Can I upgrade my laptop processor from i5 to i7 MacBook Pro

Madhav-3969 asked Oct 5, '21 | BillOwen-4794 published 7 hours ago

Windows 11 Incompatible with i7 Processor

I have a gaming laptop with i7-7700HQ processor, 4 cores, 8GB ram etc. However, my PC isn't compatible [a lot i7 cores are compatible, for some reason, this one is not]

Should I install windows 11 using the other methods that were discussed online? It just seems like downloading an OS when it is not officially supported by your processor would be a bad idea. I remember reading somewhere that windows might not even roll out updates for users who have installed windows 11 in any other way.

Also, is windows working on releasing a build that would work on this processor?

Please help. I desperately want to download Windows 11, but don't want to make any rash decisions.

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DanishMohammedE-7284 · Oct 06 at 06:04 AM

Same issue here. Its frustrating

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MikoGorospe-0375 · Oct 05 at 04:23 AM

We got the same problem even though it's says on their website that it's compatible

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MikoGorospe-0375 MikoGorospe-0375 · Oct 05 at 04:29 AM

mybad i look though it again and it is not compatible for some reason.

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Madhav-3969 MikoGorospe-0375 · Oct 05 at 04:41 AM

Yup, for some reason, this particular processor is not compatible. It is so confusing and irritating, I have been patiently waiting for this release since half a year now, and I can't even download it, while a lot of my peers who have lower intel processors have because weirdly they are compatible.

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WissamFaris-2819 MikoGorospe-0375 · Nov 14 at 08:43 AM

same problem , I have core i7 10700 and it says it is'not supportes by win11

any help

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ViniciusOliveira-4325 · Oct 06 at 03:23 AM

It's a shame that it does not support! I'm at the same page, with a pretty powerful machine and since I knew it has TPM 2.0 I didn't even bother about the update. Until I've enter in the Health Chekc today and it is stated that it does not support Windows 11 by default. And it's funny, even though there are not many differences between the 7th gen and 8th gen CPUs, Microsoft only released support to 7th gen CPU for the ones that are present in their Surface laptops that are still being sold today.

Came on Microsoft, release Windows 11 for every computer that has TPM 2.0 or at least are from 2015 or newer. Or the odds of we having once again a OS that has no presence in the marketshare is huge. I'm certainly be moving to Linux for sure and will be using only Windows once in a while for games.!


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IanTully-4400 ViniciusOliveira-4325 · Oct 11 at 04:52 PM

If they really have only made this available for Surface compatible processors then I think the other manufacturers should be making loud complaints. Clearly it is not about generations as lots of i3 machines are listed, nor about power since there are cheap Celeron ones too. I bought my i7 HP laptop expecting it to be relatively future proof, not out-of-date a mere three years later, with no explanation from Microsoft, Intel or HP.

There needs to be greater clarity on what specs we need to keep relatively abreast of Microsoft's changes, it should not be a lottery, with the occasional processor a "rogue" where future developments are concerned.

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Madhav-3969 ViniciusOliveira-4325 · Oct 06 at 05:14 AM

I share the exact same sentiments as you do, thanks for letting me know I am not alone in this.

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nel-prinsloo Madhav-3969 · Nov 19 at 03:54 AM

I feel exactly the same. When I bought my HP Omen with the i7 7700HQ processor I definitely expected it to be future proof. I know there was one previous Windows 10 Update which was also said to be incompatible with this processor, but eventually it installed and worked without a problem. If I remember correctly it was towards the end of 2018 with one of the major Windows 10 updates.
Unfortunately I'm a software developer so I need Windows since I'm developing software for it, but unless they bridge the compatibility gap, I'll stay on Windows 10 for the time being.
I am disappointed that they are not responding to any requests to provide an understandable explanation why this particular processor is not compatible. Surely there must be something they can do if they want Windows 11 to have a good market share?

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DesmondFial-8298 · Oct 06 at 10:42 AM

To be honest this is a bad move on microsoft part.
And it would be a good idea for them to fix this NOW.
II also have this processor in my laptop and also i can't update to win11 [the rest is of the systeem req are green]

Also this REALLLLY is a good idea during the CHIP CHIP CHIP CHIP shortage.

SO Microsoft don't MAKE me buy a new gaming laptop AGAIN this one is not even 3 years old [something something E-WASTE]

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RyoAoki-4197 · Oct 07 at 10:41 PM

Dear in the pciture ,the url belongs to a version of windows 10, please check this link that it is from the version of windows 11:

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KapilArya answered Oct 5, '21

I have a gaming laptop with i7-7700HQ processor, 4 cores, 8GB ram etc

Unfortunately, this processor is not compatible for Windows 11, according to Microsoft. The screenshot you provided has a browser window with URL to Windows 10 V1709 supported processors.

Check with official Windows 11 list of supported processors: //

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LimitlessTechnology-2700 answered Oct 5, '21 | nel-prinsloo commented Nov 19, '21

Hi there,

For a PC that doesn't support Windows 11, you will get an update named 21H2 which is similar to Windows 11. I also will not suggest you to update via clean install as your PC might be struck without an update and be open to security threats. So the best way would be to update to Windows 10 21H2.

If the reply is helpful, please Upvote and Accept it as an answer

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Madhav-3969 · Oct 05 at 03:48 PM


thanks a ton for your answer. I researched about the 21H2 update, and it doesn't really provide us with any functionality of windows 11. Do you think that microsoft might roll out a windows 11 update in the near future, which would allow other processors [such as mine] to install it?

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nel-prinsloo · Nov 19 at 04:02 AM

I already have this update 21H2 installed on my laptop. To say that it is like Windows 11 is just untrue. It is like Windows 10 update 21H2. It doesn't have any of the features promised with Windows 11.

