YouTube playlist missing videos

Anonymous #1
Report Thread starter 2 years ago
My saved and personal playlists have completely disappeared. These were numerous years worth of important videos and now have vanished. I refreshed multiple times however, they have not returned at all! I know 100% that I didn't delete them and checked this, over 30 playlists have disappeared. I'm really upset and stressed about this whole situation which does not help my anxiety. Does anyone know why this has happened and please if there is any way to access those playlists or get them back?
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Report 2 years ago
I'm so sorry to hear this - I know how it feels to have lost something important to you and it giving you anxiety - I have lost my anxiety journal which personally panics me.

Have you contacted youtube / google? Their support team may be able to get it back for you? It may just be a glitch in the system.

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