Make your way home nghĩa là gì

make your way in something Thành ngữ, tục ngữ

make [one's] way in [something]

To find independent success in something or some profession. I've been trying to make my way in marketing for the last couple of years, but it hasn't really been working out for me. It's bittersweet as a parent to watch your children leave home so they can make their way in the world.See also: make, way

make your ˈway in something

succeed in something, especially a job: Shes trying to make her way in the fashion business. The time had come to leave home and start to make his way in the world.See also: make, something, way
See also:
  • make [one's] way in [something]
  • make way in the world
  • profession
  • the oldest profession
  • [it] hasn't been easy
  • hasn't been easy
  • surpass [someone or something] in [something]
  • surpass in
  • new to [all [of]] this
  • new to this

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