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Reza-Ameri answered Oct 5, '21 | BillOwen-4794 published 7 hours ago

Since your microprocessor is not ready, I advise you to open start and search for feedback and open Feedback Hub app and add a report and ask to make this processor compatible.

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nel-prinsloo · Oct 31 at 03:28 PM

Thank you for this suggestion. I sent feedback via the feedback hub. It will be interesting to see if Microsoft will explain why the Intel[R] Core[TM] i7-7700HQ CPU @ 2.80GHz 2.81 GHz is not compatible while many lesser processors are.

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DerrickFarthing-8546 · Nov 04 at 07:49 PM

I have the same i7 7700 issue and have sent in a message via the feedback hub... However I'm not sure anything will come back! Please everybody do the same in the hope that Microsoft may eventually add this great cpu to the list. My pc is 3 years old and i7 7700 is the highest ranked cpu the motherboard will take. It is the most stable and excellent gaming pc [also used for home/office work].

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nel-prinsloo · Nov 19 at 04:27 AM

Thank you for this. I followed your advice and submitted a case via the Feedback Hub.
I mentioned that when I bought my laptop approximately 3 years ago it was one of the most expensive on the market. People told me I'm silly since I'm not even a gamer, but I need a good machine for software development. I also stated that there is no way in which I am now going to spend the same amount of money again to replace it and I will certainly not buy a cheaper i3 or i5 just to be able to run Windows 11.
I definitely believe we are at least owed a good explanation if there really is some characteristic of this processor that makes it totally incompatible. But as someone said before - unless Microsoft makes Windows 11 user-friendly and easy to migrate to, they are definitely going to sit with the same issue they had with all the versions of Windows that came between Windows 95 and Windows XP. I never upgraded because I heard how much everyone else was complaining about those versions. And Windows 95 worked for me. In those days I did very little Microsoft development and most of my work was on linux - so I'm not saying that it will be as easy for me to do now since all my dev work is now with Microsoft products.

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MichaelKloppel-1050 nel-prinsloo · Nov 20 at 07:02 PM

Intel was quite aware that Windows 11 was being released. Intel and AMD are not required to create the drivers to make their older processors compatible with Windows 11. That said, there are alternatives to Windows 11 if the need be.

I will slide into a Linux release. Linux is no where as easy to use as Windows but once it is installed and setup it works very well. You get an interface that in some ways looks like Windows but the machine operates more like an Apple / Macintosh or Android device. Many of us are familiar with Android OS and some of us have used Macs the interface is similar to both Windows and Apple / Macintosh. Linux based operating systems have a smooth learning curve that most of us can master.

Thus if Microsoft does not create a Windows 11 release that accepts many more common CPUs then LINUX here I COME!

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BillOwen-4794 · 7 hours ago

His processor is just fine.
It's Microsoft who is not ready.

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Rahil answered Oct 6, '21 | DesmondFial-8298 commented Oct 6, '21

I have the same issue. Having HP-OMEN with Intel Core i7-7700HQ CPU @ 2.80 Ghz, 16GB Ram. It's such a shame to own such high-end laptop configuration and yet not able to update to Windows 11. I hope some fix comes for the same in future.

Also, 21H2 is not in any ways similar to Windows 11.

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DanishMohammedE-7284 · Oct 06 at 07:33 AM

Is there any chance? I have the same issue

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Rahil DanishMohammedE-7284 · Oct 06 at 07:43 AM

We all are waiting for any help from Microsoft. Nothing more than that,,

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DesmondFial-8298 · Oct 06 at 10:44 AM

same here i have the same laptop with the same specs

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AmrMohamed-3954 answered Oct 7, '21 | AmrMohamed-3954 published Oct 7, '21

I am waiting an update soon on this, i7-7700hq is not weak processor!
and this is a very ugly move from Microsoft.

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ZoltnKovcs-5710 answered Oct 8, '21 | ZoltnKovcs-5710 published Oct 8, '21

Same problem with Intel Core i7-7700HQ, kinda unacceptable...

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AliKeserwan-7780 answered Oct 8, '21

Same problem here with the same processor, I submitted a question via Feedback hub.
I hope they reply back.

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DeeCarver-7567 answered Oct 8, '21

I also have an HP Omen with the i7 CPU. The fact that the i7 CPUs are now being denied the update when previously they were approved is disappointing. I know of a few beta testers that ran Windows 11 just fine during the testing phase with the same processor.

I do not game on my Omen but use it for work, however, Steam came out with a Linux OS for Steam Games that seems to work really well. I am trying to be patient and wait until the end of the year before making any final changes, however, if this issue is not fixed, then like others I will convert my system to Linux and be done with Windows.

We should at least be given the option to do the upgrade and then if it causes a problem with our systems then that is on the user themselves.

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JheiBalisi-5716 answered Oct 9, '21

I have MSI 7RDx. Pretty much new, nearly 3 years old. And they don't support it. I checked with the chat support and all they said when I asked they don't support 7th gen is due to security reasons. Oh well, pretty much anything can be done now with Mac/Linux/Android. Might as well not buy new Laptop just to get Windows 11. Nothing much you can do these days for windows 11 only. Probably gaming but, hey you can do that a lot in Android so, bye?

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RoshHashannah answered Oct 9, '21 | RoshHashannah edited Oct 9, '21

I have an Acer Predator 15, i7 7700HQ, 16gm RAM and 6GB NVidia GTX 1660 - NOT COMPATIBLE WITH WINDOWS 11!!!

My other laptop that has an i3 7020U with 8 GB RAM - IS COMPATIBLE WITH WINDOWS 11!!!!!

This is just............................. come on man :/

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