rugby league là gì - Nghĩa của từ rugby league

rugby league có nghĩa là

A faster, more exciting and more acessable code of rugby. Very popular in the North of England and Australia.


Wigan Warriors are a rugby league club

rugby league có nghĩa là

The greatest game of all.

Initially formed as a breakaway from Rugby Union in the early 20th century as a way for players to be paid instead of the governing body pocketing all the profits, Rugby League has long since surpassed it's inferior cousin in all aspects.

A working class game of 13 men a side, there is no tougher sport on the planet. The men who play Rugby League are the true Gladiators of the 20th and 21st centuries.

An 80 minute game that is generally completed, with stoppages, in under 100 minutes, Rugby League is a test of skill, fitness, co-ordination and strength that no other game can match.

Imagine American Football played without the padding or the incessant stoppages and you get some idea of the pace and toughness of Rugby League.

Watch it and you WILL love it.


The only way to improve Rugby Union is to change it to Rugby League.

rugby league có nghĩa là

Rugby League is a simple game played by simple people.

Rugby Union is a game played by tw*ts.


Rugby League is easy to follow. Rugby Onion isn't.

rugby league có nghĩa là

A rugby union defect. A game in which each team is allowed 6 tackles before turnover and noone ever passes to anyone farther than a feet away from them because it is too "risky". When you get tackled, u must squirm like ur balls just got cut lose. When there is a scrum, the two teams binds with their head hanging in shame. During lineouts...oh wait, what lineout!? After all, rugby is known as RUGBY FOOTBALL, but wait again, leaguers don't know how to kick, hence a 40/20 rule was developed to promote the use of the boot.

To sum it all up, it is so retarded, it might as well be called american football.


Say what!? Those leaguers thinks they can take on the ALL BLACKS...

Leaguers, they have a funny way of saying things, muscle is apparently known as speed over there.

If you see a spin pass or a drop goal, then it isn't league.

at this rate 'Dem leaguers might as well strapp'on helmets and paddings

the only reason league is getting thumbs up in urb dict is cause those in union have a life and don't waste night and day voting

Rugby league, the game played in hell.

rugby league có nghĩa là

A rugby union defect. A game in which each team is allowed 6 tackles before turnover and noone ever passes to anyone farther than a feet away from them because it is too "risky". When you get tackled, u must squirm like ur balls just got cut lose. When there is a scrum, the two teams binds with their head hanging in shame. During lineouts...oh wait, what lineout!? After all, rugby is known as RUGBY FOOTBALL, but wait again, leaguers don't know how to kick, hence a 40/20 rule was developed to promote the use of the boot.

To sum it all up, it is so retarded, it might as well be called american football.


Say what!? Those leaguers thinks they can take on the ALL BLACKS...

Leaguers, they have a funny way of saying things, muscle is apparently known as fat over there.

If you see a long spin pass or a drop goal, then it isn't league.

at this rate 'Dem leaguers might as well strapp'on helmets and paddings

the only reason league is getting thumbs up in urb dict is cause those in union have a life and don't waste night and day voting

Rugby league, the game played in hell.

rugby league có nghĩa là

Tough game played by tough men where Australia has been the dominant force for recorded memory. AFL fans like to bag it because it is more popular but you dont here Rugby League fans bagging AFL because we dont have a infderiority complex and we dont fell we have to bother with it.

A game in which the greatest player to ever lace a boot is Andrew Johns.
A game in which provides rugby union with there only half decent players.
A game that has more passion and toughness involved than AFL could ever have.


AFL fan: Oh you bloody Rugby League fan its such a shit game why dont you watch a real mans game.

Rugby League fan: Ok mate name a real man that plays the game and a player who gets paid more than a Rugby League Player

AFL: ummmmmmmmmm.....shit.

Rugby League fan: yeh you play your game dressed in fucken bike pants and womens singlets go home and keep AFL to victoria and the other little people states. And oh yeh nearly forgot you "Sport" is so shit and easy to play the Brisbane Lions from Queensland where Rugby League is the unrefuted KING won you petty little AFL competition 3 years in a row ha ha ha h ah a

AFL: oh im sorry i will happily drink the sweat form your balls Rugby League men of men.

rugby league có nghĩa là

A sport which involves 2 tribes of shaved down castrated gorrilas running around a paddock attempting to insert fingers into each others rectal cavities [as illustrated by the games most famous player, John Hopoate]. The goal of the game is for brain-dead butt invaders who have a penchant for touching other males in a forum where they wont be accused of homosexuality until the are safely in the changerooms and can happily grunt and invade each others rectal region.

Usually played by closet homosexuals or people from Sydney or Brisbane who are too unintelligent to understand the intricacies of superior sports such as AFL and to a lesser extend Cricket and Rugby Union.


***Whilst at the zoo***
Person 1: "Look at those gorillas grunting and exploring their anuses, if you shaved them down it would look like a rugby game."

Person 2: "C'mon thats a bit harsh...goriallas can use rudimentary tools"

rugby league có nghĩa là

like afl except better more skillful alot tougher also players are general straight and dont beat each other off after the game


rugby league is like nfl except better

rugby league có nghĩa là

a crap overrated game which the Queenslanders and New South welshmen like, along with taking it up the arse, having no necks, and being fat.

contary to what queenslanders and new south welshmen think, nobody actually likes them or there shitty sport, there just stuck up, because they always have a huge johnson up there ass.

all the other states in australia, follow the better code [AFL.] as they can see past rugby's: boring, testicle grabbing regime.

Rugby is the only game in the world in which you get rewarded for kicking the ball out of play which further adds to its shittyness.
also the players partake in the pre game ritual known as "sucking the umpires johnson" this is a symbolic act to portray there lack of manlihood.


rugby league is a boring game that won't amount to anything outside NSW and QLD in australia.

Rugby league is like watching drugged up pro restlers at a huge gay bar trying to get the umpires johnson up there ass's.

rugby league có nghĩa là

rugby league is a game for soft c**ks that want to fell peoples balls and stick there fingers up other players ass!! who wants to play a game where one guy stickes his head up 2 other players ass then so on and so on!


person 1: did you watch the rooters rugby league game?
person 2: na man im not in to gay sports! i would rather watch port power win a game then watch that!!

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