yu gi oh là gì - Nghĩa của từ yu gi oh

yu gi oh có nghĩa là

Yu-Gi-Oh, although a brilliant anime and manga, is misunderstood by most North American lamers. Recently, uncut versions of the show were released, and have been selling like crazy. I was very happy when I found out they were making uncut versions. Anyway lamers, lets clear your lamer minds.

1. The English version sucks because it is badly dubber [although, the English track on the uncut DVDS is pretty good...though most of you probably watch it subbed anyway.
2. It is not a kids show. The unedited version of the show is rated PG to TV14 and the manga is rated teen.
3. The whole "OMG! JAPAN IS USING IT TO SELL US THEIR CRAP THING!!!!" is also lame, the real first season of Yu-Gi-Oh didn't invlove cards at all, but people liked the idea of the issue of the manga he did use them so he decided to use them more.
4. If you make fun of someone for playing this, you might as well go make fun of people for playing Halo and chess. THEY ARE FREAKING GAMES! Who cares if you don't like them? People like to have their fun.


Yu-Gi-Oh is a good anime/manga series if you look over lame stereotypes and give it a chance.

yu gi oh có nghĩa là

An anime that was hacked up and turned into 4Kids' latest kiddie cash cow.


"I will send your mind... to the SHADOW REALM!"
"Wait, you're going to kill him?"

yu gi oh có nghĩa là

An anime cartoon that is spliced and edited for american viewers to make it even crappier than it already is. Yugi, the main character apparently is always hopped up on crack because his eyes are friggin huge. He also has a split personality. Because he gets all serious and talks like a cheesey sports announcer. The only thing they do in the cartoon is stand on a podium thingy and shout commands to card that have come 'alive' on an outrageous 3-D computer generator thing. If I have offended 9 year olds or loser 25 year olds who like yu gi oh, well FUCK YOU. :]


sony roolz slaps the salami to YU-Gi-Oh.

yu gi oh có nghĩa là

1. Pronounced by elite purist fans as "Yuugiou", the Japanese spelling.
2. A mutilation of the decent Japanese anime show.
3. Not a Pokemon and Digimon ripoff
4. A CCG game played by children and teens alike.
5. An anime containing the character Yugi. Purist form: Yuugi Has star-shaped hair.


Flamer: "Yu-Gi-Oh is a crappy little kids' show."
Purist: "Yuugiou, fool! And it kicks ass!"

yu gi oh có nghĩa là

A terribly dubbed anime from 4Kids Entertainment. Funny as hell, but only if you know HOW to watch it. Too serious to be a Kids show, not serious enough to be a soap opera. Hence the humor.


"*snort* BWAHAHA!! Lookit his eye twitch! WHOSE eye twitches when they see a CARD!? HAHAHA!"

yu gi oh có nghĩa là

Definition 1 - an anime from Japan that was butchered to make it a little kids show. However, in Japan it was not a little kids show, but, thanx to censores, a lot of people in north america believe it to be a little kids show do to the crappy editing and cheesy voice-overs. The show was very good in Japan, however.

Definition 2 - a tcg [trading card game] that is popular throughout the world. Contrary to popular belief, the game is NOT a "little kids" baby card game, the rules and to complex and advanced for little kids to understand. And most of the good players are between the ages of 15 and 25. So its unfair for ignorant, immature people who dont play and dont understand how to play to mock it just because they dont understand it. The game is very fun and requires a lot of intelligence and strategizing. Immature people like to mock it because they aren't intelligent enough to understand how to play, so they make fun of the game to feel better about themselves.


non-yu-gi-oh player - "haha u queer, you play yu-gay-ho. haha!"

yu-gi-oh player - "thats fine, at least i'm doing something productive that is not harmful to anybody, what are you doing, besides demonstrating your immaturity and ignorance?"

yu gi oh có nghĩa là

A really fucked up card game that needs to be destroyed because it sucks hind leg!


yo dude that yu gi oh is so fucked up to the extreme!

yu gi oh có nghĩa là

A messed up shitacular spinoff of the greatest card game ever, Magic: The Gathering, to just appeal to eight-year-old boys whose playmates are forty-year-old gay men/priests and animals.


Yu gi oh. What a messed up name.

yu gi oh có nghĩa là

A card game that was origionally a spoof of Magic: The gathering in the cartoon and called Magic and Wizards Fans of the cartoon thought loved it so it was made into a card game.


"I just bought some new Yu-Gi-Oh cards at the mall tody."

yu gi oh có nghĩa là

An awesome anime and manga, that people need to stop saying is crap. Fangirls write fanfiction about said show, and often use shippings. Their favourite being puzzle, tender and bronze. Which includes the hikaris and yamis. Though 4Kids Entertainment did ruin the English dub by removing all violence. LittleKuriboh also created an abridged series around said show.
The show being about 16 year old Yugi Mutou [Yugi Moto] [being the height of a 10 year old] who is inhabited by The nameless pharoah [who we later find out is called Atem] who resides in the boys Millenium Puzzle. Yugi being the proclaimed King of Games, he attends Domino High along with friends Anzu Mazaki [Tea Gardener], Katusuya Jonouchi [Joey Wheeler] and Hiroto Honda [Tristan Taylor] and Ryo Bakura [Bakura] Seto Kaiba is another main character and sets up many tornaments to try and beat Yugi.
The show is set around Duel Monsters which is a card game in which you reduce your oppoets life points to 0. The cards are spilt into 3 catergories, Monster, Trap and Spell [Magic]. The Monsters split into different types such as gravekeeprs, spellcasters, warrior, fairy, occult, burn, insect etc
Main antagonists in the show are Pegasus Crawford [Maxamillion Pegasus], Marik Ishtar, Yami Marik, Yami Bakura [Ryo being one of Yugi's friends], Noah Kaiba, Akhenaden and Zorc Necrophades [Zorc the Dark One].


"Hey you watch Yu-Gi-Oh! last night?"
"Yeah. What else would I do."

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