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Bài đọc hiểu tiếng Anh lớp 10 có rất nhiều dạng và đây là một phần khá quan trọng trong chương trình tiếng Anh. Nhiều bạn vẫn hay gặp khó khăn trong việc giải các bài đọc. Trong bài viết này, KISS English sẽ chia sẻ cho các bạn về các dạng bài đọc hiểu tiếng anh lớp 10.

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Bài Đọc Hiểu Tiếng Anh Lớp 10 Cơ Bản

Bài Đọc Hiểu Tiếng Anh Lớp 10 Cơ Bản

Đề 1

Read the passage and choose the correct answer.

To do well at school, college or university you usually need to do well in exams. “All students hate exams” may be a generalization, but it is fairly true one. Certainly, all of the students I’ve known disliked doing exams, None of them thought that the exam system was fair; to do well in a exam you simply had to be able to predict the questions which would be asked, This was the case as regards tow students in my class at college. Both of them were exceptionally bright, but in the final year “exam” neither of them got an A grade. In fact, they both got Cs. The exam had tested us on questions which had come up the previous year. They had both assumed that the same questions wouldn’t come up again, and hadn’t prepared for them.

  1. Students need to do well in exams __________.
  2. In order to do well at school.
  3. Because they need to do well at school.
  4. So that to do well at school.
  5. Therefore they have to do well at school.
  1. The statement “ All students hate exams” is _________.
  2. extremely true
  3. completely true
  4. quite true
  5. very true
  1. Which of the following sentences is not true?
  2. All of the students the writer has known thought that the exam system was unfair.
  3. To do well in an exam you simply had the ability to predict the questions which would be asked.
  4. None of the students the writer has known disliked doing exams.
  5. “ All students hate exams” is fairly true generalization.
  1. Why did the two students in the writer’s class get C grades in the final exam?
  2. Because the exam was very difficult.
  3. Because they didn’t prepare for the questions that had come up the previous year.
  4. Because they were dull students.
  5. Because the questions weren’t in their lesson.
  1. The writer’s main purpose of writing the passage is to _________________________.
  2. describe the importance of exams.
  3. discuss how exams effect on the students.
  4. explain the equality in examinations.
  5. criticize the exam system.

Đề 2

Read the passage carefully and choose the correct answer

Every year people in many countries learn English. Some of them are young children. Others are teenagers. Many are adults. Some learn at school. Others study by themselves. A few learn English just by hearing the language in film, on television, in the office or among their friends. Most people must work hard to learn English.

Why do these all people learn English? It is not difficult to answer this question.

Many boys and girls learn English at school because it is one of their subjects. Many adults learn English because it is useful for their work. Teenagers often learn English for their higher studies because some of their books are in English at college or university. Other people learn English because they want to read newspapers or magazines in English.

1. According to the writer. English is learn by _____________.

  1. young children
  2. adults
  3. teenagers
  4. all are correct

2. Most people learn English by ____________.

  1. themselves
  2. hearing the language on television
  3. working hard on the lesson
  4. speaking English to their friends

3. Where do many boys and girls learn English?

  1. at home
  2. in the office
  3. in evening class
  4. at school

4. Teenagers learn English because ___________.

  1. It’s useful for their higher studies
  2. it’s one of their subjects.
  3. They want to master it.
  4. a and c are correct.

5. Why do many adults learn English?

  1. Because they want to see movies in English.
  2. Because they need it for their job.
  3. Because they are forced to learn.
  4. Because it’s not difficult to learn.

Đề 3

Read the passage carefully then answer the questions

More than two hundred years ago, the term “ environmental pollution” was quite strange to people. They lived healthily, drank pure water, and breathed fresh air. Nowadays, the situation is quite different. People all over the world are worried about things that are happening to the environment. Actually, it is man that is destroying the surroundings with many kinds of waste. Everybody knows that motorbikes and cars emit dangerous gases that cause poisonous air and cancer, but no one wants to travel on foot or by bicycle. Manufacturers know that wastes from factories make water and soil polluted, but they do not want to spend a lot of their money on treating the wastes safely. Scattering rubbish is bad for our health, but no one wants to spend time burying it. Is it worth talking a lot about pollution?

1. More than two hundred years ago _____________.

  1. the environment was polluted as much as it is today.
  2. people knew nothing about environmental pollution.
  3. air was polluted badly
  4. people were faced with pollution.

2. In former days, people ____________.

  1. led a healthy life
  2. lived in the polluted environment
  3. were worried about pollution
  4. drank contaminated water

3. Nowadays, many people are concerned about ___________.

  1. the destruction of the poisonous air.
  2. the polluted water
  3. the wastes from the factories.
  4. the pollution of the environment.

