagnostic procedure will the nurse most likely have performed initially?Definition
Obtaining complete blood count with differential and Bence-Jones protein levels in the urineTerm
The nurse is providing patient teaching for a patient with thrombocytopenia. What should the nurse advise the patient to avoid?Definition
aspirin, contact sports, anticoagulants, nsaidsTerm
What is polycythemia vera?Definition
Disease characterized by too many red blood cells and is considered a neoplastic disorderTerm
What are s/s and of polycythemia vera?Definition
Red skin, purple/deep red lips, fatigue, weakness, enlarged spleen, congested liver, excessive bleeding, headacheTerm
What is genetic testing for the mutation of JAK2V617F for?Definition
What are treatments for polycythemia vera?Definition
Reducing number of rbcs, radiation, chemotherapy, blood removalTerm
A form of anemia that is acquired from a virus, a drug or inherited that causes bone marrow depression.Term
What blood factors are affected by aplastic anemia?Definition
Platelets, red blood cells and white blood cellsTerm
What can exposure to these toxins cause: sulfa drugs, radiation, chemotherapy, certain anticonvulsants, etc.?Definition
What is the treatment of choice for aplastic anemia in those younger than 45?Definition
What is the priority nursing intervention for a patient with aplastic anemia?Definition
Preventing hemorrhage and infectionTerm
What chemical is toxic to bonemarrow and is found in unleaded gas?Definition
Cancer of white blood cellsTerm
At what number leukocyte would blood have a milky white appearance?Definition
Who is most at risk of developing acute lymphocytic leukemia?Definition
People with an abnormal number of chromosomes and chromosomal translocationsTerm
What are the three major effects of leukemia?Definition
Increased number of immature abnormal leukocytes, accumulation of these cells in lymph nodes and other organs, infiltration of malignant cells throughout organs of the bodyTerm
What are s/s of leukemia?Definition
Usually asymptomatic but may have persistent infections, nose bleeds, weight loss, easy bruising, bone pain, enlarged spleen or thrombosisTerm
How is leukemia diagnosed?Definition
CBC with differential and bone marrow studies to rule out other disordersTerm
What is a side effect of chemotherapy?Definition
Increased uric acid levelsTerm
What is multiple myeloma?Definition
Disease in which neoplastic plasma cells infiltrate the bone marrow and destroy the boneTerm
Who is most at risk for multiple myeloma?Definition
65 year old african american male farmer with a history of benzene exposureTerm
What are s/s of multiple myeloma?Definition
Backache, bone pain, bone fractures, severe pain that worsens with movementTerm
How is multiple myeloma diagnosed?Definition
Xray, bone marrow biopsy, blood and urine testsTerm
What is a diagnostic sign of multiple myeloma?Definition
Presence of Bence-Jones proteinsTerm
What is the treatment for multiple myeloma?Definition
Chemotherapy or pallative radiationTerm
What is a priority nursing concern for the patient with multiple myeloma in the hospital?Definition
What often develops as a result of multiple myeloma?Definition
Hypercalcemia and osteoporosisTerm
What is arteriosclerosis?Definition
Hardening of the walls of arteriesTerm
Build up of plaque in the arteriesTerm
The nurse is caring for a patient following an angiogram. Which action should the nurse include in the patient’s care?Definition
Assess for allergies to radiopaque dyeTerm
The nurse is preparing to implement a teaching plan for a patient with mild hypertension. What should be included in the plan for this patient?Definition
Controlling stress, controlling weight, sodium restricted diet and monitoring and keeping cholesterol level normalTerm
When performing a cardiovascular assessment, which action should the LPN/LVN take?Definition
Assess the patient’s apical pulse rate and rhythm, noting the presence of pulse deficit.Term
When a patient returns to the unit after a cardiac catheterization, which nursing intervention should immediately follow taking vital signs?Definition
Assessing peripheral pulsesTerm
The home care nurse is teaching the patient how to best monitor his edema. What is the best method for a patient at home to monitor his peripheral edema?Definition
Taking daily weight measurementsTerm
The patient who is scheduled for a nuclear (thallium) imaging scan asks the nurse about the purpose of this test. Which response by the LPN/LVN is correct?Definition
This test evaluates blood flow in various parts of the heartTerm
