nickelbacked là gì - Nghĩa của từ nickelbacked

nickelbacked có nghĩa là

Another mediocre somewhat popular nu-metal band, this time, from Canada, which isn't a surprise considering their musical track record [Avril, Celine Dion, Barenaked Ladies, etc]. Lead singer Chad is an extremely nasal "Marlboro Man" type vocalist who sounds constipated on a permenant basis. Guitar consists mostly of easy-to-play power chords that give the band a "tough" sound to the untrained ear, but a closer look reveals a band that has nothing to offer creatively. They were recently exposed recycling their music in their two hit singles, "How You Remind Me" and "Someday", which sound nearly identical when played simultaneously.

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Nickelback should simply give up.

nickelbacked có nghĩa là

the act of willfully allowing one's ears to bleed.

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Nickelback should simply give up.

nickelbacked có nghĩa là

the act of willfully allowing one's ears to bleed.

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Nickelback should simply give up. the act of willfully allowing one's ears to bleed. I was Nickelbacking so the school nurse sent me home early.

nickelbacked có nghĩa là

Horrible band. Plain and simple. Most of their songs sound nearly identical, because they have no musical talent or creativity. Just because you can play some power chords does not make you a good guitar player. Just because you can write sappy love songs with almost the same melody for every song does not make you a good songwriter. This band is like cyanide for my ears, and it is very hard for me to understand what people hear in their music. Maybe they had one or two catchy little hits, but next time really listen to what they are playing and compare it to a band such as, The Strokes. Tell me what sounds better and more creative. If you say Nickelback, then you are entitled to your opinion of course, but I feel very sorry for you, because you will never learn to appreciate actual talented musical expression. I'm not saying stop listening to Nickelback if you really like them, im simply saying expand your musical horizon. There is better, more thought provoking stuff out there.

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Nickelback should simply give up.

nickelbacked có nghĩa là

the act of willfully allowing one's ears to bleed.

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I was Nickelbacking so the school nurse sent me home early. Horrible band. Plain and simple. Most of their songs sound nearly identical, because they have no musical talent or creativity. Just because you can play some power chords does not make you a good guitar player. Just because you can write sappy love songs with almost the same melody for every song does not make you a good songwriter. This band is like cyanide for my ears, and it is very hard for me to understand what people hear in their music. Maybe they had one or two catchy little hits, but next time really listen to what they are playing and compare it to a band such as, The Strokes. Tell me what sounds better and more creative. If you say Nickelback, then you are entitled to your opinion of course, but I feel very sorry for you, because you will never learn to appreciate actual talented musical expression. I'm not saying stop listening to Nickelback if you really like them, im simply saying expand your musical horizon. There is better, more thought provoking stuff out there. Nickelback Fan: Dude, Nickelback effin rocks bro, did you hear their guitarist jam on those power chords, man that was amazing!

Smart Person: a fuckin brain idiot... To lamely produce something for mass consumption with little care for its originality or creativity.

nickelbacked có nghĩa là

The client hated the ad so we totally nickelbacked it to get it approved. A band that should replace white noise torture at Guantanamo Bay because they're so horrible! Timmy: Hey Stevie!

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Stevie: Yeah?
Timmy: Wanna hear Nickelback's new LP?
Stevie: Okay!
*Nickelback starts playing*
Stevie: OH GOD NO! MY EARS! AHH FAKKKK NAOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOO!!!!!!!!! A twisted, vile game in which, upon hearing a Nickelback song on the radio, a person immediately calls a friend, cranks up the volume, and forces them to listen to Nickelback without saying anything else. The answerer of the phone must listen to Nickelback as long as can be tolerated before hanging up. If the caller receives no answer, he must leave a voicemail recording of the entire Nickelback song to thoroughly disappoint the Nickelback'd individual and ruin his day. Retaliations must continue until one of the players surrenders.

It should also go without saying that the victim must hate Nickelback for the game to work. Ang: This Nickelbacking has gone far enough!

nickelbacked có nghĩa là

Rob: Yeah, I heard Pigeon got you real good with Photograph.

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Ang: True, but I Someday'd him up the rear and out the mouth last week!

nickelbacked có nghĩa là

Robyn: I like Nickelback.

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Everyone: DIE.

nickelbacked có nghĩa là

exposure of a cat's anus [shitty, like the band] generally exposed during a petting session when he turns his butt toward your face and raises his tail. It is not a good experience, but you figure the cat must be ignorant of how awful it is, because no creature would willingly torture someone in that way [shitty, like the band]

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also his butt is round [like a nickel!] and on his backside.. You: "Goddammit the cat is nickelbacking me again"
Me: "Well at least it's not quite as shitty as the band" when you are about to leave the bar, and you buy a bunch of nickelback songs on the jukebox for the sorry folks you're leaving behind. --"how you remind me is playing and i'm the only one here beside the bartender. :/"
--"sounds like you were just nickelbacked"

nickelbacked có nghĩa là

to say you don't like something just because its not trendy to like it.

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guy: nickelback [or you could insert any word you want] sucks eh?

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