4. Everybody knows that cars emit dangerous gases ______________.

  1. so they do not travel by car
  2. so they prefer traveling by bicycle
  3. but they still prefer traveling by car
  4. and they enjoy traveling on foot.

5. Factory owners _____________.

  1. know nothing about pollution
  2. have no awareness of pollution
  3. treat wastes from their factories safely
  4. do not want to spend money on treating the waste safely

6. It’s harmful for our health _______________.

  1. if rubbish is pleaded over our sea
  2. If we don’t scatter our rubbish
  3. if we spend time on gathering rubbish
  4. if rubbish is buried

Đề 4

Read the passage carefully, then choose the correct answer Lớp 9

It is estimated that about 200 million people use the Internet computer network around the world. The Internet allows people to work at home instead of traveling to work. The Internet allows businesses to communicate with customers and workers in any part of the world for the cost of a local telephone call. E.mail allows users to send documents, pictures, and other data from one part of the world to another in at least 5 minutes. People can use the Internet to do shopping. This saves a lot of time. It is possible to use the Internet for education – students may connect with their teachers from home to send or receive emails or talk about their problems “online” rather than attend a class.

1. The Internet allows people ______________.

  1. to stay at home and rest
  2. not to work
  3. to travel to work
  4. to work at home

2. To a business, the Internet is ____________ to communicate with customers.

  1. a cheap way
  2. a very expensive way
  3. an inconvenient way
  4. a difficult way

3. Email can be use to send ________________.

  1. documents
  2. information
  3. data
  4. all are correct

4. It takes _______________ to do the shopping on the Internet.

  1. a lot of time
  2. a little time
  3. less time
  4. more time

5. To use the Internet for education is ________________.

  1. impossible
  2. possible
  3. inconvenient
  4. difficult

Bài Đọc Hiểu Tiếng Anh Lớp 10 Chọn Lọc

Bài Đọc Hiểu Tiếng Anh Lớp 10 Chọn Lọc

1: Read the following passage and mark the letter A, B, C, or D on your answer sheet to choose the word or phrase that best fits each of the numbered blanks from 1 to 5.

Left-handers are the odd ones out. Sure, lefties [1] ______up about 10 percent of the population – but, frankly, it seems like society has forgotten about them. Just consider all of the right-handed gadgets, awkwardly designed desks, and cooking tools that fit comfortably only in your right hand. What [2] ______someone to become a lefthand? Scientists aren’t exactly sure, but research points to a complex [3] ______between genes and environment While no exact set of “leftie genes” have been discovered, people who dominantly use their left hands do have more left-handed family members. And researchers have found different brain wirings in righties vs. lefties. But no matter [4] ______it is that drives someone to use their antipodal paw, science has also uncovered a particular set of personality traits that left-handed people tend to have. So for all of you lefties, leftie-loving righties, and ambidextrous folks out there – it’s time to brush up on your left-handed knowledge and help [5] ______an end to leftie discrimination once and for all.

Question 1: A. consist B. account C. hold D. make Question 2: A. causes B. makes C. gets D. does Question 3: A. collaborate B. collaboration C. collaborating D. collaborated Question 4: A. which B. who C. what D. that Question 5: A. put B. bring C. make D. take

2: Read the following passage and mark the letter A, B, C, or D on your answer sheet to indicate the correct answer to each of the questions from 6 to 12.

Successful students often do the followings while studying. First, they have an overview before reading. Next, they look for important information and pay greater attention to it [which often needs jumping forward or backward to process information]. They also relate important points to one another. Also, they activate and use their prior knowledge. When they realize that their understanding is not good, they do not wait to change strategies. Last, they can monitor understanding and take action to correct or “fix up” mistakes in comprehension. Conversely, students with low academic achievement often demonstrate ineffective study skills. They tend to assume a passive role, in learning and rely on others [e.g., teachers, parents] to monitor their studying, for example, low-achieving students often do not monitor their understanding of content; they may not be aware of the purpose of studying; and they show little evidence of looking back, or employing “fix-up” strategies to fix understanding problems. Students who struggle with learning new information seem to be unaware that they must extent effort beyond simply reading the content to understand and remember it. Children with learning disabilities do not plan and judge the quality of their studying. Their studying may be disorganized. Students with learning problems face challenges with personal organization as well. They often have difficulty keeping track of materials and assignments, following directions, and completing work on time. Unlike good studiers who employ a variety of study skills in a flexible yet purposeful manner, low-achieving students use a restricted range of study skills. They cannot explain why good study strategies are important for learning; and they tend to use the same, often ineffective study approach for all learning tasks, ignoring task content, structure or difficulty.