When a patient has altered tissue perfusion, which intervention should be included in the patient’s care?Definition
Instruct the patient to avoid extremes of temperature.Term
The nurse is providing education to a patient in the clinic for his annual examination on cardiovascular health. Which of these factors, if present in the patient’s history, are most closely related to the development of arteriosclerosis?Definition
The patient has diabetes mellitus.Term
A patient is scheduled for cardiac catheterization this morning. Before the procedure can be started, what must be accomplished?Definition
Assess renal status, assess allergy status especially iodine, physician must obtain consent formTerm
The nurse is assessing a patient who states he has been diagnosed with intermittent claudication. The nurse anticipates that the patient’s cramping pain will be brought on by what activity or position?Definition
The nurse is caring for a patient recently diagnosed with peripheral arterial disease. Which activities should the nurse educate the patient to avoid?Definition
Elevating the legs, wearing constrictive clothing, cold room temperaturesTerm
The patient has recently been diagnosed with varicose veins and states, “I really don’t understand what varicose veins are.” Which response by the nurse most accurately describes varicose veins?Definition
Varicose veins are veins that are enlarged and engorged with bloodTerm
Which of these complaints, if made by a 58-year-old man, may reflect a symptom of hypertension?Definition
My vision is a little blurryTerm
A patient complains of burning and numbness in her hands and states that “they turn really red” if she is in an air-conditioned environment for too long. The nurse would anticipate which diagnosis?Definition
A 46-year-old patient has been diagnosed with hypertension. His resting blood pressure (BP) is 180/100 mm Hg. His physician has ordered an electrocardiogram, chest x-ray, urinalysis, and renal function studies. He asks the nurse, “Why are all these tests necessary?” Which is the best response by the nurse?Definition
These tests can determine changes in your kidneys that can cause hypertension.Term
A patient has been diagnosed with mild hypertension. Which intervention(s) will likely be included in his plan of care?Definition
Controlling his weight, sodium restricting diet, incorporating exercise into daily routine, controlling stressTerm
A patient with varicose veins wears elastic support hose. The nurse knows these stockings serve which purpose?Definition
When planning a home care program for the patient with peripheral vascular disease, which suggestion by the LPN/LVN would be most helpful to the patient if approved by the physician?Definition
Begin an exercise program of walking or swimmingTerm
The nurse is assessing a patient who is 2 days postoperative from hip replacement surgery. During the assessment, which signs and symptoms would alert the nurse to the possibility that the patient has developed thrombophlebitis in the right calf?Definition
he patient has swelling, redness, and warmth of the affected extremity.Term
For a patient with a clinical finding of leukocytosis the nurse should?Definition
Anticipate a prescription for antibioticsTerm
Which clinical findings would are relative to the hematological process would be associated with the aging process?Definition
Decreased antibody build up from flu immunization and increased coaguability which predisposes to clotsTerm
A patient is told that her hematocrit is very low, what symptoms would you expect the patient to report?Definition
Fatigue related to reduced oxygen transportTerm
A patient works in a chemical plant. Why does he wear protective equipment when handling chemicals and avoids coming into contact with radiation?Definition
To decrease the risk for blood disordersTerm
A patient displays characteristic purple spots and patches. This assessment is finding is called ______ and is often caused by ______.Definition
Thrombocytopenic purpura, platelet deficiencyTerm
A nurse formulates the following expected outcome for a patient admitted with hemarthrosis. What would be the most appropriate nursing intervention?Definition
Handle patient gently, protecting jointsTerm
A nurse initiates nuetropenic precautions for a patient who has undergone chemotherapy. Which nursing actions would be appropriate?Definition
Use transmission based isolation precautions and maintain integrity of skin and mucosaTerm
To confirm the diagnosis of pernicious anemia, a patient undergoes a Schilling test. What does this test involve?Definition
Dose of radioactive vitamin B12, injection of B12 and 24 hour urine collectionTerm
