Capitalize on là gì

Dưới đây là những mẫu câu có chứa từ "capitalize on", trong bộ từ điển Từ điển Tiếng Anh. Chúng ta có thể tham khảo những mẫu câu này để đặt câu trong tình huống cần đặt câu với từ capitalize on, hoặc tham khảo ngữ cảnh sử dụng từ capitalize on trong bộ từ điển Từ điển Tiếng Anh

1. Everyone should capitalize on his opportunity.

2. The team was unable to capitalize on the power play.

3. China's tourist hotspots are hoping to capitalize on this homebody spirit.

4. We should capitalize on every chance we get to improve our English.

5. Entrepreneurs sought to capitalize on the wealth generated by the Gold Rush.

6. The opposition tried to capitalize on popular discontent over the new law.

7. 6 Advertisers capitalize on the grandness and elegance it brings to their products.

8. A casino is being built nearby to capitalize on this spiritual bounty.

9. Such unrealized potentials exist everywhere, waiting for some one to capitalize on them.

10. 22 The question now is how effectively Arafat will capitalize on these assets.

11. 4 Such unrealized potentials exist everywhere, waiting for some one to capitalize on them.

12. They have not stood pat while other teams attempted to capitalize on their setbacks.

13. Glowing skin and pouty lips are your best assets so capitalize on them.

14. This " lattice analogy'seeks to capitalize on well - established methods for analysis of framed structures.

15. The rebels seem to be trying to capitalize on the public's discontent with the government.

16. All political candidates are men of the moment, and all capitalize on their greatest strength.

17. You must capitalize on your opportunities to give full play to your professional knowledge.

18. 29 The rebels seem to be trying to capitalize on the public's discontent with the government.

19. But the company, which specialized in minicomputers, failed to capitalize on the switch to personal computers.

20. Several other social simulation games have emerged to capitalize on the success of The Sims.

21. In Chapter we consider how individuals and organizations can capitalize on the new manager experience.

22. Expect the best. Prepare for the worst. Capitalize on what comes. Zig Ziglar 

23. To capitalize on the cross-cultural appeal of chile peppers, the bottle is labeled in five languages.

24. Both will capitalize on the beautiful assets already in place in Ventura -- the views, the ocean, the clean air.

25. William of Orange was able to capitalize on the anti-French sentiment to become ruler of the Netherlands.

26. To capitalize on this effective predation of boll weevils by ants, unnecessary applications of insecticides should be eliminated.

27. Capitalize on that energy and initiate discussions about how the two of you may further conjoin your lives.

28. She's an A student, and she's actually actively looking for ways to capitalize on her social networking skills.

29. Politically motivated intellectuals tended not to fall silent on receiving official positions but to capitalize on their prominence.

30. One columnist suggested that the government capitalize on the vendors' street stalls by turning them into tourist attractions.

31. And between 1150 and 1300, the Inca around Cusco began to capitalize on a major warming trend in the Andes.

32. If user searches coincide with your product offerings, whether exactly or tangentially, you have an opportunity capitalize on that interest.

33. Eager to capitalize on the commercial potential of his designs, he launched a collection of stark, monochrome headscarves for ladies.

34. To capitalize on the cross-cultural appeal of chile peppers[sentence dictionary], the bottle is labeled in five languages.

35. With its preeminent worldwide Web-hosting position, Verio is strategically poised to capitalize on the global electronic commerce explosion.

36. The Bank is moving to capitalize on Indonesia's current program of decentralizing power to the country's more than 400 local governments.

37. Often, conservative ex-communists, impatient radicals or politicians seeking to capitalize on popular discontent can give presidents a hard ride.

38. She earned her first Filmfare nomination as Best Actress but couldn't capitalize on her success since she couldn't speak Hindi.

39. 3 With its preeminent worldwide Web-hosting position, Verio is strategically poised to capitalize on the global electronic commerce explosion.

40. In promoting technology development, cities have been able to capitalize on a growing number of state level programs and investments.

41. That's why the snake oil salesmen are so "successful" ... they capitalize on the feelings of inadequacies that other people have.

42. Such automated systems would also be potentially vulnerable to false information from people or agents hoping to capitalize on their correlated behaviour.

43. 30 The Bank is moving to capitalize on Indonesia's current program of decentralizing power to the country's more than 400 local governments.

44. The fact is that, rather than advancing the cause of equality, some political systems have sought to capitalize on supposed racial inequalities.

45. The colony was conceived by the Dutch West India Company [WIC] in 1621 to capitalize on the North American fur trade.

46. Papen wanted to capitalize on the situation by breaking the mould of the Constitution and ruling by force against right and left.

47. A second classification was made using a supervised approach so that we could capitalize on our local knowledge of the study area.

48. That's why the snake oil salesmen are so "successful" ... they capitalize on the feelings of inadequacies that other people have. I think that's horrible.

49. 20 Such automated systems would also be potentially vulnerable to false information from people or agents hoping to capitalize on their correlated behaviour.

50. But the CFO said Microsoft was ready to launch new products into the soft market, looking to capitalize on the recovery when it comes.


Tiếng Anh Capitalize
Tiếng Việt tận dụng
Chủ đề Tài chính doanh nghiệp & Kế toán Báo cáo tài chính

Để tận dụng vốn là ghi lại chi phí / chi phí trên bảng cân đối với mục đích trì hoãn ghi nhận đầy đủ chi phí. Nhìn chung chi phí vốn hóa có lợi vì các công ty có được tài sản mới với tuổi thọ dài hạn có thể khấu hao các chi phí. Điều này được gọi là quá trình viết hoa.

  • Capitalize là tận dụng.
  • Đây là thuật ngữ được sử dụng trong lĩnh vực Tài chính doanh nghiệp & Kế toán Báo cáo tài chính.

Ý nghĩa - Giải thích

Capitalize nghĩa là tận dụng.

Để tận dụng tài sản là một phần quan trọng của kế toán tài chính hiện đại và cần thiết để điều hành một doanh nghiệp. Tuy nhiên, báo cáo tài chính có thể bị thao túng, ví dụ: Khi chi phí được sử dụng thay vì vốn hóa. Nếu điều này xảy ra, thu nhập hiện tại sẽ bị thổi phồng với chi phí của các giai đoạn trong tương lai mà theo đó khấu hao thêm sẽ được tính.

Definition: To capitalize is to record a cost/expense on the balance sheet for the purposes of delaying full recognition of the expense. In general, capitalizing expenses is beneficial as companies acquiring new assets with long-term lifespans can amortize the costs. This is known as the process of capitalization.

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