[Source: Adapted from Study Skills: Managing Your Learning — NUI Galway]

Question 6: What is the topic of the passage?

  1. Successful and low-academic achieving students
  2. Successful learners and their learning strategies
  3. Study skills for high school students
  4. Effective and ineffective ways of learning

Question 7: The word “prior” in the first paragraph is the closest meaning to ______?

  1. important
  2. earlier
  3. forward
  4. good

Question 8: According to the passage, what can be learned about passive students?

  1. They depend on other people to organize their learning
  2. They are slow in their studying
  3. They monitor their understanding
  4. They know the purpose of studying

Question 9: Which of the followings is NOT an evidence of monitoring studying?

  1. Being aware of the purpose of studying
  2. Monitoring their understanding of content
  3. Fixing up mistakes in understanding
  4. Looking at their backs

Question 10: According to the passage, to learn new information, low-achieving students do


  1. just understand it
  2. relate it to what they have known
  3. simply remember it
  4. read it

Question 11: In compared with low-achieving students, successful students use______.

  1. aimless study techniques
  2. various study skills
  3. restricted strategies
  4. inflexible study ways

Question 12: The underlined pronoun “They” in the last sentence refers to______.

  1. study strategies
  2. study skills
  3. low-achieving students
  4. good studiers

3: Read the following passage and mark the letter A, B, c, or D on your answer sheet to indicate the correct answer to each of the questions from 13 to 20.

Pollution emitted in industrial areas represents a threat to human health and the surrounding natural resources. We have a tendency to believe that the production processes are the only source of environmental damage, and often forget about the possible long-term effects of harmful production practices. We may think that the closure of these huge industrial areas would improve the quality of the environment. Unfortunately, this ignores the threat of the remaining waste, which is abandoned and poorly stored. It represents an even bigger danger because it stands neglected as it degrades and leaks into the earth without any control at all.

Changes in the water chemistry due to surface water contamination can affect all levels of an ecosystem. It can affect the health of lower food chain organisms and, consequently, the availability of food up through the food chain. It can damage the health of wetlands and damage their ability to support healthy ecosystems, control flooding, and filter pollutants from storm water runoff. The health of animals and humans are affected when they drink or bathe in contaminated water. In addition water-based organisms, like fish and shellfish, can pile up and concentrate contaminants in their bodies. When other animals or humans eat these organisms, they receive a much higher dose of contaminant than they would have if they had been directly exposed to the original contamination.

Contaminated groundwater can badly affect animals, plants and humans if it is removed from the ground by manmade or natural processes. Depending on the study of rocks of the area, groundwater may rise to the surface through springs or seeps, flow sideways into nearby rivers, streams, or ponds, or sink deeper into the earth. In many parts of fhe world, groundwater is pumped out of the ground to be used for drinking, bathing, other household uses, agriculture, and industry.

Contaminants in the soil can harm plants when they take up the contamination through their roots. Eating, breathing in, or touching contaminated soil, as well as eating plants or animals that have piled up soil contaminants can badly affect the health of humans and animals.

Air pollution can cause breathing-related problems and other bad health effects as contaminants are absorbed from the lungs into other parts of the body. Certain air contaminants can also harm animals and humans when they contact the skin. Plants rely on breathing for their growth and can also be affected by exposure to contaminants moved in the air.

Question 13: What is the topic of the passage?

  1. Sources of environmental damage
  2. The pollution from the city
  3. Bad effects of industrial waste
  4. The quality of the environment

Question 14: According to the passage, the industry is likely to be thought as______.

  1. a danger to the environment
  2. the only source of pollution
  3. the utmost harmful activity
  4. a threat to human health

Question 15: The word “it” in the first paragraph refers to______.

  1. the remaining waste
  2. a danger
  3. the environment
  4. the threat of the remaining waste

Question 16: Which of the followings affect an ecosystem as the whole?

  1. Surface water contamination
  2. Soil contamination
  3. Groundwater contamination
  4. Air contamination

Question 17: According to the passage, which of the followings supports healthy ecosystems?

  1. Lower food chain organisms
  2. Animals
  3. Water-based organisms
  4. Wetlands

Question 18: Which of the followings is NOT badly affected by contaminated groundwater?

  1. Human
  2. Plants
  3. Rocks
  4. Animals

Question 19: Which of the followings is the flow of water from the ground to the surface?

  1. Streams
  2. Ponds
  3. Rivers
  4. Springs

Question 20: Which of the followings has the closest meaning to the word “absorbed” in the last paragraph?

  1. Consumed
  2. Taken in
  3. Swallowed
  4. Piled up

Full PDF: //drive.google.com/file/d/1jZnCAcO5Qsg1dxFAis6kvaK2Btb0bXek/view

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