A patient who has had gastric bypass has a decreased red blood cell count. The nurse suspects that the anemia related to?Definition
A nurse who finds a profusely bleeding abdominal wound should anticipate signs and symptoms of profuse blood loss?Definition
Rapid weak pulse, cold clammy skin, decreased blood pressureTerm
A patient is prescribed Feosol for mild anemia. Which statement indicates need for further teaching?Definition
I should take the medication with milkTerm
Which statements regarding leukemia are true regarding fatigue?Definition
The fatigue can put you at risk for increased falling and because most patients with leukemia are already over 60 they are already at an increased risk and the fatigue could put you at risk for falling asleep while drivingTerm
Upon finding blood in the urine and feces after multiple injuries, what lab result would support the nurses suspicion of DIC?Definition
Increased activated partial thrombin timeTerm
A patient with multiple myeloma display which signs and symptoms on assessment?Definition
Bone pain and a positive Bence-Jones protein testTerm
After the first few minutes of a RBC transfusion, a patient has a temp of 101.5, HR of 120, BP of 90/50 and lower back pain. Which is the priority nursing intervention?Definition
A patient who has undergone chemotherapy, a bone marrow transplant and total body irradiation should wait how many weeks to stop with transmission based precautions?Definition
Which statements regarding drug use are and the risk of cardiac disease are true?Definition
Sudden cardiac death is associated with cocaine, cigarette smoking contributes heavily to heart disease, meth can cause myocardial infarctionTerm
The ankle-brachial index test is ordered for a patient experiencing signs of peripheral artery disease. Which patient statement indicates further teaching about the test needs to occur?Definition
My brachial and pedal pulses will be checked and comparedTerm
During initial assessment of an older adult, the nurse finds that the skin appears smooth, shiny and thinned with little to no hair on the surface. Which nursing diagnosis should be on the care plan?Definition
Altered peripheral tissue perfusionTerm
When providing care for a patient with cardiac disease the nurse understands that the patient is at risk for alteration in cardiac output. Which of the following has the most potential to affect cardiac output?Definition
A nurse assess an 83 year old patient and finds a diastolic heart murmur on auscultation of the heart. The priority action for the nurse should be to?Definition
Document the finding in the chartTerm
A 40 year old woman complains of leg pains that are associated with fullness during walking. She describes itching on the lower leg and has a twisted-appearing swelling in her legs. The patient most likely will be treated for?Definition
A nurse reinforces discharge instructions to a patient with chronic venous insufficiency. Which instructions should be included?Definition
Take low dose aspirin daily, consider swimming, avoid wearing tight clothing, reapply wraps in afternoon, elevate legs as much as possibleTerm
If a patient complains of intermittent claudication, the nurse would expect to see which clinical finding?Definition
Rubor when legs are dependentTerm
A patient is started on an antihypertensive medications. Which statement indicates effectiveness of teaching?Definition
Sudden changes in position may cause dizzinessTerm
The nurse is receiving a patient who had angioplasty stenting of his right femoral artery. Which nursing intervention would take priority in the immediate postoperative period?Definition
Checking right pedal pulsesTerm
The nurse is reinforcing instructions to an older adult woman who doesn't speak her language and is legally blind. What is the best nursing action?Definition
Use a certified translator to reinforce instructionsTerm
A 54 year old man complains of pain when walking and numbness of his lower extremities. The nurse notes both extremities are pale and cool to the touch. The highest priority nursing diagnosis would be?Definition
Altered peripheral tissue perfusionTerm
A patient with PAD is prescribed a daily dose of aspirin. The nurse accurately explains the prescription by stating?Definition
Aspirin helps prevent blood clot formationTerm
What is intermittent claudication?Definition
Cramping pain in the leg induced by exercise, typically caused by obstruction of the arteriesTerm
What is peripheral artery disease?Definition
A circulatory condition in which fatty deposits and calcium builds up in the walls of arteries reducing blood flow to the limbs