caryled là gì - Nghĩa của từ caryled

caryled có nghĩa là

The pairing of Daryl Dixon and Carol Peletier from AMC's The Walking Dead. These two apocalyptic pals are secretly in love with each other and spend their time sneaking glances between battling bad guys and killing walkers. Daryl and Carol are the definition of a "one true pairing." Their names even rhyme.


Jess: Daryl is totally about to fuck Carol.
Janet: Bruh. I was thinking the same thing.
Eddie: So, y'all ship Caryl then.

caryled có nghĩa là

A person who ships soulmates. Named after the ship of Carol Peletier and Daryl Dixon on AMC's hit show The Walking Dead, Carylers are known as the biggest group of shippers in The Walking Dead fandom. They are a diverse group of people who ship out of love. Due to this they are the constant target of harassment, bullying and attempts at defamation by a small group of people who are actively anti-shipping out of jealousy, ageism and not believing in the love between soulmates.


A: Daryl and Carol are soulmates.
B: I can't wait for them to finally find happiness together.
A: You're such a Caryler.

caryled có nghĩa là

Caryll is a name for a lady with a very nice smile. She always energizes people around her with her positive aura and her boundless charm. She may appear tan, but inside she is pure and white as a bark of a tree. She is better off partnered with a man who is a keeper. She is a strong - willed lady ready to undertake the challenges of life.


I am going to marry Caryll someday soon.

caryled có nghĩa là

The name means "graceful song" or "song of grace"; it also means beautiful feminist -- or "bad ass grrrrrl"


a good example of a bad ass Caryl Anne is Caryl Anne Simontacchi. rock.

caryled có nghĩa là

Carylle is an intimidating one, but as time passes by and you get to know her, she is an adorable and fluffy type of person. Her greatest asset is her kindness. Don't ever lie to her because she has sharp senses. She is a trustworthy type, she can hide your secrets in her bag even when she turns 80.


You are much loved carylle.

caryled có nghĩa là

To be "Caryled" is when one unintentionally friendzones a potential lover due to the fact that they were rather slow to receive the message or were too dense, resulting in the loss of any potential relationship.


Friend 1: Girl, I think he likes you, did you see the way he was all up on you at the party?
Friend 2: I thought we were just hugging?
Friend 3: You really just "caryled" him!

caryled có nghĩa là

Caryler is another for Karen. They are people who ship Carol and Daryl in The Walking Dead. Instead of focusing into their ship they try to make others look bad by creating fake accounts. They bully and attack people who don’t agree with them


Carylers are the worst

caryled có nghĩa là

Meaning "one who grew up with many Poltergeist movie references in her life", this name is a symbol of love and beauty the world over. While a Caryl Anne is a bad-ass feminist with a heart of gold, they are also strict adherence of the Queen's English and will correct ones spelling whenever they are not amused. They are funny and creative and weird-in-a-good-way and are loyal to anyone worth their loyalty. Though they love dogs, they tend to be more cat-like in their approach to other people, only letting them close when they've decided it is okay, but once they do affection and love flows freely. They despise fascists [except Grammar Nazis] and celebrate intellectualism and individualism. Caryl Anne also means "harmony through comedy" and "love through fart jokes." They tend to live in urban environments surrounded by people that annoy them but that they do small acts of kindness for everyday. If you encounter a Caryl Anne in the wild it is safe to approach them but they are highly attuned to detect bullshit and malarky and will call you out on it if you approach them with anyone other than good intent in your heart. Caryl Anne also means "music loving grrl who is smarter than you" Or as the old saying goes "Never go up against a Caryl Anne when death is on the line!"


That dude tried to creep on me but I totally Caryl Anne'd his ass

caryled có nghĩa là

A caryl doesn’t allow her best guy and girl friend to date. You need her approval for any and everything.


Have you eaten dinner yet?
No! Cause caryl don’t allow me

caryled có nghĩa là

She is the best girl ever. All the people especially boys want her she is a fighter, strong, smart, heart of gold, funny, classy and gorgeous. She is very supportive. Her smile lights up the whole world like a rainbow and is the definition of perfect. People fight over her as she is so amazing. When times are tough she always has friends to help her and shes always there for them. Everybody wants to know her, she is the best in the world. She gets a stars in everything and always makes it to the top. She never gives up and always makes top. Nobody is as great as her. She has a dazzling sense of fashion that nobody can beat and has a talent for everything. Shes a skinny legend with a ass that's hot AF. Caryl is absolutely fucking humble and nice. She is confident bold and is not afraid to show her true colours


Caryl is a living angel

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