Sách mềm vn lớp 5 tập 1

4 Listen and complete.

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1. Listen and tick.

  • Tell the class that they are going to listen to two dialogues and tick the correct pictures. Give them a few seconds to look at the pictures.
  • Play the recording all the way through for pupils to listen. Play it again for them to do the task.
  • Get pupils to compare their answers before checking as a class. Give explanations for answers which pupils find difficult. Play the recording again for them to listen again, if necessary.

           Key:      1 b                2 c

          Audio script

           1. Mai:    Hi, Tony. Where are you going so early in the morning?

               Tony:   I’m going to the park.

               Mai:    How often do you go there?

               Tony:  I usually go there every Thursday to do morning exercise.

               Mai:    Good for you. See you later.

         2. Linda:  Where did you go last summer?

            Nam:   I went on a trip to the countryside.

            Linda:  Oh, really? What was the trip like?

            Nam:   It was good.

            Linda:  What did you do there?

            Nam:    I helped my grandparents on the farm.

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