At one time là gì

at one time nghĩa là gì, định nghĩa, các sử dụng và ví dụ trong Tiếng Anh. Cách phát âm at one time giọng bản ngữ. Từ đồng nghĩa, trái nghĩa của at one time.

Từ điển Anh Anh - Wordnet

  • at one time


    at a time: simultaneously

    he took three cookies at a time

    Synonyms: at once

    once: at a previous time;

    at one time he loved her

    her erstwhile writing

    she was a dancer once

    Synonyms: formerly, erstwhile, erst

Chưa có Tiếng Việt cho từ này, bạn vui lòng tham khảo bản Tiếng Anh. Đóng góp nội dung vui lòng gửi đến [chúng tôi sẽ có một phần quà nhỏ dành cho bạn].

Once the page was picked up by search engines, the number of new and one-time visitors increased significantly.

The economic value of a one-time campaign to supplement such a high coverage two-dose vaccination programme depends on the historical vaccination coverage.

By design, many online encounters are intended as short-term or one-time interactions.

Both minor and major toxic events produced a one-time cost increase and quality-of-life reduction.

These are reported, one-time events in the form of a narrative statement or story.

The married couple included the daughter of a landowning family of one-time gentry elites and the son of a low-status family.

Unlike one-time sales, subscriptions generate steady cash flow and provide a convenient benchmark by which to measure growth.

With habitual stories, the imperfect was true, and the preterite was false; with one-time event stories, the preterite was true, whereas the imperfect was false.

However, the norms and values are not a one-time influence but an ongoing process, continuously needing to be constructed and reconstructed through interactions.

All one-time costs are annualized over a 10-year horizon, using a discount rate of 5% [13].

Strategy 4 : strategy 3+a one-time campaign targeted at age groups f15 years, with

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