De kiểm tra tiếng Anh lớp 8 có file nghe

Đề thi tiếng Anh có file nghe và đáp án

LISTENING Listen to Ryan talking about his life twice and tick [] the things he has done and put a cross [X] beside the things he hasn’t done. Questions Numbers of things Ryan 1 lived in a foreign country 2 worked for a big company 3 stayed in an expensive hotel 4 flown in a jumbo jet 5 cooked a meal for ten [or more] people 6 met a famous person 7 seen a play by Shakespeare 8 driven a tractor 9 been to hospital 10 won a competition * Chi tiết các bạn tham khảo nội dung bên dưới.

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* Cảm ơn bạn đã tải tài liệu này, “cho đi để nhận lại”, hãy giúp tôi chia sẻ tài liệu này tới người khác

Đề thi tiếng Anh có file nghe và đáp án

I. Listen to Tom talking to a friend about a sports afternoon. What sport did each person do? You will hear the recording twice. Example: 0-F 0. Tom 1. Sam 2. Jane 3. Paul 4. Susan 5. Anne A. football B. table-tennis C. skiing D. volleyball E. golf F. horse-riding II. Listen to Jenny talking to Mark about buying a computer game. Choose the correct answer for each question. You will hear the recording twice. Example: 0-A 0. The name of the computer game is ____________. A. City 2010  B. City 2001 C. City 2100 1. The game is NOT good for people under ____________. A. eight B. ten C. twelve 2. Black’s PC shop is in ____________. A. Cambridge B. London C. Peterstown 3. The address of the shop is ____________. A. 29 Hunter Road B. 29 Marsden Street C. 29 Walker Street 4. The last day you can get a free game is ____________. A. Friday B. Monday C. Thursday 5. The computer game cost ____________. A. £26 B. £30 C. £48 III. You will hear a man asking for information about a train. Listen and complete the questions. You will hear the conversation twice. Example: To: [0]-Newcastle To: [0] Newcastle Day of journey: [1] Train leaves at: [2] Return ticket costs: £ [3] Food on train: Drinks and [4] Address of travel agency: 22 [5] Street * Chi tiết các bạn tham khảo nội dung bên dưới.

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* Cảm ơn bạn đã tải tài liệu này, “cho đi để nhận lại”, hãy giúp tôi chia sẻ tài liệu này tới người khác

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